Hello, hello! I know that I promised a TBB Guide to NYC yesterday, but A) I got so flippin’ writing-happy while I was making it that I decided to cut it into several sections… starting with the best part, of course: FOOD. Then I decided I was still so riled up about my “Open Letter to the Food Police” that I didn’t want another new post to distract from it, so I’m saving the guide for next week. And I can’t wait to share.
But today is Thursday, and you know what that means around here. Loving Lately! And after last week’s vacation hiatus, there are a LOT of things I am loving lately. Also, a lot of you asked me to share more info on my memoir Breaking Vegan that is coming out next October, so I’ve included some deets about it on the list. I am SO THRILLED to share the book with all of you. Some days I just wanna curl up and write on it and say bye bye to blogosphere until the book is donezo, but I could/would never do that. Interacting and connecting with all of you rockin’ readers is what inspires me to write and share the story in the first place, so I’m not going anywhere. 🙂
1. Magazine features ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Something that has totally rocked that I continue to be so appreciative of is the media’s interest in my recovery journey. Harper’s Bazaar Australia wrote this incredible article titled “Diary of an Orthorexic,” that, while it sounds like it was written by me, was formulated by one brilliant journalist after doing an extensive interview with me about my recovery. After the article came out in their November issue they released it online, and I have gotten such a warm response from beautiful readers and new friends. We are all in this together, and being open to the world by sharing directly through our hearts not only heals us, but brings hope to others… I know you’ve all given me so much hope and inspiration. Thank you, and thanks to Harpers!!
2. Stripes ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Umm, am I the only one who is obsessed with stripes this season? And it certainly helps that Shopbop is having a 25% off sale this week! Use the code “FAMILY25” at checkout. And which of these stripes do you love the most?! Also threw in the men’s tee because if I have a guy wearing it I would totally be like yo, let’s meet…
3. This awesome “I do” wedding band ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ This amazing Brooklyn-based Japanese designer Sakurako Shimizu has been creating custom wedding bands engraved with each partner’s sound wave of saying “I do.” How COOL is that? My future hubby, wherever he is, should certainly keep these rings in mind. I love the idea of having such a special and unique band that not only looks beautiful, but has a piece of your partner in it wherever you go. I’m a sucker for extra-personal things when it comes to romance, and these just raised the bar wayyy high.
4. Breaking Vegan ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Well, I did promise I would share more info! Breaking Vegan is the title of the book I’m working on that will be released in October 2015. It’s partial memoir and partial lifestyle guide with action tips toward overcoming orthorexia, “breaking vegan” or breaking any dietary label or mold you have gotten stuck in, and toward living a life where you are completely in love with yourself and your bod. The backbone of the novel? BALANCE. Coming from one of the most unbalanced chicks on the face of the earth… the steps I have taken to gain balance in my life have been extremely helpful and the only thing in the world I want to do is share them with all of you. The book will go into the nitty gritty details of my eating disorder, and shares background information that I have never shared on the blog.
Essentially, it’s a memoir/lifestyle guide about my eating disorder journey and recovery process. Yes, I have an agent and a publishing company and they are both absolutely fantastic. Yes, it is my dream come true because all I’ve ever wanted to do is write a novel. Yes, I am totally stressed and feeling haywire because my deadline is rapidly approaching and I am trying to juggle the blog + the app + TBV Apparel + travels + friends + life + workouts + yoga + sleep (very occasionally), but the BOOOOK is always, always, always on my mind. Happy to answer any and all questions you may have about it. I am freakishly thrilled!
5. Eat Q (a.k.a the eating version of IQ) ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Speaking of books, one of my health and wellness idols just came out with a book called Eat Q, which is basically a three-step program for conquering the difficulties of emotional eating. I don’t know about you, but that’s something I can use some definite help with. It’s not just a personal account or a scientific overload, it’s about developing a true Emotional Intelligence with your body that will help you get over your hump and find your healthiest true. #breakingvegan #makingmagic, am I right?!? Check it out. You’ll love.
5. Raw Vegan Peanut Butter Cups ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Ahhh, old news for some of you I know, but these lil’ bites of heaven have been an absolute staple in my house again lately. When you need something sweet to munch on but you don’t want to compromise your hard workouts by indulging in refined sugar (nothing wrong with doing that once in a while too, btw… I definitely do. A lot!) these are so perfect. They are still super sweet and decadent and in my opinion I think they are WAY better than original processed peanut butter cups anyway. You’ll thank me the moment you try them!
6. These adorable & nutritious bars ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Ok, real talk here. These bars, NOLA bars, are almost too good to be true. They are grain-free, refined sugar-free, handcrafted in San Francisco (you know I LOVE a good Nor Cal based company), and so, so good for you. Oh, and they taste amazing. They also don’t believe in putting their bars in grocery stores because they believe a shelf life is no life at all. Their bars are individually made to order. AND the owner of the company is named Jordan (I’m not biased at all), and she discovered a grain-free, sugar-free diet after years of dealing with severe digestive issues. Sound familiar? It’s not me, I swear.
Well I’m in love with these bars and I want you to try them, too, so… we have set up a 25% off promo code for my readers to run for the next month. Boxes are usually $34 plus shipping, so I hope the code helps you support an amazing company + fall in love with their deliciousness. Discount Code is “TBB”!!! (Plus, Jordan and her husband are so cute and sweet and you must stalk them on their website.)
7. This freakishly & painfully cute video ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ So, this video went viral a couple of weeks ago and I can’t stop quoting it and/or watching it for the life of me. These two little kids are arguing about whether it’s raining outside or sprinkling… a.k.a “rainin'” or “thpwinklin'” and um, the little boy gets his heart poked at the end and you just might die and melt and crack up and want to cuddle all at once. Watch it!!!
8. People who follow their hearts & bring their passions to life ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ This is something I think about often, but lately I can’t even get it out of my head for a split second. It inspires me SO much to see people pursuing what they love and kicking butt doing it. And, for the record, kicking butt doesn’t have to mean making money or even finding quick success, all it means is that you are doing something that makes you ridiculously happy. I wrote about it on Instagram on Tuesday (follow @tbvapparel, btw!), along with a quote I love dearly, “Be Who You Are, Not Who the World Wants You to Be,” and started feeling really emotional and proud of everyone I know who has taken a leap into the unknown to pursue what they love. I left graduate school to pursue health blogging for goodness sakes, and it was the BEST DECISION I have ever made. Co-creator of Suja, Annie Lawless, has a fantastic article on her blog about this very topic… I highly suggest you check it out.
9. BIRTHDAYS! ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ I celebrated my 24th birthday this past weekend… to many of you that probably sounds very young and to some of you it probably sounds way old (shout out to my sweetie high school readers), and to me it sounds mind blowing. First of all, at this strange mid-twenty age of mine I forget my age daily. Am I 18? Am I 30? It is so hard to feel grounded in your age when you’re completely in between being totally taken care of by your parents and being completely self-sufficient. Like, excuse me, which category there do I fall into? I have an old soul but also act like a total little kid most of the time. My birthday was a BLAST, and it is always such an amazing reminder of all of the fantastic people I am surrounded by. I celebrated with amazing friends, incredible family, LOOTTSS of drinks and lots of great food.
Here are some of them…
Annddd here are a few more… (Can you tell that my people are my life?)
9. More Fall Amazingness… ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ I simply can’t stop myself from wanting all of it. Especially the vest & the denim tee & the ROMPERS!
10. EQUINOX ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ So, I’m going to be writing a post in the coming weeks called, “Dude, Where’s My Gym?” about the fact that I moved to LA three months ago and have gone the ENTIRE time (until Monday) without having a gym membership. My Yogaworks membership, my hikes and running outside served me wonderfully until I started feeling, well, a little sluggy. If I don’t get in some good cardio conditioning and weight training, I don’t exactly feel my best. It can be hard because I love yoga so much that I am pretty content with doing it 7 days a week and not switching it up… but variety is huge and this I know, and I want to feel my best always. So, I joined Equinox, and I’m freaking LOVING it. The West LA location is everything a girl could dream of and more. I will be doing a full posty post on it soon and I can’t wait to share. Snapped this photo yesterday after my workout… Unreal, right?
11. W A T E R ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Staying hydrated is KEY when it comes to coming into your happiest & healthiest self. Check out this infographic… it’ll blow your mind. Chug up!
11. Well + Good Fitness Mash-Up Event in LA ! ! ! ▶ ▷ ▸ ▹ ► ▻ Eeek, I am SO excited about this event! It’s going to be a SUPER cool combo of workouts with top studios in Santa Monica, followed by a healthy after-party at the Athleta store on Third Street Promenade. I will be attending the burn-and-balance session (90 minutes of Maha Burn + 30 minutes of Unplug meditation + healthy after-party), and I can’t wait. It would be so cool to meet any/all of you there if you’re local, so grab a ticket before they all go. They are flying out the door! You can find full info on the Bicoastal Biathlon here. Come, come, come!
What are YOU loving lately?!? How are all of my favorite peeps doing?