Hi loves! Coming at you live from NYC today, and woah baby do I have a lot to share! First off, I’m up at the crack of dawn in my hotel room typing this puppy out because I have a full day of meetings ahead and this will prob be my only computer time all day. But I couldn’t let too many days pass without a blog post, because, well… you guys are my life.
For starters, I’m just going to give you a lil’ breakdown of yesterday: woke up, went to JUICE PRESS (one of my fav juice places in the city that I’ve missed oh so much), mosied over to my literary agency, HELD MY BOOK in MY HANDS for the first time ever (well, the preliminary copies at least), met with my fab agent Sarah and her boss about some cool writerly stuff, headed uptown to go to Seventeen Mag to discuss the book with them and give them a copy, ran into one of my idols Kathryn Budig in the lobby (do you believe in fate? I do!!!), went to the yummiest lunch at a place called the Little Beet with Sarah, cram packed the afternoon with back to back meetings, met the lovely PR gal for DRINKmaple (part of my giveaway!!!) to snap some photos, went to a Vegan Beauty Affair (basically all-natural beauty party) with my friend Melisse of Well+Good NYC, met one of my BFFs later for a drink, and shared my book with a handful of awesome, incredible, influential and healthy rockstar individuals. Oh, and continued my cycle of never sleeping – hehe.
So now, before I run off to today’s lineup of meetings (equally as exciting as yesterday’s — and maybe another fateful run-in will go down?!?!) I want to share a delicious recipe with you as well as a FANTASTIC brand I stumbled upon that I absolutely have to tell you all about. Are you guys coconut chip fans? I mean, I know a lot of you are… but if you haven’t tried this brand yet and you are iffy about coconut chips, you are going to be a convert immediately.
The company is called Made In Nature and basically their toasted coconut chips are crack in a bag. The flavors I tried that I obsessed over were Maple Madagascar Vanilla, Mexican Spiced Cacao, Italian Espresso and Ginger Masala Chai. I’m not even joking when I say that my stomach is rumbling just thinking about them — and it doesn’t help that I am starving right now to boot!
Made in Nature’s promise is that they create REAL food with REAL flavor because why not? That’s what we all deserve, and flavor certainly does not have to be sacrificed just because we are committing to healthy, natural, fresh, organic, sustainable ingredients. No sugar added, no artificial color, no gluten, no nuts (yay for food allergy peeps) and no GMOs. My kind of company.
There are so many yummy things you can do with coconut chips, but other than eating them right out of the bag by the handful (because trust me, you will eat HANDFULS… there’s just no other way it’s going to be done with these crack chips), I like to put them on top of smoothies, yogurt and acai bowls. Today I’m sharing one of my favorite acai bowl recipes with you… I hope you love! And don’t forget to visit Made In Nature‘s site, give them some love and try their stuff. It’s too good not to.
Coconut Chip Acai Bowl Recipe:
1 ripe banana
1 packet of frozen acai (or 2 tablespoons of acai powder)
1 tablespoon plant-based protein powder (I like to have protein in my acai bowls to balance out the natural sugars and keep me fuller longer)
1/2 cup almond milk
1/2 cup water
Do yourself a major favor & try this yumminess! Acai bowls + coconut chips + fruits + almond milk… Super food deliciousness galore! YES!
Any NYC requests or suggestions while I am here?! These are my old stomping grounds, but ALWAYS open to suggestions and ideas for things to do / places to try — this is my Disneyland! I am in love.