(ALSO, THIS JUST IN: Use THIS LINK to get four free gifts from Nuts.com!! Plus $25 worth of other goodies to your cart!)
Guys! I promised more recipes on the bloggy this season because I’ve been in the kitchen a lot more lately (you know it comes in spurts with me!) and this maca chia recipe is such a yummy place to start.
First of all, I have been obsessed with chia pudding for as long as I can remember — it tastes amazing, is chock full of protein + healthy fats, and is one of those “so much bang for your buck” types of meals… and what I mean by that is: lots of fuel, nutrients & energy per calorie.
Basically, it’s a win win win win in my book. (Four wins. That’s how much I love it.) Actually, ask anyone who went to Cabo on the Bliss out in Baja yoga retreat in May… I lived for that chia pudding we had at the hotel every morning, and became obsessed with recreating it in my own kitchen when I got home!
One of my favorite things about chia pudding is that you can add all sorts of yummy flavors to enhance it, and it will take on the flavor of different superfoods, protein powders, fruits, etc.
My CURRENT fave is MACA CHIA PUDDING, made with the sensational raw, gluten-free, kosher & organic maca powder from Nuts.com + my go-to chia pudding recipe with almond milk.
And hold up for a second — let’s talk about the deets of Nuts.com. I am obsessed with their story and in love with their brand (and their personalities — yes, they are SO NICE & KIND which goes the longest way in my book), so let me tell you about it before I tell you more about MACA!
The Nuts.com crew is an incredible and dedicated family company that has been in business since 1929 when their father and grandfather “Poppy” Sol started selling premium bulk nuts in open air markets at the age of 22. He always believed in choosing only the highest quality nuts from the world’s best growers.
Fastforward to 1999 when Sol’s kids and grandkids launched NutsOnline, which is now Nuts.com, so that people all over the world could have access to their 2,000+ products (woah!!!!).
Now they sell an array of so many incredible products that I LEGIT USE ON THE DAILY from superfood powders to premium, organic nuts to snacks, baking goods, coffee and more.
Basically, they’re amazing. And after discovering them several months ago when they reached out to me and stocking my ENTIRE kitchen with their products I couldn’t not share with you. It’s an honor to get to work with them to let you guys know about their stuff, because they have it all… every single kind of superfood you could imagine & more!
Check them ouuuuuut on Nuts.com — luckily that site name is supes easy to remember. 😉
And now, let’s discuss MACA!
This ish is unreal. It tastes like butterscotch and has a mild sweetness to it that makes it so perfect to add to chia pudding, smoothies, almond milk, oatmeal, etc. It has a TON of flavor so don’t use too much too soon… it may overwhelm your taste buds if you do, hehe. (Trust me, back in my vegan days I did the maca-overload-in-smoothie thing several times too many and regretted it).
The four main benefits of maca are… increase in energy + stamina, relieves stress, boosts mood + is a nutritional POWERHOUSE.
It is a great source of B-complex vitamins and minerals like calcium, zinc and iron + has a lot of fiber and essential amino acids. Maca powder naturally stimulates hormone levels that are too low, and regulates those that are overactive — so it helps our hormones out in the best way. And you know how I feel about balancing hormones.
Also, it just tastes so good with yummy chia — and the chia seeds I used are ALSO from Nuts.com, just so you know. You can find them here!
I could tell you ALL about the benefits of chia, just let’s keep it to: mega amount of omega-3’s, great for blog sugar stability + weight loss, easy to digest and full of healthy protein and fats.
Now… recipe time!
Maca Chia Pudding Recipe // YUM!
1 1/2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1/2 tablespoon organic maca powder
1/3 cup chia seeds
2 tablespoons cacao nibs (ALSO from Nuts.com!)
1. In a medium bowl, stir the almond milk, maca powder and chia seeds. Let stand for 30 minutes. Stir again to evenly redistribute the chia seeds. Cover the bowl and refrigerate overnight.
2. In the morning, dig in and add any toppings you’d like! I love adding cacao nibs for nutrition and a yummy crunch.
Soooo, there you have it babes. A delicious maca chia pudding recipe — and ALLLL of the ingredients (yes, including the almond milk) can be found on Nuts.com. I really truly love them & hope you check them out because they rock and their products are TOP NOTCH… and easy to store, trust me, I have a ton of these cute branded bags of theirs. 🙂
Who else loves chia pudding as much as I do?! Time to go devour more of it… it’s too good! Happy Friday babes!! XO