Hey y’allll!! It’s Labor Day Weekend… a.k.a the weekend were everyone in America has a 3.5 day weekend and I feel obligated to take Monday off so I can do fun things with my friends. It’s a funny little thing, working for yourself, isn’t it?
And even though it means having a super alternative schedule, I love this food bloggin’ lifestyle more than anything else. People always joked that they were worried for me to grow up and enter the “real world” because following any type of set schedule gives me extreme anxiety, and pre-planned events that I have no control over ( yes, including most of my sorority events in college ) made me want to go running for the hills.
Maybe I’m an oddball ( okay, scratch that, I’m definitely an odd ball ), but I need a certain type of flexibility in my days in order to feel fully myself and fully alive. I admire people who thrive in an office environment and I’m so proud of my friends who kick butt in their fast-paced corporate jobs. That’s the beauty of all of us being born with such extremely different personalities – there had to be some of us leftover who were not cut out ( a.k.a too ADD ) for the typical 9-5!
That’s where food blogging comes in. Shall I give you a little glimpse into what my holiday weekend looks like?
With my app deadline rapidly approaching AND my newfound realization that I am creating a bunch of recipes for the upcoming book (GET. EXCITED.), I am going to be cooking up a storm for the next several weeks / months.
And yes, that gives me a lot of anxiety, because during my recovery process I have stepped away from my obsessive need be in the kitchen creating all the time. I haven’t cooked for the blog is over a month, and to be honest it’s been a huge relief to focus on lifestyle posts & leave the food writing to my fellow food bloggers.
Until I made this… (#yum)
But now duty calls, and I don’t think being in the kitchen more will kill me. In fact, I think it will be good to show myself that I can be back in the kitchen creating recipes for the bloggy without triggering my eating disorder.
Our True Roots TigerNuts
And since I will be super busy cooking up a storm this weekend, I will be relying on simple recipes to fuel me through the day when it actually comes to eating.
So, that’s where these delicious Our True Roots TigerNuts come in. I promised to always tell you about the awesome new organic products I find on the market that are full of nutrients, easy to pop into any meal or have for a snack, and, of course, that taste freaking awesome.
TigerNuts are fun because they are crunchy and travel-friendly, and guess what? They’re not even nuts. They are vegetables!! WTF, right?
And for those of us who are looking to get more fiber in our diets, TigerNuts are a super delish way to make that happen. It’s basically like eating a prebiotic with your breakfast (a fiber strain called called Resistant Starch, in case you were wondering).
My favorite part about them is that they are EASY to eat, and since I have been super into yogurt again lately, I am going to hit you all with this extremely simple snack recipe I will be eating in the kitchen all weekend while I create app & book recipes:
1 cup yogurt + ½ cup Organic Gemini TigerNuts + ½ banana + 1 drizzle of honey… YUM. And that’s literally it. I would include directions, but I think mixing it all up yourself is the fun of it.
Annnddd because I love you all a whole lot, if you tag @thebalancedblonde & hashtag #ReConnectionRecipes on your photos this weekend, you will be entered to a contest to win a bag of Organic Gemini TigerNuts!! There will be 5-10 winners, so hop on it.
Lots of love to all of you, and have a SAFE & fun holiday weekend! And please eat things like this because they’re way yummy.
PS: Follow @OurTrueRoots on social media or go to their website to learn more!
What’s everyone up to for Labor Day this weekend? Have you ever tried TigerNuts? Thoughts? (ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!)