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12 Things Tuesday / Happy Scorpio Season!

October 24, 2023

Hellloooo and happy Tuesday to my very favorite people in the world! I hope everyone is having the best day so far and a lovely entry into Scorpio season. It is so freaking hot in LA it doesn’t feel like we are headed into the holiday season, but I am still excited that it is my favorite time of year. If I could bottle up this season through the end of the year and soak it in all year long… I would!!

So let’s get right into today’s 12 things!!

12 Things Tuesday, Babyyyy!!

1. I am hosting a very fun GIVEAWAY this week with one of my favorite brands, OWL Venice!! OWL is a broth company that has the world’s best bone broths, mushroom vegan broth, broth/soup cleanses, etc. It felt like the perfect brand to partner with to give away a TBB mug + TBB 201 tee to celebrate our recent launch and to also kick off this fun holiday season. Enter the giveaway HERE & for bonus points, tag us on your IG stories & we will be choosing a winner next week! Yippeee!

2. I am addicted to my planner right now and checking things off my to-do list, lol. I am always a bit like this but lately I am living and breathing by my planner. I love to have one in a journal that is *written* in the old school way and not just online. We all know I cannot keep my computer calendars straight for the life of me. Why is it soooo satisfying to cross something off of your list?! Especially when the list is a mile long – lol. I have this blog post on the list and I am already excited to check. it off even though I love to write it each week. 🙂

3. Atticus and I had a special Attie & mama weekend just the two of us and it gave me life. I love my special time with him. I always have but now that he is getting older and can communicate so much it’s like we can decide what we want to do together each day and it is so freaking special. I loved every moment even though I was worried about being exhausted by the end of it and… spoiler alert, I AM!! But worth it duh.

4. Speaking of exhaustion… ever since we went to Mexico a few weeks ago, Atticus has entered a new stage of not wanting to sleep without us. We created some different habits than usual on our vacation because he wanted to sleep with us so we did a lot of cuddling at night. Now he won’t fall asleep without us in the room. I have heard about this from many friends but we had never experienced it ourselves. Any tips? I love it and want to be there for him as much as possible but I also feel like it’s healthy for him to be able to fall asleep on his own the way that he always has!! Happily in his crib with all his toys! Let me know your best tips, mamas/dadas.

5. The reason it was just us two this weekend is because Jonathan was away at an ayahuasca retreat!!! It was his first one since being a dad, and his first one ever without me. I was counting down the milliseconds to hear all about it and I cannot tell you how glad I am that he had that getaway for his soul. Maybe he will have to come back on the pod and tell us all about it soon?!?! 😉

6. OK SO!! Something I am freakishly excited about it almost here. The Soul on Fire Meditation Platform a.k.a my first ever and only membership portal ever is almost ready to launch. It is going to be insane you guys — like nuts. It is changing my life just creating it so far. We will be launching with at least 50 meditations, affirmations, mantras, yoga and breath work exercises, and beyond. Even some 2-minute meditations because short ones were a huge request! I am chomping at the bit to make it live!!

7. We created this VIP waitlist for the platform so that you can stay in the know and be the first to find out when it drops. The first people to join will be eligible for huge giveaways and bonuses, and will also get a one-time founder’s rate when you join. Make sure to get on the waitlist and tell meeee so I can thank you!!

8. Also my audio editor Hayden is creating special specific binaural beats that will only be found in these meditations/affirmations, specific to the content and topic of each one. That is probably my favorite part. It’s insanely special.

9. I have been thinking a lot about this quote lately: “People don’t remember what you say, they remember how you made them feel.” It’s so easy to get in our heads about wanting to say everything correctly and sound smart etc., but the truth is, people just want to feel seen and heard in your presence. Such a potent reminder. <3

10. I booked way too many podcast guests this week, whoops. Still learning and trying so hard to carve out a slower paced schedule. But at least it will be fun and I will get ahead in the process!

11. Still on a reading SPREE. I feel like next week or the following I need to make our 12 things list a whole book club / book recommendation post. Who is here for that?! My fellow readers?!

12. Happy SCORPIO season!! In my broadcast channel on IG I shared that I used to not like Scorpio season lol but maybe that’s because I just never want Libra season to end. But now I appreciate it for all of the depth, shadows, and integration that it brings us. There is nothing quite like a Scorpio. 😉 How many Scorps do we have out there?!

Love you all! Tell me how you’re doing this week! & tell me who is entering our OWL giveaway + signing up for our VIP waitlist for the meditations!!!!