Soul On Fire Episode 5 // Holistic Nutritionist Kelly Leveque
Hi beautiful loves!
I have been loooooving getting feedback from you on the Soul On Fire podcast so far. It’s been my absolute favorite thing to hear — the good, the constructive criticism, the requests, all of it! Keep it comin’, my babes!
I know I have a lot to learn but beginning this podcast has truly been setting my soul on fire, even more than it already was, which is the entire goal. To live the happiest, most inspired life I can possibly live — and to hopefully inspire and motivate you to do the same!
Also, I have so many RAD and inspiring people in my life who I have been dying to interview publicly for a long time so I can share their wisdom and teachings with all of YOU.
SO yeah, this podcast life is my favorite thing ever right now. It’s really been a blast and I have so many incredible people (even some celebs… #OMG) lined up to come on soon. Still taking requests so send them ovaaaa!!
( P.S. If you haven’t listened to last week’s pod episode with Miranda Alcott, animal communicator extraordinaire, you MUST! She gives a ton of amazing advice for the empathetic, sensitive souls that a lot of us are. And obvi we talk to Hudson in the episode which makes me so endlessly happy. )
Episode #5 // KELLY LEVEQUE! Holistic Nutritionist BAE
You might recognize Kelly from the Q&A I did with her on the bloggy last year, or from my photos + snaps + insta stories because we are together a lot. She is a dear friend, she is my nutritionist, we host events together, and she all around rocks.
She has helped me so much on my road to recovery from orthorexia, and in fact I could tell from the first day that we met that she was going to be someone I trusted wholeheartedly and could really VIBE with when it came to getting advice and tips on moving forward in my health journey.
Because there’s something about Kelly that is just so REAL. We jose in the podcast that she grew up as such a tomboy and has a “bro” side to her personality, but it’s that very down to earth essence that Kelly has that makes me love and adore her the way that I do.
She is one of those girls who is just COOL. She is so easy to be around, always has a smile on her face, never complains, has the best outlook on life, and is an all around SCIENCE NERD who knows anything, everything, and more about food, wellness, nutrition, gut health, metabolism, you name it — she knows it.
I go to Kelly for ALL of my nutrition-related questions. She even introduced me to my functional medicine doctor who straight up saved my life!
So now, without further ado, I will let you LISTEN TO OUR POD EPISODE (!!!!), and if you would be so kind as to rate it & review it on iTunes, I will love you forevs. Seriously — it’s hard to get people to actually do it, but it will help the pod grow and be seen by more peeps outside of our already awesome TBB TRIBE!
STACKED with our loves Laura & Jonathan!