Hey guys! It’s Friday, yahoo! Am I the only one who had an insane whirlwind of a week? (And it certainly didn’t help that I was majorly hung over from the Hamptons… wait, I think I still am.)
Actually, it may have helped, because when I am coming off of a long weekend or vacation I am extra motivated to get back on top of my shit and have a super productive week. Annnd I work a hell of a lot harder when I have a lot on my plate, and right now I am basically swimming in work and projects. ]
Let me give y’all a little sneakity peak into what I have going on (all super exciting things!!!):
Whirlwind Week Recap:
A) I am helping the lovely Miss Nadya Andreeva, my dear friend and Ayurvedic guru, spread the word about her super awesome 6 Week Online Program to Lighten Up, Overcome Food Addiction, and Feel Vibrantly Beautiful! If you know it’s time to make a change, this is a great program to look into. I know a lot of you have been in the same boat as I have for the past several months – feeling a little bloated, a little off, and a little lost as to how to get back on track. This isn’t about a quick solution – it’s about a deep internal transformation. Do you want to find a trusting relationship with your body? Feel light and energized? Enjoy food without guilt? Take charge of your weight and digestion? Understand your body on a deeper level? Look into this program… I am participating!! We can all do it together! (Sidenote: Nadya is the author of Happy Belly – the book I am obsessed with that I gave away on the blog last month!)
B) After a hectic few weeks, I have officially finished writing TBV 5-Day Summer Detox Program!!! This is the summer version of the 5-day cleanse I already sell, and it is a little bit different because it now includes recipes with grains & legumes, on top of recipes with fruits, veggies & nuts. It is essentially a plant-based eBook with a no nonsense guide on how to get you back on track and feeling like your most vibrant self. (Would be a great program to do in accordance with Nadya’s right?!) I am doing a MAJOR food photo shoot this weekend (think 20 recipes… in one weekend… good thing I have a lot of friends!!). Seriously, I went to Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday and bought out the store with food photo props. Heck yeah.
Estimated release date of the detox program: June 5th. Email me to get on the list to receive an update and direct link when it is available for purchase!
C) Monday, June 2nd marks the date of the TBV Apparel photo shoot in Central Park!!! My amazing photographer / t-shirt designer, Tynan Daniels, is coming out to NYC next week and we have been planning a really fun shoot with a bunch of veryyy gorgeous and talented models. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off planning for the shoot, and it is all coming together. I seriously cannot wait to share the photos with all of you and spice up The Blonde Vegan Store! Pray for good weather for us on Monday!
D) The two events I am planning in NYC in June are coming up… one at Juice Press on June 11th with Tara and Arielle, and one at Gingersnap’s Organic on June 23rd with Max Goldberg. Both events will be exciting and unique, and I cannot WAIT to meet all of you NYC locals. I will give you all the details next week – stay tuned for that!!!
E) TBV is going to be featured in some of my favorite publications/websites this month… think Teen Vogue & Fitness Magazine! Eeeek!! *Happy dance* !!
F) There is another exciting project in the works… for your iPhones… TBV-related (food / lifestyle / etc)…. I thiiiiink you can guess what I am talking about!!!! More to come on that soon, but I am freakishly beyond excited about it and die every time I think about it.
G) Couldn’t leave y’all hangin’ without this oatmeal recipe, because it’s super easy and beyond delicious (and because I promise it to all of my IG followers yesterday!). 1/2 cup steel cut oats + 1 cup water + 1/2 cup berries + 1 tablespoon chia peanut butter (yes there’s such a thing, and yes it’s magnificent) + 1/2 banana + a few pieces of raw cacao and a few almonds + tons of cinnamon.
G) I got an AWESOME Suja delivery the other day… isn’t this every vegan girl’s dream come true?!?!
I) Lastly, I have been spending more time enjoying the moment and exploring my neighborhood lately. I only have one more month here, so I need to soak everything in. Here is an awesome mural Katie and I found the other night while on a stroll in NoHo:
What exciting things are going on in your week?! I had to stop myself here because I was starting to ramble, but this week was a w-h-i-r-l-w-i-n-d and a half!