Helllooo my favorite people!! ♡
How is everyone doing today? Happy, happy Tuesday. Can we believe it’s still January? I have been seeing the funniest memes all over IG saying “Happy January 45th” or “It’s been 2024 for 19382920 days now and we’re still in January,” lol, and that is exactly how I feel.
It has been quite the month jumping into 2024 and I know for me things have been *on fire.* I have been feeling every emotion, doing so much creation and birthing of new projects, doing tons of house hunting (ahh), and just feeling so abundantly thrilled to head into February with a fresh wave of energy.
With that, let’s get into today’s 12 things!!
12 Things Tuesday //
1. This is a very exciting week in TBB land because on Thursday 2/01 (my luckiest of all lucky numbers), we are officially launching the SOUL ON FIRE MEDITATION & MEMBERSHIP platform!!!! And if you’re on the VIP waitlist, then you will be receiving access *tomorrow* at a very special launch pricing with access to giveaways, a first look at the platform, and so much more. AHHH!!
2. I have been working on this platform for over a year, and it feels absolutely surreal that it is finally time to bring it to life. I have to be honest with you that I think part of what took me so long to launch it into the world had to do with being slightly nervous with doing something so *new* and releasing it to the public. I have been recording these meditations for over 6 months now and I have held them so close to my heart, I have only shown like 5 people total, and it feels so thrilling/nerve wracking to take the leap into making them public starting *tomorrow*!!! But I worked through all of those nerves and here we are, it’s here baby!
3. Jonathan and I recorded an episode together that’s coming out tomorrow that’s both about the meditation platform where you will have allllll of your questions answered and then some, and also a GENDER REVEAL!!!!!! any final guesses?! Boy or giiiirl!?!? Tell me below!! 💙💕💙💕
4. I have basically been a gamer lately which I never in a trillion years thought I would say. It all started on the way back from Hawaii in December when our plane had all of these games on the TV that we started playing to distract Atticus during the final few hours of the flight. We discovered one called “ball defender” which is turns out is exactly like brick breaker on the iPhone. I never EVER got into the brick breaker hype or any other game for that matter because I’ve always said I hate games. Well flash forward to now… I play this game for like two hours every night. My high score is 155 and I’ve been trying to beat it. Jonathan and I have been playing together. It is so hilarious and fun and I need to know if anyone else plays it?!?! BTW I feel like this game was popular like 10 years ago so we are a little behind lol.
5. Most importantly above all else… VANDERPUMP RULES RETURNS TONIGHT!!! Who is readyyyy?!?! I feel like I have been waiting years for this. So. Excited. So. Ready.
6. I saw Gabby Bernstein live last night with my best friend Jillian and it was such an incredible night. Gabby is UNREAL on stage, that is truly where she belongs. It was a Tony Robbins vibe truly with the music, the dancing, the high vibes, and tons of amazing interaction with the audience. I have seen a lot of live talks recently from my fave spiritual teachers, and this was my favorite so far. I love Gabby dearly and seeing her do her thing and continue to inspire SO MANY honestly motivated me so much to live my purpose and do so in an even bigger, more public way. She is everything. Highly recommend seeing her in person if you never have!
7. Speaking of… have you heard Gabby on the podcast from last week? It is such a special and intimate convo, we touch on everything from me finding out I was pregnant THAT morning (she knew before my family even knew!) to our mutual experiences with childhood trauma, book deals, manifestation, living with confidence, and so much more.
8. Have you been watching TBB podcast on YouTube?! We have all of our latest episodes fully uploaded there now!! This one with me and Jonathan announcing the pregnancy has been a fave. 🙂 A fun way to connect if you are more of a video podcast person.
9. Go leave your final gender guesses on my latest Instagram…!!!!
10. Right now I have a kundalini meditation to initiate change from the new platform on repeat in the background and I am obsessed. It is shifting the very fabric of my being. I cannot wait to share these with you guys.
11. Atticus just ran into the room and said, “PLAY, MAMA?!?” so obviously I am going to hop off of my computer right now and play with my boy!!!!
12. Ending this one with my favorite mantra of the moment and always: every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better. <3
How are my favorite people!??! Tell me how you’re doing today. Who is excited for the meditation platformmmm?! Gender reveal guesses?!?! XO