Planet-based & in the raw content
Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins
Fibroid Surgery: Behind the Scenes
Healthy Vegan Potato Crust Pizza
My Plant-Based Journey


July 7, 2016

Hello lover loves! Hope everyone is having a nice shortened week. I for one couldn’t be more confused about what day of the week it is. And the fact that I am leaving for Hawaii a week from tomorrow (#YAY) is making things even more confusing… My sched is getting all jumbled!

Anyway, since it’s officially the first full week of July, I’ve set some goals for myself this month. I don’t really do this every month, because usually I believe more in full lifestyle changes that monthly goals/lists… But the more time I spend focusing on myself and checking in about what I need, the more I realize that mini-milestones are good.


Then we get to celebrate those little victories, and check back at the end of the month to see if we are on track with our goals!

It’s all about moving toward what we want, so that we can be our happiest, fullest selves. It’s not about NOT enjoying what we currently have. It’s about learning to love what we have, while we consistently work toward what we want!

So these are my lil’ July goals. They are nothing fancy or major… For those, you’d have to check out my YEARLY goals. 😉 But I am stoked about these and felt inspired to share!

July Goals, TBB Style:

  1. Be exceptionally nice to people via email (& in person, but that’s less of an issue.) // I feel like being NICE is underrated. Even I get caught up sometimes in being really short with people via email, or even stubborn/ or very “my way or the highway.” I think it has something to do with not seeing peoples’ faces to put a personality to the name! And it’s kind of just email culture but I’ll get into that later because I have too much to say… Anyway, I have made a habit of looking up people that I email with on Facebook, so that I can put a face to their name and humanize them. That way, even if they happen to be rude-ish to me via email, I can picture them in a more personal way and keep on treating them with the utmost respect. Respect and kindness goes a long way… Even in the cyber world! And being patient with people keeps MY personal energy levels nice and calm, so it’s a win win. 🙂
  2. OrangeTheory 4-5 times a week, every week. Except for when I’m in Hawaii! // I am usually pretty good about my OTF consistency, but I’ve found lately that my previous 3-4 times a week sched wasn’t really enough for me now that I am getting stronger. I’m excited to bump up my HIIT routine and see how my body changes and feels in the process!
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  3. Unplug in Hawaii & ENJOY… Don’t stress about work. // This is important, especially because I will be with my family and they deserve my full attention and love. I look forward to this trip with my fam all year long, so there is no reason to put a damper on my relaxation time just because I am a workaholic. I hope to find the perfect balance between staying on top of my work but also letting go and fully immersing myself in LIFE on my trip. Plus, being fully present in life always results in better work anyway. I can’t wait to be there and explore. 🙂
  4. Make some good headway with my Going Viral eBook// My goal is to finish the eBook around Labor Day, so I hope to get a good chunk of it written this month! It can be hard to stay on top of myself with this deadline since I don’t have a publisher or agent keeping me in line, unlike my book, (actually refreshing, but still). It will be an awesome accomplishment to finish this on my own and know that I am doing it because I love the content I am writing about, and because I can’t wait to share with you guys!
  5. Get innovative with social media! Host fun giveaways, go on spur of the moment shoots, write from the heart captions. // I’ve been getting a little bored with social media lately because lately it’s been feeling more challenging for me to put my full, passionate self into my Instagram account. I think it has something to do with the platform being so oversaturated, and also with striking a balance between beautiful high quality imagery and in-the-moment, super meaningful imagery. I want my social media platforms to aesthetically reflect the beauty of colorful food, fun workouts / yoga, beautiful scenery, fave outfits… but also I want it to capture ME, my heart and my soul. I go through phases with feeling kind of “bleh” about Instagram because it’s harder to give a full, well-rounded look at who I am on a deeper level. BUT, I don’t want to ditch it entirely or continue to feel bored with it. So I want to find a way to stay fully engaged by making it more ME. I have some fun ideas up my sleeve. 🙂
  6. Keep working on my handstands. // After my yoga retreat in Mexico, I have been feeling SO much stronger in my core! I was really good about practicing daily for a while (you remember those Instagram videos?!) but lately I haven’t been practicing as much. My goal is to be able to hold a handstand away from the wall for at least 20-30 seconds by the end of the summer!
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  7. Set aside time to do things I love… Starting with relaxing on weekends. // I have been much, much better about this lately, but this still goes on the list because I want to continue to make it a priority in my life! For about a year straight, I don’t think I “chilled out” for a single weekend. It either took me getting super sick or going home to Sacramento for me to actually remember to SLOW DOWN and not take life so seriously. Since I love what I do for work, it can be hard to stop working! Especially when work often involves workouts with friends, fun brunches, dinners on the town, etc. But I NEEEEED to maintain my me-time, and also my time with my dear friends who I don’t work with. I have also been getting more work done during the week by recharging on the weekends… So this is super important. 🙂
  8. Be fully present everywhere I am. // There is truly nothing more important. This will likely be on my list every single month, because it can be a struggle for me since I live in my head so much. I will practice being FULLY present with my trip to Hawaii, since I will be taking some much-needed time away from the computer!
  9. Keep my apartment clean consistently, instead of going on random psychotic cleaning sprees! // I have always been this way… Either an OCD neat freak, or a “I don’t have time to clean at all so I’m just going to let things GO for a while” kind of person. I’d love to find a balance, and I think all it will take is prioritizing keeping things tidy and neat around my apartment. Let’s see if July will be my month to really stay on top of it so I don’t have to spend 5 hours at a time deep cleaning after letting things go for an entire week!
  10. Be on top of all work things (EARLY) so that deadlines don’t get stressful! // I am a notorious procrastinator. But only when it comes to things I feel like I HAAAVE to do, and don’t have as much control over. It psyches me out. But when I am ahead of the game, I feel so, so much better. When I wait until the last second, I add so much unnecessary stress to my life! Here’s to being an early bird with all deadlines and projects this month… Then I can maintain control. 🙂

Okay! Let’s do it. Who’s with me? Would love to hear your goals for the month or even for the year! X