All right, it’s no secret that the blog, and my life, have been through some serious changes lately. It’s only fitting that the blog starts reflecting those changes so that this lovely space can express my philosophy + creations + lifestyle + all things TBB in the best way possible.
I have been working for the past few months to create a clear vision of The Balanced Blonde & everything I want this space, and this brand, to embody. A few of the first things that come to mind are: zen, passion, inspiration (in terms of recovery & leading a healthy life in general), balance, minimalist aesthetic, personality, style (TBV Apparel), yoga & most of all, * c o n n e c t i o n * with all of you in a down to earth & aesthetically pleasing way.
Now, is that so much to ask?
(( Correct answer: “No, it’s not too much to ask at all, Jordan”!!! ))
So, in addition to switching up the layout of TBB (NEW SITE WILL BE UP TONIGHT– I’M DYING), I will be adding some new weekly series to spiff it up & keep things on a bit more of a schedule… but not TOO much of a schedule, because y’all know I roll on my own alternative wavelength:
● n e w ● s t u f f ● ▶ ▷ ▸
A) Recovery Series: This is something I am ALL too excited about. I will be writing a weekly “Recovery Series” that spotlights recovery stories from people who span from popular bloggers to my amazing readers. This series is all about connecting and inspiring in a safe & open place. There is no hiding behind closed doors or feeling alone here. This is a place to connect! Some of my favorite people are lined up to kick off the recovery series, including Kim of Busy Bod, Gena of Choosing Raw, Katie of Chocolate Covered Katie, Hayley of Healthy Hayls, and more.
B) Things I’m Loving Lately: I have been very into my “TILL” posts lately, and it’s something I want to make a weekly tradition on TBB! This will be a spot for all of my favs around the internet, the blog world & the real life person-to-person world in LA & NYC. It will spotlight events, cool articles, new gadgets, fun findings, cool restaurants & whatever random tidbits of awesomeness I find along the way. Feel free to send me relevant content, and this is just another fun way for us all to connect & be one in this space. ☮
C) Video Series: This is in the very early stages so it will be a few months before it’s up and running on a regular basis, but doing all the press about orthorexia & my lifestyle switch got me thinking that I like connecting in a face-to-face kinda way whenever possible, and it makes it easier for me to answer your questions and connect in a widespread manner. There will be some cool videos coming your way from yoga to cooking vids to mini-docs. I can’t wait.
D) TBV Apparel + TBV Cleanses: Now all of my merchandise will be available on my site versus through Gumroad and Shopify. It will simplify everything, which is great. Plus, each week I will be highlighting #tbvapparelallovertheworld photos to show off what readers are up to in their TBV Apparel!
E) “Ask Jordan”: This is another series I have been playing around with adding to the bloggy for a while. I spend hours & hours a day answering emails and questions from everything about my lifestyle, to blogging, to orthorexia, to healthy cooking, to yoga, to finding balance, etc— I want to be able to answer questions in an open space because I think the answers are helpful to many readers & also they are fun for me to write!
F) Events: Now that I am settling back into LA, the first thing I want to do is start planning some fun events where we can all meet, hang out & do healthy stuff together! Stay tuned for a whole lotta news on that front. This is something I am particularly thrilled about.
Also… I have been having lots of breakthroughs in my yoga classes lately when it comes to brainstorming for TBB. One of the things I have been thinking about a LOT lately is the concept of balance (surprise, surprise) and how I leapt from veganism to orthorexia without giving myself much of a chance to just BE, or to just trust myself around food or in life in general.
The Recovery Series will discuss all of that & more, and I am uber duber excited about everything that is in store.
THANK YOU ALL for being in on this wild ride, for reading, for connecting, for sharing & for being amazing in every which way possible. You all rock & I love you all very much.
PS… Obvi there will still be lots of FOOD & recipe posts. Liiike my delectable breakfast by the fountain this morning…
The most love in the world,
How is everyone’s week going?! Did ya see the discount code for this month’s Happiness + Wellbeing Mag with me on the cover?! It’s “Balanced”. ALSO… here are the discount URLs for the two cleanses this week: Summer Cleanse + Original Cleanse.