You all know that my obsession with granola runs deep. First it was Whole Foods Chia Ginger Superfood cereal, then it was my mom’s homemade granola recipe, then it was a few local Upstate New York brands, and now it’s Laurie’s Granola Creations “Happens to be Healthy” granola.
Happens to be Healthy is a fabulous combo of rolled oats, organic shredded coconut, natural raw almonds, organic coconut oil, organic coconut palm sugar, organic raw sunflower seeds, organic pumpkin seeds, organic sesame seeds, organic flax seeds, organic coconut nectar, and organic maple syrup. Does it sound sweet? … Because it is! In the best way, of course.
It’s also free of trans-fats, cholesterol, wheat, dairy, eggs, soy, refined sugar, GMOs, preservatives or artificial ingredients. I wouldn’t eat it if it wasn’t. Especially after this cray cray article I read yesterday about processed foods. (Just stay away from them – there is no excuse to eat factory-made food when you can eat whole, natural, plant-based goodness.)
Because of my new meal plan I am not really supposed to be eating granola, which is a huge bummer for now. But I am willing to do anything to get my stomach problems back on track, so I am giving it a try and seeing how it goes. For the sake of taking yummy food photos, I put a few clusters into my granola this morning and savored every bite!
Since last week’s giveaway on the blog was so much fun, I’ve decided I want to do them more often. This week I will be teaming up with Laurie’s Granola Creations to do a variety pack granola giveaway. There are four bags included in the giveaway – original, granola with organic dates (my personal favorite), granola with organic pineapple, and granola with organic apricots.
Trust me, coming from a granola expert, this stuff is good. To enter the giveaway just comment below telling me why you’d like to try the granola, and briefly sharing your health journey and what lead you to wanting to lead a healthier lifestyle. If you have Instagram, follow @Lauries_Granola_Creations on there as well. If not, specify in your comment that you don’t have Instagram! It won’t affect your entry if you do not have an IG.
What can you do with granola? Some of my favorite ways to eat it are:
– Use it as a green smoothie topping
– Drizzle it with agave/honey/liquid stevia and eating with ½ banana and some cacao nibs for dessert or a snack
– Use it as a coconut yogurt topping to make a layered parfait (see my recipe section for specific parfait recipes)
– Eat it right outta the bag!
– Use it as an oatmeal topping, as I have in this recipe.
P.S. Thank you all so much for the unbelievable amount of support with my stomach troubles and yesterday’s post about my nutritionist visit. It blows me away how many people have had similar problems and how much love and positivity you all have to share. Please continue reaching out. It seriously makes my day. You all rock!!! I am a lucky blogger gal. 🙂
Flax Seed Oats with Crunchy Granola
½ cup dry oats (I use gluten-free Bob’s Red Mill)
1 cup water
1 tablespoon flaxseed meal (same as ground flaxseed or flax powder)
½ banana and/or ½ cup berries
Several shakes cinnamon
2 tablespoons granola
1. Boil the oats in water over medium-high heat until fully boiled. This should take about 5-10 minutes.
2. Once boiled, stir in flaxseed and cinnamon.
3. Pour into a bowl, top with fruit and granola. Enjoy!
Nutrition Info: