VEGAN Banana Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins & Our New COUPLE’s Cooking YouTube Video!
Hello, hello my loves!
I am HOME from my water fast (woo!!!!) and I cannot wait to recap it for you. I have been letting it all sink in that I did it, I finished my 14 day water fast and came out strong. I have so much to share and haven’t yet found the right words to do so. But I can guarantee you that post will be coming sometime this week, along with a podcast episode about it & a YouTube video because I vlogged the whole thing!
That’s right… I said YOUTUBE! Because TBB is coming back to YouTube! I am thrilled about this and was super inspired to revamp my videos for a few reasons.
For one, I think it’s an incredible way to connect. Right now with everyone going on in the world and all of us being at home, I know we are yearning for that human to human connection. I definitely think that is what makes podcasts so incredible, but there is also something special and tangible about seeing someone via video!
Secondly, when I was water fasting I watched YouTube like it was my JOB! I was so inspired by the vegan YouTubers on there and the communities they’ve created, and the fun and profesh ways they edit their videos (I am definitely still in learning mode). As you can imagine, when water fasting looking at food is kind of like drooling over a little slice of HEAVEN… and for me since I am so, so passionate about the plant-based way of life and the plant-based healing properties it was also a great time to just do my “research” in the space of vegan cooking videos.
So let’s just say after my fast I was elated to get home and start VLOGGING! Jonathan, my husband, is a pretty private person although you’d never know it when you see him on my Instagram and other videos. So it is kind a big deal that I got him to do this video with me, and basically convinced him to do a Vegan Couple’s Cooking Show (!!!!) on YouTube with me, which is another fun idea that came to me while I was away.
I am sure many times it will be just me in the cooking vids, but when I can wrangle J into them with me I definitely will. I think it’s so fun to have two of us in the video with two diff perspectives — there’s me, who is obsessed with all things health and wellness and basically lives for the taste of straight kale. And there’s him, who is all about the healthy vegan food but also loves to gorge on sugary treats and vegan sausage alternatives, etc. AKA his taste buds are what probably many people watching are more in line with!
So when he gave these Vegan Banana Chocolate Chip Blender Muffins a 9.5 out of 10 (which you will see in the video)… YOU KNOW THEY ARE GOOD! And he doesn’t even like chocolate!!!
Here we are in all of our wedding glory… this picture definitely describes us to a T.
AND without further ado, I think you guys are going to have to watch the video!!!!
Also, as promised, the recipe is posted here as well!! I thought it would be fun to do a “parry on the top, party on the bottom” style and make the bottom layer chocolate, with the top layer banana!! This makes them extra fun and different, because why not?
FYI they turned out a bit green because apparently when you bake sunflower butter, the baked good turns out green! I did not know that and was shocked when I saw the color, but OMG WOW they are so freakin’ tasty. I had two for breakfast this morning!! And can’t wait to have another tonight for dessert. 🙂
Vegan Banana Blender Muffin Recipe // Party On the Top, Party on the Bottom!
2 cups rolled gluten free oats
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
3 large mashed bananas
1/2 cup sunflower butter
1/4 cup maple syrup
2 flax eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp hemp milk
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
3 tbsp cacao powder
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and prepare your muffin tin with muffin tin liners.
Make your flax egg by combining two tablespoons of flax meal with six tablespoons of water. Set aside in fridge to firm.
Add all ingredients (besides the chocolate chips and cacao powder) to a high speed blender.
Remove flax egg when ready (5-10 minutes) and add in, then blend until desired consistency is formed.
Pour half of the mixture into a bowl, and then in the blender add the cacao powder for the bottom layer of the muffins. Blend until smooth.
Stir in chocolate chips to both layers.
Add chocolate layer into the bottom of your muffin tin liners, and then top that layer with the banana layer.
Bake for anywhere between 18 – 23 minutes or until the top starts to turn golden brown.
Pop them out of the oven, let them cool, and enjoy!