Guess who’s back, back, back, back again-gain-gain… TBB is back, back, back, tell a friend, friend friend…
Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You know Slim Shady is my numba one man. 😉
Hi!!! I ended up taking the longest technology break that I have taken since I started the blog last August, and I am feeling SO REJUVENATED. (Sidenote: TBB’s blog-iversary is in TWO DAYS, shall we do something special to celebrate?!?!). As you all know from reading, I have an extremely hard time unplugging from my work, the blog, the Instagram, my emails, etc. It gives me raging anxiety to step away for hours at a time even on a weekend day! And I didn’t check in once over the course of the last 9 days. Wowee. I feel like a new woman.
I had an especially hard time unplugging after the whole “coming out as a non-vegan” period, because I didn’t want to turn down any press or opportunities that came my way. I was working 8am – midnight 7 days a week with no exceptions, and I wasn’t exactly getting burnt out but I was living in a very anxious universe that could only sustain me for so long.
I am working on creating more of a balance in all areas – balance with work, with food, with relationships, with exercise and most of all balance with myself in relation to taking on way too much at once… because I want to be able to give my WHOLE self to everything I can take on!
Needless to say, I was ready for a little tech break. And I couldn’t have had a better excuse. I spent the last week traveling around Italy and the south of France! I was with 20 family members and I was sharing a room with my best friend (my mamacita), so I really didn’t have any time to get absorbed in my work bubble even if I had wanted to. And believe me, in the beginning I so wanted to! It was torture to pull myself away.
But you know what I did? I set an automatic response email, tried my best to not check my emails every day anyway, and I even let myself be okay with the fact that I didn’t have time to post a blog post about being gone and taking a tech break. And slowly but surely, each day that I was away, I let myself unwind.
A few days into the trip I remembered how amazing it feels to sleep soundly without the anxiety of “what is on my morning checklist!??!” pumping through my veins. There is even a huge difference engaging in conversation with people when I don’t have work in the back of my mind. I was finally feeling 100% present and pretty darn carefree.
That realization brings me right back to my favorite quote in the world:
How freaking true is that? I was on cloud nine before I left for my trip—feeling amazing about work, moving to LA, new opportunities with TBV Apparel, TBB App, my book deal, all of the great press surrounding my coming out experience… but the best way to celebrate ALL of that is with people. Connecting. And I am so lucky to have the best family around to connect with.
We went from Rome to Sorrento and Capri, to Amalfi and Positano, to Sardinia, Florence, Marseilles, Saint Tropez and Monte Carlo. Whirlwind amazingness. So many breathtaking cities. And I can’t even describe how incredible it was to be reunited with my favorite city in the world – Florence. It was my first time being back since living there in 2011. It was a dream.
The Food Situation:
I will be giving full details on the bloggy this week about the trip, where we stayed, and of course the food situation! As far as food went while traveling (I am recovering from an eating disorder after all… trust me I didn’t forget), it went much better than expected. There were certainly bumps in the road, but I faced SO MANY fear foods and did much, much better than I thought I would. I am going to do a whole post on my food situation in Italy and France this week and I can’t wait to share with all of you.
What else is coming up on TBB? So many exciting things!!!
A) A new logo. I don’t want to give away the exact date because we are going to work on it until it is perfect, but it will be up within the next few weeks for sure. I am so freakishly excited to have a new logo to match the new persona of the blog.
B) A new layout!!! What is embodies a fresh start even more than a new logo? A fresh look. Can you say HELL YES? Hell yes. Our goal release date is August 22nd… mark it in your calendars! (Or just get excited. Either way. It’s going to be visually pleasing as f**k… you know my graphic designer is a boss!)
C) Some new shirt styles and phrases for TBV Apparel – and, as requested, some of the shirts will be in color!!! Who can guess the colors? Anyone who guesses correctly will get 10% off of the new styles. Eek!
D) Lots of fun interviews, videos & recipes.
E) Now that I’m back in LA… LA restaurant reviews galore!
F) TBV App will officially be released in Fall 2014. So soon, so soon!
G) Info about the book deal to come. 🙂
H) Obvi details about my travels.
Now, it’s time for me to unpack, settle in, make this place my own, catch up on emails / TBV Apparel deets, and do some YOGA!!
^ Saint Tropez beach day!!! My favorite place on earth.
How has everyone been?! What have I missed?!