Hey loves! I feel like I’ve been all over the place lately and I can’t tell you how happy I am to be sitting on my couch, in my TBV tee and boxers, writing the day away today.
I’m working on some fun projects, including…
+ Ramping up my YouTube channel & getting much more content up there each week! Subscribe if you haven’t, it’s my new favorite way to connect. Funny to call it new, since it’s an older platform than Instagram even, but to me using it consistently feels new! Check out my new Q&A video while you’re there. 😉
+ The ‘Going Viral: The Art of Building a Blog‘ eBook that I have been pouring my heart into planning for the last few months is finally underway in the writing process! Finding time to write the eBook has been challenging, because I like to update the blog on the daily + feel like I’m juggling a trillion other things, but beginning the writing process feels GOOD. You can preorder here if you’re as excited as I am!
+ Finally launching TBB WELLNESS TOURÂ a.s.a.p. Like maybe tomorrow if I can get my act together. Search the #tbbwellnesstour hashtag on Insta to see some sneak peeks of where we’ve been going to get the tour revved up!
Okay, let’s do some top reads of the week.
This week is a top 5, because with the above projects annnndd my trip over the weekend to Nor Cal I haven’t been up on my Internet reads as much as usual!
Top 5 Reads, Baybay
1. Avocado Toast Confessions, via Refinery29. // This is a super interesting article interviewing R29 staffers about their relationship to the trendy yet now very “basic” avo toast obsession. For the record, I am not a big avo toast gal because there are rarely gluten-free options for it at restaurants… Which, judging by this article, is probably saving me $! Except not because I find plenty more good food to spend money on while I am out… hehe.
2. What Runner & Olympic Hopeful Becky Wade Eats in a Day, via MindBodyGreen. // Okay, so I found this article fascinating. I am not always a big fan of “What I Eat in a Day” stories, because I find they can be triggering or cause a lot of comparison like, “Wait, why don’t I eat that way?” or “Do I eat too much / too little?” etc. Reading Becky’s daily eats did not make me feel that way! She is an athlete and fuels her body properly — and her meal ideas sound delish! Plus, I agree with her that I like to run about 2-3 hours after eating my breakfast too — so she actually makes me feel more normal, since I know people who can run right after they eat!

This pic is from Chalait in NYC… Perhaps a random spot for it, but legit the best ever — and this was a morning when I had a really late breakfast!
3. 5 Essential Elements of the Perfect Weekend Staycation, via MindBodyGreen. // I am obsessed with staycations, and with self-care in general, so I gravitated right over to this article. I think the tips are great, and it also made me laugh to myself because I sort of implement those tips/ideas into every weekend of mine (when I’m not working, that is)… I guess that means I’m living well! Lots of yoga, rest, hikes, meals with friends, cooking, trying new things, massages… Yep, I’m into it all. AND I am having a staycation of my own on July 4th! Yippee!
4. Should You Exercise on an Empty Stomach?, via Yahoo Health. // Love this article, because I have been thinking & obsessing over that question lately. Not in a psycho kind of way, but more in a wanting to get the most out of my workouts kind of way. I am not big on eating first thing after waking up, but I like to workout in the morning. This article confirmed what I already guessed to be true about my own body — which is that most people need some food fuel even before an early morning workout! Without it, you’ll fatigue quicker. Perhaps common sense, but I like hearing it get reiterated!
5. 4 Books You Need to Read This Weekend, via Elite Daily. // I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for good books to read. Luckily, my friends who work at publishing companies in NYC have already sent me two of these — so I need to dive in! The last one on this list sounds the best to me. Any other book recs? I am headed to Hawaii soon and could use some good reads. 🙂
What did I miss? Any great articles out there?! Do tell! Can’t wait to share all of these fun happenings with you guys. Xo