Hellloooo, and happy 12 Things Tuesday! I am so excited to chat with you guys today. I feel like there is a lot of fun stuff happening and lots of cool little product/brand/life discoveries I have made lately that I can spill the tea on today… so shall we get started?!
12 Things Tuesday, Baby! 💅🏼
1. I just did a photoshoot in Venice for the MEDITATION PLATFORM, launching SO SOON! Guess who the photog was?! My dad. I love getting to drag my parents into my work stuff, and my dad has proven to be one of the best photographers out there ever since I started blogging, mostly because he is so meticulous about symmetry, background, perfectionism, etc. He is the best. I shared some BTS of us on IG stories & TikTok — he was hysterical because apparently he had no idea that he was the photographer until we literally got started. The owner of the photo studio left after checking us in and my dad was like “…where is she going?” & I said “what did you think you were doing here?!” and he said “I thought I was just here to hand you stuff!!!” 🤣 Lmao. Everyone needs a Byron.
( Sign up to be a VIP on the meditation platform here, where you will be the first to know about it, you’ll receive launch day only pricing, be entered for giveaways & founding members perks, & so much more !!! )
2. On that note, I have been hearing from you guys saying that you miss seeing my dad & HUDDY on my stories lately!!! I feel like I started sharing less for some reason because the algorithm changed so much and I felt like I should keep my stories more *minimal* but screw that — let’s go back to sharing all the fun day in the life stuff, especially my fam because they’re amazing. And btw, no one’s fan clubs are bigger than Byron & Hudson. I am also trying to share more on TikTok again, which I originally stepped away from because it felt like too much to keep updating it — but I feel like I am in a season of loving it again.
3. Speaking of my dad/Huddy… when J and I went away this past weekend for our anniversary, my dad and Atticus fed Hudson while we were gone. And this is the best thing ever because my dad is notoriously NOT an animal person. Remember when I first got Huddy 8+ years ago and my dad demanded that I take him back to the shelter or else my parents would “never visit me again”??? Well, my mom now loves Huddy and I finally got my dad to admit that he “LIKES” him. 😂 But the truth is, I know he loves him. My dad leaps at the opportunity to feed him, and gets mad at me anytime there’s not food in his bowl. Huddy would be extremely overweight if my dad was in charge- lol. Because Huds LOVES to eat but we keep him on a diet of organic food + lots of exercise to keep him healthy & spry. ;)))
4. Our anniversary weekend away was MAGIC!!!! We stayed at the 1 Hotel in West Hollywood for a little staycation, and we unplugged so, so deeply. I didn’t even realize how *fast* I had been moving until we got there to relax & recharge. We got massages, ordered room service for every meal, read books cover to cover, laid by the pool, and Jonathan slept a TON (he ate a THC gummy lol). I didn’t sleep well because for some reason I had a massive allergic reaction & was covered in full-body hives but that’s neither here nor there lol because it was still an AMAZING getaway.
5. It was our first time being away from Atticus overnight *together* (we have both been away separately), other than my cousin’s wedding but that doesn’t really count in my eyes because we were with like 100+ family members that time lol. As much as we missed Attie & looked at photos/videos of him 24/7, it was so special to be together just the two of us. I highly recommend nurturing the bond between you & your partner after having kids — we can & will be better about it also now that we’ve experienced this weekend away. It felt like falling in love with my husband all over again!!
6. Cannot believe we’ve been married for four years. Where is the time going? Also, every day I count my lucky stars that we got married pre-pandemic because having a 200+ person wedding was just normal at that time & we had absolutely nothing to worry about — we *ALMOST* were gonna get married April 2020 instead of November 2019 and we all know how that would have turned out…
7. We just got a new air purifier from Air Doctor, and Jonathan changed out the filters on all of our existing air purifiers. I’ve gotta say… find a man who will put calendar invites in his phone to change the air filters every 3 months so you NEVER have to think about it on your own ever!!! Because I know I simply wouldn’t think about it. The filter was SO GROSS after 3 months of dust buildup, check out this video to see what it looked like!! & use the code BALANCED for up to $300 of any air purifier on Air Doctor — the best of the best.
8. On the note of products that rock, you need to get your hands on all things Somavedic, especially if you are an EMF-cautious girly like I am. Somavedic protects your home/body from EMF’s (electromagnetic frequency/radiation from electronics/WiFi/all the things), it harmonizes your water, creates a coherent field spanning more than 2,800+ square feet, creates a protective bubble & penetrates walls, can help you feel more energized and calm, it’s amazing. I recently got the GOLD model & it’s amazing!!!! It is stunning and made of actual 24-carat gold. Use my link here & the code BalancedBlonde for a discount!!
9. I have been super duper into pumpkin spice iced lattes lately & I am sad that October is over. My fave month of the year for many, many reasons. But I kind of love that Alfred is doing a “pumpkin slice” latte because it’s basically the same thing but Thanksgiving version. My current order is cold brew with pumpkin cold foam. Helllooooo, heaven!
10. I AM GOING TO NYC NEXT WEEK & I AM SO EXCITED! My old home & stomping grounds! I haven’t been back in four years and I miss it so much. Going for some exciting meetings, some fun pod interviews, to write my heart out, and to see friends. <3
11. Its 11:11 right now & I am on number 11… magic? I think YES.
12. I read John Stamos’s memoir cover to cover while on our staycation this past weekend and it is SO good. I love him but I wouldn’t consider myself a super-fan of his so I wasn’t sure if I’d love it as much as I did. But he was so honest, so raw, so open the whole way through and it was just beautiful. I love his relationship with his family (him and his parents melt me) and also his extremely touching chapters about Bob Saget. AND of course, anything Mary-Kate & Ashley I legit live for… so I was scanning the book for any & all Olsen twin mentions, and there were some good ones! Get your hands on it here!!
Hope everyone is having an amazing week!! How are my fave peeps?! xx