Good moooorning from Sacramento! I’ve been home in my lovely little Nor Cal pocket of love for a little more than a week now. Remember how I drove home to surprise my dad for his birthday? Well, after that I decided to stick around for a while, spend time with my family & get a whole lotta work done.
There’s nothing quite like being home… and I feel so lucky that home is such a positive and happy place for me. In fact, in college I struggled because I had such a rounded, full life in LA and such a rounded, full live in Sacramento and I felt very torn between the two. (It might sound silly to struggle about being torn between two awesome places, but it was a lack of that “settled” feeling and caused a lot of anxiety.) Now I have a third place to add to that list (NYC!!), and though it certainly has its hard days to have my heart in three places, I can now appreciate how wonderful that is, too.
Having my heart in three cities means having people I love, favorite restaurants and smoothie spots to hit up, yoga studios, gyms, and those tiny little comforts you can only know when you’ve truly lived in a place with your whole heart.
So even though it kills me to see photos and hear about the awesome times my friends are having in the cities where I am not, it makes me happy to know that I can go back to each place and feel that hominess and that love in all three.
And being “unsettled” (as much as I’ve tried to fight it!!!) is A) just a product of being in your early twenties, and B) a side effect of the career path that I chose. This career makes me happier & more whole than anything else I can imagine, and to work for no one but yourself means you are free to live anywhere. Without a job or school tying me to any city, it’s easy to feel a bit all over the place.
(PS… Have you SEEN this amazing creation I tried yesterday from The Parlor in Sac!??!?!)▼ ▽ ▾ ▿
Today I am headed back to LA (6 hour drive, anyone?!) and I am excited to get there, dive into work, have some kickass meetings with kickass people, and be surrounded by many of my lovely best friends. (Although I am very sad to leave my family… I can’t get used to the fact that we’re not across the country from each other anymore – so goodbyes don’t mean as much!)
I just wanted to pop in & say hello before I went on my merry way on my drive across California, and I also want to tell you about some fun things to expect on TBB this week (and next… too many exciting things coming up!)…
Coming Up:
1. Organic Gemini raw, organic TigerNut review & GIVEAWAY! Yippee!
2. Q&A with Miss Kayla Itsines, fitness and nutritionista sensation. I started her Bikini Body Guide yesterday, and boy am I sore!!! The best kind of sore, though. 😉
3. Things I’m Loving Lately post—only my favorite kind of post!
4. Recovery Series #2… can ya guess who it’s going to be?!
5. My Thoughts on Alcohol… For Real, Real
6. Mushroom Matrix review & giveaway (smoothie powders… mmm!)
7. “OMG, you ATE that????” ◀ ◁ ◂ ◃ ◄ people’s reactions to my dietary changes
8. How to STYLE TBV Apparel tees, whoop whoop!
Lastly, I’ll leave you with this yummy oatmeal JOY recipe…
Peachy Berry Cinnamon Flaxy Oats
½ cup gluten-free steel cut oats
1 cup water
¼ cup almond milk
1 tbsp flaxseed meal
½ peach or nectarine
¼ cup blueberries
2-3 sliced strawberries
a few heavy shakes of cinnamon (I use an ungodly amount, but use as much or as little as you’d like!)
1. Boil oats in water over medium-high heat until the water is fully soaked into the oats.
2. While the oats are boiling, slice the peach and strawberries.
3. Once your oats are boiled, stir in cinnamon and flax.
4. Pour into a jar or bowl, top with berries & enjoy!
How were everyone’s weekends?! Anything exciting going on this week?