happy MONDAY, my amazing humans!
where to even begin with this post? so much to share, on a subject i am so excited about i could burst.
i will give you forewarning, it’s SPIRITUAL & OUT THERE, so let me take you on a little journey into what i’ve been up to for the last several months…
ALSO, i ended up recording this as a podcast episode, because after i wrote this blog post i felt that i could explain myself in FULL via the spoken word. i was also super inspired by the amazing yoga girl a.k.a rachel brathen, who recently mentioned that podcasting is her current favorite form of expression because you can get it all OUT, where writing can be trickier sometimes.
SO, even rambling.
this last year has been nuts for me on a spiritual level. i have experienced so much awakening and so many energetic shifts i find myself still trying to wrap my head around each experience.
it all started with surrendering to the universe, as simple as that might sound, but it’s true. for so long i tried to hold on to so much control, and was very wrapped up in moving fast and doing what i felt like i should be doing.
then i surrendered. had some epiphanies. set some intentions and was blown away when they started coming to fruition.
now i am on a whole new level, in a place where i can’t even imagine going back to the way i was living life before. i was happy, but ignorant of what else was out there and how good i could (and we all can) truly feel.
so now, i feel like it’s finally time to write a post explaining where i am in my spiritual journey right now, and then everything else will probably make crystal clear sense from there . . . because how could it not? 🙂
so. let’s dive right in.
ever since my ayurvedic panchakarma last september, i have felt this huge, massive, gaping openness and curiosity for more when it comes to this wide open world of spirituality.
i had the self-care portion of it DOWN, but then a really big shift happened on a more spiritual level a few months later.
at the very, very end of 2016 i let go of some big things in my life. stale relationships and stale thoughts. i spent a full month and a half getting really, ridiculously clear on what is important to me, what my intentions were moving forward, and what i wanted to manifest in 2017.
a big part of that was the need to slow way down.
without getting into too much detail, january 1st of this year served as the hugest symbol to me that what i was putting into the universe, everything i wanted to manifest, was right there in front of me. it was all happening.
life was happening, and it was time to slow down and enjoy it.
from there the spiritual journey took off. i felt a huge pull to start practicing kundalini and reiki, and just like that… teachers, practitioners and new friends started dropping into my life that… guess what?! were kundalini teachers and reiki masters!
not a joke. so very true.
books started HANGING OFF OF SHELVES and being so crystal clear to my eye in book stores and yoga studios that were all about kundalini, mediation, reiki, healing, and everything that i had been thinking i wanted to learn more about.
so of course i bought them, and soaked them all in. 😉
i also felt a pull to start meditating more, to speak to a few extremely legit psychic mediums, and to explore different ways to ground myself and have more of these CRAZY blissed out meditative visions that i was starting to experience at the end of kundalini classes and reiki sessions.
i also started connecting with more and more people who are also on this spiritual path, many of whom have been guests on my podcast. i have learned SO MUCH about my own spirituality from talking to them and soaking in their teachings and their wisdom.
( on that note, i do believe it’s no coincidence that i started a podcast when i did, and that it’s taken on this whole new direction with the spiritual side of wellness basically on its own. )
then the journey gets a little deeper //
bear with me here, because we’re going deeper.
oh, yes we are.
SO! i have had not one, not two, not three, but countless mediums, intuitives and healers tell me over the last year or so that i am meant to be a healer. of some sort. of any sort.
they don’t tell me which kind, or what that means exactly, but the first time someone said it to me my response was: “oh, i teach yoga! so that counts, right?” and he laughed. hard.
i have since learned a little more, and i understand a bit more about where the statement comes from.
whether or not i am meant to be a healer, i know and feel it in my bones that i am deeply intuitive. that’s why i write, that’s why i love as hard as i know, that’s why i am drawn to many of the things i love like yoga, meditation, oils, deep conversation, and so much more.
that’s why living on the surface has always been hard for me… if not completely impossible.
okay yeah, definitely impossible. i have always craved a deeper life and have always gravitated toward people who have depth and situations that have meaning.
the latest… & it’s exciting.
so now you know about my deep dive into kundalini and reiki and meditation and sage and oils and breath work and mediums and crystals and all that awesome stuff.
but what i have not shared yet, and perhaps the most exciting thing to me yet, is my recent experience with energy alchemy.
energy alchemy basically works with different layers of energies, from physical to emotional to spiritual energies and also energies that are beyond our plane of creation.
the art of alchemy includes transmuting negative energies into positive, clairvoyance, healing and distance healing, keeping the body healthy, and so much more.
i had never even heard of it before, but when my friend nicola of 7 om alchemy reached out to me several weeks ago to let me know that she practices alchemy & spiritual saging at the Ojai Valley Inn — without even KNOWING that i was headed to that hotel later in the week, i knew i had to have a session with her while i was there.
nicola mentioned to me that her spirits were calling my name to her loud and clear for many months, which was fascinating to both of us because we had really only met one time FOUR years ago and had pretty much lost touch in the meantime.
i was interested to see what the session was all about and i was also very hopeful that it might provide some answers to the deeper spiritual questions that i was looking for, and what my next move should be.
the moment i walked into nicola’s space, or should i say met her at the door because we didn’t even make it inside before insane stuff started to happen, i knew i was brought there for a reason.
we connected on such a deep soul level right off the bat it’s almost hard to explain in words (yet), but i can tell you that it transcended time and space, and it was beautiful.
our third eyes were connecting in a radical way. i saw past lives / other spirits within her face and she saw the same within me. she recognized things within me, about my intuition and my spirit, that made everything click.
this is what the previous healers and mediums had been talking about with me, and now it started to make sense. my intuition IS meant for deeper connection, and there are a lot of reasons why. i want to learn more about them before i fully share, but this ish is very cool.
our session was not nearly long enough because we had a group session afterward with my friends (which was also incredible), and i KNEW i needed to learn more from her.
immediately my questions of what my next move should be were answered… and it became clear to me within the alchemy session that i knew them all along.
so NOW i am doing nicola’s 7 week celestial journey, which consists of all sorts of beautiful practices from morning meditations, to morning writing prompts, to learning about the Pleiades, to basically an all encompassing cosmic journey.
today is day 2 and i already feel light and excited about what this course will bring. starting my last two days with meditation and the writing prompts has been so nourishing for my soul already.
i believe you can still join us in the course if you’re interested, and you can use the code TBB44 for $44 off if you’d like to join in. 🙂
i am so unbelievably excited to see where this journey will take me, but i can tell you that my visions have been so strong. it is very cool and exiting. HEAD OVER to the podcast to hear the story in full. <3 <3 XO XO