Ah, home sweet California. For the first time in the past several months I am in LA to stay (for a while, that is!). My home in Brentwood hardly even feels like a home yet because I haven’t been here for longer than a week or two straight since I moved here in July. Between then and now I’ve been in Italy, the south of France, New York, SF and on lots and lots of trips to good old Sactown.
It has been an unbelievable few months, and a whirlwind! I was SO looking forward to my NYC trip for so long, and now I can quite confidently say that I am happy to be chillin’ in LA, getting back on the Yogaworks train, re-starting my Equinox membership, working on the book in a consistent manner, and getting ready for the release of TBB APP in (hopefully) one short week!
You know from my LA vs. NYC post that I have been pretty torn about which city makes me happiest. And I think I finally have some clarity there… there is no “better” city or even a city that suits me more than the other right now. They are so different they are incomparable, and both places have people in them who I love dearly and that’s what’s most important. You know the phrase, “Wherever you go, there you are”? Well, that couldn’t hold more truth for me right now.
NYC? There I was. LA? Here I am. Sacramento? There I am. I can’t get away from myself, my problems, my successes, strengths, weaknesses or anything in between – no matter where I go. I am stuck with myself! And I am kinda pretty darn happy about it to tell you the truth. It feels good to be one with yourself and to continue strengthening the mind body connection that makes us who we are.
When I first started working on my book a few months ago, I kept thinking I would get more work done when I was home in Sacramento with zero distractions. Then I felt like I would get the best work done in New York where I am super duper inspired and the city is buzzing with energy. And sometimes I have felt like I could get awesome work done in LA by the beach with the waves as my inspiration and my calm. (And the sand to play with… duh.)
And… guess what? Wherever I went, THERE I WAS. There was no “better” work going down in any place in particular. I mean, I guess I concentrate best in Sactown because I can clear my schedule of meetings, workout classes, social events, etc. and really get down to business, but still, I can do that anywhere if I really want to.
And in all of those places, over all of these months, I have grown into someone I am pretty proud to be. I am eating foods that I had terrible anxieties over just a few months ago, and I am working hard on things I absolutely love. I am surrounded by ROCKINNN people who make me super happy, and I am taking the time to breathe, relax and center myself whenever I remember how important it is (hehe).
AND, after pretty much taking a week off to enjoy the beauty of the city I missed ever so much, I am back with a full schedule of blog posts this week. Yesterday I posted my Open Letter to the Food Police (after getting harassed in public about eating meat), which I highly recommend you read if you haven’t yet. For anyone who judges, has been judged, or fears being judged by your food choices… check it out. You’re not alone.
Tomorrow is a TBB Guide to NYC post, which I am SO excited about. Thursday is a super fun-filled and jam-packed Loving Lately post full of a ton of things I’ve been loving lately because of my little hiatus, and Friday will be Recovery Series #6 with the superbly inspirational Chocolate Covered Katie discussing her recovery story.
Get excited. I know I am.
OH, and today, you ask? SUPER SIMPLE GREEN BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE recipe time. Recipes… it’s been too long. But you’ll see why when TBB Recipe App comes out next week! 70+ recipes… can I get a kale yeah?!
Super Simple Green Breakfast Smoothie
1 large frozen banana
1 cup spinach
1 cup kale
½ cup blueberries
1 tablespoon almond butter
½ cup almond milk
½ cup water
½ cup ice cubes
OPTIONAL: 1 tablespoon cacao powder, 1 tablespoon spirulina (or any yummy superfoods of your choice)
Blend thoroughly and enjoy! Top with optional toppings if you so desire. I love topping mine with bee pollen, coconut shreds and a bit of raw, local honey!
How is everyone else’s week going?! Off to a good start? Thoughts on “Food Police” bullies? Gonna try this green smoothie?!