Hi fam! Happy 12 things Tuesday! I love that this is becoming something consistent that we all look forward to. And by “we all” I mean myself and all of the nice comments I keep getting from you guys… so I hope I am not just speaking for myself on this one! 😂
If this weekly blog brings you even half as much joy to read as it brings me to write it, then I am happy. 🙂
I just want to say I am so freaking grateful for you guys. It is funny “growing up” on the internet and can sometimes make you feel kind of different than a lot of other people. Like I have never had a normal job for one thing. And my blog readers often find out things about me before even some of my closest friends. So you guys really are my friends from near and far, and you being here makes me certain that the community we have created over the last decade is really something special. <3
On that note, let’s get into this week’s 12 things! And tell me int he comments below how you are doing this week, and one of your 12 things for the week!!
12 Things, Babyyyyyy!
1. If you haven’t listened to last week’s solo episode yet, stop everything you’re doing and listen. Lol I exaggerate but for real, this is a very, very special episode to me. It’s called “It’s OK to Not Be OK” and is basically the summation of my last 12ish weeks of life. It goes deep on anxiety, panic attacks, spiritual awakening, plant medicine integration, OCD, therapy, disassociation, chronic illness, the fear of going crazy, and then some. Even if you are not typically a podcast listener, I promise this one doesn’t disappoint. If you have tuned in (or plan to), please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. It is my most vulnerable one yet but also my favorite for that very reason.
2. Many of you commented on my voice in the episode and how it sounds stronger. Funny how we sound stronger and more ourselves when we are actually BEING ourselves and we free ourselves from the masks we feel we have to wear to be liked and normal and “fit in.” I am so done with trying to fit it and I am veryyyyy excited for this era of TBB & life.
3. I have been told that this type of DGAF era is called the VILLAIN ERA (that’s what the kids are saying on TikTok, at least!) and I am HERE. FOR.IT!!! Villain era to me means living your own unique blueprint and design and not letting anyone else diminish your light. It means “don’t give a f**k” in the nicest way possible. 😉 2023 is really about to be my villain era and I am so freaking ready for it.
4. On that note, I had an AMAZING session today with an evolutionary astrologer & 7 year cycle cosmic mapping healer named Britt Johnson. We also touched on German New Medicine (my latest obsession) and it was a full 2+ hours of goodness. She helped me see so much reflected in my chart and my path that is playing out in my life right now. She really walks the walk of a true healer, without the ego and in her highest integrity. It really inspired me and served as a reminder to me about what kind of healer I want to show up as in the world. AKA the “BS healers” and anyone who isn’t in their integrity is not gonna last much longer… Saturn in Pisces, baby. 😉
5. Going off of that, I am in an interesting place with plant medicine right now. I have been feeling this inkling deep within that I have learned all that I am supposed to learn from the medicine(s) in this life (or at this stage in my life), and now it’s time for me to find this exact healing within myself that I have been searching for in the medicine ceremonies. This is what the healer today referred to as “Mastery.” On MY path, that is. Because all of our paths are so, so different. I have a lot more to say on this that I will be sharing soon.
6. I am reading Paris Hilton’s new memoir right now, Paris, and it is SO GOOD. I have been on a really big self-help kick lately and I just needed a fun celeb memoir to have some escapism with. It is actually very deep and VERY well-written so far, and she talks a lot about ADHD in the prologue. I am fascinated and so into it. Highly recommend if you are looking for a fun read and love celeb memoirs like me!
7. Speaking of celeb stuff, the VPR mid-season trailer, anyone!?!? I MEAN. FULL chills. I still feel horrible for Ariana that this is all happening and going down, and I am extremely eager to see the rest of the season. I wish I could binge it all in one day. And on that note, if you haven’t heard Scheana yet on TBB podcast, it’s a must.
8. I still need to tell you guys about Mexico! We had the BEST TIME EVER. Lots of highlights and photos on my Instagram if you haven’t seen. Atticus slept in bed with me and J every night which was such a fun treat because at home he sleeps in his own crib. We had so many cuddles and made so many memories, it was truly the trip of a lifetime. So grateful to my parents for taking us all to this Cabo villa of DREAMS!
9. My diet!!! I talked very openly about it in last week’s solo and it has been incredible to hear the response from so many of you. I have stepped away from the hardcore plant-based life and it has been incredibly healing for me lately. I have nothing about that lifestyle and will always have a huge love for it (and will likely go back to it one day), but right now my body is thriving on protein and being very flex and relaxed with food. This has been a game changer.
10. MARK YOUR CALENDARS because new TBB merch is coming in hot at the end of April… just in time for Mother’s Day!! No but really, this collection is going to blow you out of the water! You can shop our pre-existing collection here (and it looks like some items are on sale!!)
11. I am still caffeine-free and it has been about 10 weeks strong. I do miss my morning cup of coffee and the daily ritual that comes along with it, but I am loving how I feel without it. I feel like it is very much healing my hormones and adrenals to go without it every day. And the mental release too of knowing that I am no longer dependent on it and got over the major hump of daily headaches, caffeine withdrawals, etc. I am very proud of myself for this one. If you are contemplating a caffeine break, do it!!
12. I answered a bunch of questions on my IG story yesterday. I will save them to a highlight titled “Questions” or “Q’s!” I have so many saved there, so if you are ever bored, scroll through to go on a deep dive journey with me answering our most frequently asked questions…!
13. (I had to go over again!!) Today Atticus is 15 months old!! HOW!! My little December 21st winter solstice baby. I feel like we truly have a little kid / toddler now rather than a baby and all I have to say about that is that time is a thief. It goes so fast. Soak it in, new mamas.
Ok, that’s it for today! I could truly go on forever. I never want to stop at just 12. Ahhhh. How are my favorite people? Tell me about you!! And I will answer your comments a lot quicker this week now that I am back in town from magical Mexico!! ALL. MY. LOVE !!!!