You know what today is… My new favorite day of the week: Parfait Thursday! I decided to create Parfait Thursdays on TBV as a fun way to interact with my followers on Instagram and have people tag me in their parfait photos throughout the week. This week I have chosen to replicate the lovely Megan’s delicious parfait of blueberry oats, coconut yogurt and berries, and I snuck some granola in there too.
Megan is a young mother attending college working toward becoming a veterinarian. She cut meat out of her diet in December 2012, due to feeling sick from the physical effects of eating meat (like me!) and also because she hated the idea of knowing she had just eaten a once living animal. However, after becoming a vegetarian she still often felt sick after eating because she has a very sensitive stomach. She followed some popular vegan accounts online, and one morning she woke up and told herself she needed to try going vegan. She now says it’s one of the best decisions she has ever made!
Megan’s beautiful parfait photo.
Megan says her body has never felt better, and her attitude and energy levels have immensely improved. She loves making veggie sandwiches because they are easy to prepare with her busy schedule, and she also loves green smoothies – she and her daughter call it “fairy juice,” which I think is the cutest thing in the world.
I tried out Megan’s parfait this morning, and it was delicious. Thanks so much for sharing, beautiful girl!
– ½ cup oats
– ½ cup blueberries
– ½ cup coconut yogurt
– ½ cup sliced strawberries
– 1 handful of blackberries
– ¼ cup granola of choice
- Boil the oats in water until they are soaked all the way through.
- Blend the boiled oats with most of the blueberries until the oats have turned a nice shade of light blue.
- Pour into a glass or a jar, and top the oats with the remaining blueberries.
- Layer the coconut yogurt on top of the blueberries.
- Top the coconut yogurt with the strawberries, blackberries, and granola! Voila.
As far as other things in the works of TBV… we are currently working on the yoga section of the site, which should be up within the next week. I am SO excited to expand and share it with all of you. If you have any ideas or requests for what you’d like to see in the yoga section, shoot them my way! What I can promise is yoga poses of the week, instructional videos, fun yoga stories and lots of cool yoga quotes – I’m a quote junkie, remember?
I also had the opportunity to sit down with the founder of one of my favorite NYC health food restaurants this morning to do an interview with him for TBV… I’m going to keep the mystery alive until I post about it in a few days, but if you have been following me for a while you might be able to guess the place! (I eat there way too many times per week. It’s kind of unbeatable.)
And last, but not least, I have gotten some requests to post some recipes with less ingredients for those of us on the go. I am so up for the challenge, and I want to start by sharing this super simple green smoothie recipe that was my go-to throughout college when I had about 10 minutes, if I was lucky, to dedicate to breakfast prep each morning:
(Sorry for all the ledge pics. It’s the closest thing to an outdoor photo I can take in my apartment!)
– ½ cup kale
– ½ cup blueberries
– 1 very ripe banana
– 1 spoonful almond butter
– ½ cup almond milk
– 1 handful ice
– (optional: 1 tbsp vanilla hemp protein powder)
- Blend, pour into a glass, and suck it down!
- If you are extra crunched for time, prepare the ingredients the night before, stick them in a nifty little baggy in the fridge, and simply pour them into the blender in the morning!
Have a beautiful Thursday, everyone! I will leave you with this lovely Jack Johnson song lyric I had to write about for my class tonight: “There were so many fewer questions when stars were still just the holes to heaven.” Food for thought.