Hi loves! Exciting news ALLLL around. My publishing company has officially received the early copies of the FINAL PRODUCT of my book! They had 16 copies available for friends/family that I swiftly sent off to 16 people who I am super duper close to to get an early glimpse at the book, give it a review, etc.
Some of the books came in the mail yesterday and the rest are arriving today… Meaning that people like my MOM, my BEST FRIENDS, my SISTER, my BROTHER IN LAW, my BOOK PHOTOGRAPHER (slash good friend Ty Ty), and my AGENT (oh, and ME!) are reading it for the very, very first time. Well, my agent saw it through the whole process, but my family and friends hadn’t read one single word of the book until some of them received it yesterday. I have kept nearly everything about it a huge secret to them, and it is astoundingly thrilling to think that they are able to see it now and read what I’ve been working on for the last year and a half.
EEK!!!!! The book on my sister’s counter!! UNREAL VISION.
So, this is where you guys come in. With only a month and a half until the release of the book, preorders are SUUUUPERRR important. Some of the big outlets & book stores are placing their orders this week and next, and their orders ALL depend on the amount of preorders that are received. Plus, a preordered book is about $6.00 less than it will be when the book is actually out in November. Save yourself a few bucks, be one of the first to get it in your hands, ensure that you get one before it (maybe) goes into backorder, and help a sista out who is wildly excited to share her book/baby with the world!!!
This has to be said: I would not be here, at ALL, without you guys. If you didn’t read my blog, support my story, value the messages of balance/wellness/nutrition/authenticity/taking care of ourselves/finding HAPPINESS in our bodies and lives, then there is no way I would have had the opportunity to write this book and get it published. Massive thanks to those of you who have been along for the ride with me, and to those of you who are just finding this blog now, ALL of you who made your way to this little corner of the web: THANK YOU.
Thanks for helping make my dreams come true– and I will keep on making it my mission to bring you guys content that you love and answer as many questions and get to as many topics as I can for this bloggy for FREEE (duh) so that when you do support me by buying my book it’s like an investment in tons of free content on top of it, hehe.
To thank you all for your immense support, I am hosting a giveaway for people who send me their preorder receipts. (Just email them to me at [email protected])!!!
G I V E A W A Y !!! For TWOOOOO lucky winners, whom I will choose on Friday afternoon!
I am giving away 2 TBV APPAREL TEES of your choice. Check out the line here!!!!
2 BOXES OF LIQUID IV healthy hydration supplement!
1 JAR OF PHILOSOPHIE CACAO COCONUT BUTTER + 1 JAR OF PHILOSOPHIE MANUKA HONEY (….otherwise known as, the healthy version of crack cocaine.)
To enter, all you need to do is PREORDER the book here & email me your receipt!!!! So grateful. So stoked for all of you to read this. Like beyond stoked. Never been so excited about something in my lifetime.
ALSO!!!! The book is #1 in the Eating Disorder Self-Help category on Amazon right now! If it stays there until Friday, I will release a recipe photo and recipe from the book on the bloggy along with the winning names!! Woooo!!!