WELLLL, it’s here! Podcast episode #3, with none other than my dear friend and total wellness guru mama rockstar inspiration Sophie Jaffe of Philosophie Superfoods!
Remember when Sophie HOSTED my TBB App Launch Party?! One of the best nights of our lives… the energy was so on point.
We talk friendship, balancing it all, funny stories about her adorable little boys, our food philosophy + life philosophy, and SO MUCH MORE.
Sophie has been a close friend of mine since my early blogging days when we connected through… you guessed it… Instagram! Our brands have grown alongside one another for the last few years and it’s been a blast to watch and support each other however we can.
She’s modeled for TBB Apparel, hosted my app launch, we’ve modeled together for other friends’ companies, we make videos together as much as we can (remember our NUT BUTTER video?! LOL), I use her products on a daily basis… you know. It’s all awesome.
She’s one of those friends that just GETS IT. She is super intuitive and connected, and is always encouraging me to speak my heart (even if my voice shakes… you know the saying) and do what FEELS RIGHT, and basically to f*ck the rest.
Life is too short not to be totally and completely happy, loved, and to LOVE in return. And Soph is such an amazing example of that — from her openness about her relationship struggles to her total and complete willingness to SHARE aspects of her life that many people would shy away from talking about.
She is also a MASTER at balancing it all and setting her soul on fire… the two cornerstones of what I try to share on a daily basis through my blog and podcast!
The best TBB Apparel model, tho!
Just a few of the things Sophie balances?
Running a full-time superfoods business, being a full-time mama to two little AWESOMMMEEE boys, being a fab wife to her lovely husband Adi, being a FRIEND and mentor to so many, exercising and staying on top of her fitness game, running so many forms of social media, doing demos in stores (her superfoods are in 100+ stores worldwide!)…. JUST to name a few.
You can listen to our episode HERE & subscribe in iTunes, pretty please, leaving a rate and review! <3 <3
Also, looking at all these old pics of Sophie & I has me walking down memory lane and I LOVE IT.
Our first photo ever together in NYC, baby!!! 2013. <3
Filming YouTube vids together at Taste Made… always a blast. 🙂
Shooting together for Tiny Devotions!
Annnnddd a random day at Sophie’s house switching shirts. 😉 Hehe
Would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the episode! Keep any and all feedback coming… I AM LOVING THIS SOUL ON FIRE PODCAST LIFE, IT IS SO FUN.
All caps. THAT FUN.