This should really be called the “combine all of the ingredients in your pantry into one smoothie” smoothie. I woke up in my parents’ house this morning to find that my fruit and veggie supply had shrunken if not disappeared while I was gone. But that is good news because since my mom is participating in my 5-Day Cleanse next week, she wanted to wait to go grocery shopping until I got home.
What I did find in the pantry was some super ripe bananas (score!), a box of blueberries, some clementine oranges, peanut butter, dates, Vega One chocolate protein powder and coconut water. Ok so maybe when I said disappeared I was being dramatic, but you know I like to have fruits and veggies on hand in full and major abundance.
I have to say it was kind of nice to vary up my normal green smoothie routine, and it was actually really fun to experiment with a new recipe. I should wind up in this situation more often.
Plus, I was starving because I pretty much hadn’t eaten a meal in a full 24 hours. Let me give you a little break down of my last couple of days:
Wake up in NYC yesterday to find out that my flight to Sacramento was cancelled (thanks to Winter Storm Hercules), get rebooked on a Monday night flight (3 days later… really?!), call again and rebook myself on a flight to Oakland for last night, show up to the airport and wait a few hours because my flight to Oakland is delayed, find out flight to Oakland is cancelled, wait in line for JetBlue “Ask Desk” that is about 300 people long, desperately try calling my mom even though cell service is not working because of mayhem in airport, finally get through to mom and find out she got me the last seat on a flight to San Francisco that leaves in two hours, attempt to retrieve my luggage from previous flight (unsuccessfully), try to find gate to SFO even though all gates and monitors are changing/not working, wait while SFO flight is delayed, board plane and wait for two more hours while maintenance is done, pop a Xanax and fall asleep… fast forward six hours and I have arrived in San Francisco and have a two hour drive home.
Needless to say, it was heaven and a half to wake up in my own bed in Sacramento this morning. Plus, my parents are saints for helping me rebook my flight and for picking me up in San Francisco at 3:00 in the morning. They never cease to amaze me.
Because of my travel day from hell, and also because I spent more than half of my week in NYC in bed with tonsillitis, this smoothie hit the SPOT today and I am more than super thrilled to be in sunny California. (Please excuse the absence of the oranges in the photo shoot… I was too hyped up about being able to take photos outside that I totally forgot to throw them in there. But get excited for the food photo shoots I plan on having while home in California. I am going to run wild!)
1 very ripe banana
½ cup blueberries
2 Medjool dates
2 clementine oranges
1 Tablespoon organic peanut butter
½ cup coconut water
½ cup water
1 large handful ice
OPTIONAL: 1 Tablespoon Vega One chocolate protein powder (or any protein powder you prefer)
Blend thoroughly and enjoy!
Nutrition Information: