Helllooo and happy Tuesday, my new fave day of the week thanks to connecting with you guys on these blog posts! Is it crazy that knowing the structure of Tuesday blog posts & Wednesday podcasts makes my whole week a trillion times more organized? It just helps me a lot. This ADHD gal is very thankful for some *minimal* but *healthy* structure in the work week.
Not to mention… there are a lot of fun things happening behind the scenes that have been cooking up over here. I feel like I haven’t even told you guys about my recent schedule yet but I am itching to share all the deets so let’s just hop right back into it!!
12 Things Tuesdayyyyy!
1. Ok so although I spilled what felt like my entire heart and then some on my solo episode two weeks ago, I feel like I didn’t end up mentioning that due to all of the anxiety I have been experiencing, I decided to carve out some time for myself where I am not recording for the podcast right now. The beauty of this is twofold: one, I got SUPER ahead on the pod from last summer to now, so I have at least 16 episodes lined up to share still, not including solos. So two, not only do I get a break from recording (to focus on my mental health and recalibrate my nervous system) but I also want to have the recordings be a bit more timely to the release date again — i.e. not record something in September and then release it in March, lol. SO this has been a breath of fresh air for me and I am loving it!!
2. With this schedule I have found a lot more downtime for myself which I have been seeking, wanting, praying for, and trying to carve out for literally ten years. I am not saying I am an expert in this or that I will even know how to balance it properly when I do start recording again, but these last few weeks schedule-wise have been HEAVEN on earth. Today I am writing in Malibu — and it was SPONTANEOUS & wildly on a whim! I woke up and just did what felt in the flow. I have been exercising every single day and taking my time in the gym. Sleeping in, daydreaming, journaling, and ACTUALLY getting creative ideas again. Hallelujah.
3. All of this doesn’t mean that I do not enjoy recording the podcast. I love doing it. It is legit one of my favorite things in existence. But when I tell you my anxiety got so bad that dread overtook my body every time I had to record this year, that’s when I knew I had to take a break. Also – it wasn’t just that. I would be filled with dread to even get out of bed each day so carving out space for myself has been helping in many areas aside from just recording. <3
4. Ok on to some more fun stuff. Jonathan and I now have matching KINDLES and I feel like it’s the cutest thing in the world. He got one for me several months ago, and over the months he grew jealous of mine so I got one for him last week. A “just because” gift. 🙂 It has always been my dream since I was a little girl to read in bed side by side with my future husband, and now that is our freaking life. And we read in bed together every night. On our matching kindles. I feel like it’s been one of my ultimate manifestations. 🙂 (we have the Kindle Oasis!)
5. I booked myself a solo mama trip to Costa Rica during this recording hiatus and I am SO excited. It will be my first big trip by myself in a long time. Not counting 3 nights at We Care in Palm Springs last summer, it will also be my first time leaving Atticus at home without me for more than just a night. Part of me is gut-punched about being without Attie (and I have anxiety every time I think about it) but the bigger part of me is so proud of myself. This is a gift for myself and I have always loved and thrived off of alone time. I also plan to write a LOT & be in a healing, creative, inspired vortex while I am there. I cannot wait. & Attie will be perfectly happy with dad, nana, papa, and our amazing nanny while mama refills her cup.
6. EMOTIONAL weight is real. I talked about this on Instagram last week and everyone begged me to go into more detail. So we will def do a full blog post on this. But lately I have found myself feeling amazing in my body again, for the first time since pre-pregnancy. My hormones are evening out and my body is toning up again, but beyond that I feel like I’ve lost 10ish pounds of emotional weight over the last couple of months. It’s like when I finally got brave enough to face my traumas and slay some demons, shit unraveled. Quite literally.
7. Losing that emotional excess is the best feeling in the world. You can think of it as energetic weight. It’s almost like my auric field was hanging onto a ton of bricks of stress. Say in human words it was like 10 pounds, but in energetic frequency it amounted to having the weight of the world on my shoulders. It is so possible for all of us to release this. I cannot wait to share more about it and begin teaching what I have learned in this realm. Who is here for it?!
8. My back is still *killing* me with the sciatica I developed during pregnancy. Now it’s like sciatica and more of a super tight QL (part of the lumbar spine that lifts the hip and even aids in breathing), which I have learned through working with a chiropractor at Myodetox. Something that is helping me a LOT is the Pain Salve from Cured Nutrition. I literally live for it and use it every night. It has CBD, arnica, peppermint, shea butter and is just so healing. Use the code BLONDE for a discount! <3
9. I mentioned this last week but I am currently reading Paris Hilton’s memoir, and now that I am about 90% done with it, OMG I am madly in love with it. If you are on the fence about reading it, READ IT. What Paris has been through and overcome and BUILT for herself is remarkable. What she went through at the troubled-teen “school” aka brutality camp she was sent to for two years is unspeakable… learning more about her entire journey has been profound. I love, love, love this book. Next I am going to read Pamela Anderson’s memoir!
10. Another thing I loved in Paris’s book is the way she talks about ADHD. It has taken me a long time to release that although I have known for over 20 years that I have ADHD, that my brain legitimately works extremely differently than a fully typical brain. I think I wrote it off for so long because I found ADHD to be so over-diagnosed and even misdiagnosed, that I thought for many years “oh I am just a creative old soul who doesn’t follow the rules.” Which is ALSO true. But ADHD is also a very real thing and I am incredibly grateful to be on the path of finally understanding my brain better. (It also helped me reading Paris’s book to see that I am not the only ADHD writer girl who uses parentheses to continue sentences like it’s my full-time job, lol.)
11. Friendships where you can be your true self = everything. The good, the bad, the ugly. Share it all. Those are the friendships I am interested in. 💕 I have really been working on being as honest as possible in my friendships and saying the hard stuff — so resentment doesn’t build over time. etc. It is SO healing and has been part of the release of energetic weight I am talking about!
12. Voice notes are superior to texts. I freaking love voice noting. I am sitting at Soho Malibu now voice noting so many people back (I go through phases of not answering text messages — let’s call it “batching” or let’s call it ADHD or let’s call it both, lol) and it has been a heavenly morning so far.
I love you all so much!! Tell me all of your thoughts below!! It is so fun for me to connect with you here — off of social media (well that is special too) but where I feel like you are really getting a deeper and more meaningful glimpse into my soul. And me into yours, when you share with me!! LOVE Y’ALL, have the happiest Tuesday!! Xoxoxo