Hey guys! Happy Monday! Who has the day off today for MLK Day? I don’t… BUT I’m happy about that because it means we are doing a fun photo shoot in Malibu for our newest TBV Apparel design, AND it means I’m working on the book and that sounds like a pretty happy Monday to me. Oh and I’m working out at Orange Theory – probably as we speak.
For those of you who have the day off today, I’m going to make you sweat — TBB TV STYLE!. Even if you have a super busy day of fun holiday thangs lined up, you’re going to get your butt kicked. AND/OR… if you are working all day today and you get home and think you have zero minutes to workout because you’re exhausted / hungry / drained / overwhelmed / you have plans with your husband / you need to feed your cat… you STILL have time for this workout because it’s literally ten minutes long. Or should I say ten minutes short. 😉
And you will be dripping sweat. Trust me. If you don’t believe me, look at my face one minute into the video. “Todd, why the eff is this so hard?!?”
Except it’s not TOO hard. It’s challenging, but not impossible. There is no equipment needed, and no major time that needs to be taken out of your day or night.
Before I share the video, meet Todd. Todd is a good friend of mine who happens to be an amazing personal trainer here in LA. His bod is out of this world, and his workouts are pretty much like no other. Whenever I do a TMAC 20 workout (his 20 minute workout vids– all available for free on his site!), I pretty much die, and then I get really sore, and then I do it all over again.
Basically, everyone needs a Todd in their life. And because I love you all, that’s exactly what I’m giving you with this video.
So, without further ado… The Balanced Blonde TV Episode #2: 10 Minute Workout with TMAC Fitness!
And if you like the vid, go ahead & subscribe to the channel! We have lots of fun videos coming up including a JAR OF YUMMINESS cooking video, a beauty video, and lots of fun interviews galore!
Xox, TBB