Happpy Monday, and also HAPPY SPRING!
I’ll be honest, I just Googled when the first day of Spring 2015 actually was because I kinda had no idea. It was March 20th, in case you were wondering. And if you type “First day of…” into Google, a million and one Springtime things pop up so I guess I’m not the only curious one.
And now that we are a couple weeks into Spring (because I tooottalllly knew that all along, hehe) it’s time to get our Springtime looks on!
I’ve partnered with my ladies at BeGlammed to bring a series of Beauty Tutorial videos to The Balanced Blonde TV! I am extra excited about these videos, because I for one have never been huge into doing my own makeup. You can ask my friends, family and certainly anyone who has ever lived with me– I wear minimal makeup in my everyday life. The running joke in college was, “Put on your nonexistent mascara and clear lipgloss Jordan so we can go out,” because that was about as far as I would go, even on special occasions.
But now that my life & job includes lots of fun events, TV appearances, photo shoots & YouTube vids, I have had to step up my makeup game. And seriously THANK GOD for BeGlammed on-demand beauty services. I started working with them a few months ago for different TV appearances, and it was basically love at first sight between me and my BeGlammed makeup artist Brittany. A) we are both from Sacramento living in LA, B) she is ridiculously talented, C) our schedules always seem to totally fit with each other’s and D) she has her OWN YouTube channel which means we never run out of things to talk about and fun collab ideas.
If you follow me on Snapchat (at username Jojoyounger) you know that I post selfies with Britt, um, all the time. Because she is doing my makeup, um, all the time. Because it’s a mutual love affair. Say hiiii, Britt!
SO what better way to collaborate than to bring you guys a series of fun beauty tutorials with my girl Britt + her stellar BeGlammed team?!
I la-la-love working with them, because they are killer female powerhouse businesswomen with an amazing mission to make beauty accessible & convenient to anyone and everyone– all you need is a smart phone to order your stylist! Boo ya.
And when we shoot together we eat lots of macaroons… #happiness
Annndd we drink lots of champagne & coffee…
Annnddd we take lots of selfies (or wait is that just me?)
Without further ado, here is our Springtime Look Beauty Tutorial video! The lipgloss color is called LOLLIPOP and I am obsessed with everything about it.
If you like the video, give it a thumbs up & subscribe to the channel so we can keep bringing you more fun stuff! & let us know if you have any suggestions. I want to try them all! 🙂
Sending lots & lots of loooove!
XX, Jordan AND the killer BeGlammed crew