Hi babes! It’s Thursday, & it’s time for a Things I’m Loving Lately post. From spontaneous beach nights to FLANNELS to my new bedtime habit… Laying it all on the table. Enjoy. 🙂
1. Spontaneity ▶▷▸▹►
Now that I am back in LA for good and my hectic summer is coming to a close, I have more time to vary up my schedule and sneak things in that allow me to reflect in new ways. I have always been a person that tends to feel pretty stifled by an everyday routine, and even though my current routine is one that fluctuates daily and allows for a lot of wiggle room… I still crave a certain element of adventure and spontaneity to shake things up.
Two days ago I was driving to yoga for my fav 6pm class, and something came over me. My drive to yoga is pretty much a straight shot to the water; so the closer I got the closer I was getting to the ocean and the gorgeous light of the not-quite-setting-yet sun. Normally nothing deters me from yoga, but when I parked at the studio I left my mat and towel in the car and ran (yes, RAN!) right down to the ocean. It was a pull. My heart knew I needed it and it cleared my head in the best way possible.
There was a small part of me that was panicked to stray from the “routine” of my very favorite yoga class… “What if I regret it? I’ve never regretted going to a yoga class…” so it felt even better to show myself that just because I do it all the time doesn’t mean I need to do it every day. My heart lead me to the ocean, and I felt instantly more calm and more in tune with myself and the universe. It was needed.
2. Top Buns ▶▷▸▹►
Y’all know I love a good top bun, and any variation of it. Anything that allows me to throw my hair up on top of my head and not have to worry about it getting in the way or getting tangled is pretty much my best friend. Lately I have been especially into the top bun, and it’s probably because my hair has gotten REALLY long. Like longer than it’s ever been I think. It’s definitely past my elbows. (Sidenote: It’s about time! I’ve only been growing it out since Fall 2011…!)
Anyway, I’m so into the top bun right now that it’s even going to be on our new “Things I’m Loving Lately” TBV Apparel tee. That’s right, we have new designs coming out next week! Which brings me to #3.
3. New TBV Apparel Designs ▶▷▸▹►
Our new designs are coming out next week… hellll to the yes! We have been dying to get some new designs out for months now, and with my whole rebranding, name change, book & app, the designs were put on hold for the summer. Our newest tee is the “Healthy Checklist” tank, which I absolutely adore, but these new designs officially take the cake as my favorite tees to boot. Any guesses on the phrases we have up our sleeves?!
4. Collaborating with awesome people ▶▷▸▹►
My good friend Sophie & I are hosting at event with Racked Fitness at Equinox in West LA today at 3:00 p.m. There will be a rockin’ yoga class taught by Laura Conley, and afterward I will be selling TBV Apparel t-shirts at a 10% discount and Sophie will be selling her Philosophie superfood powders. Come hang out, sweat, sip on some smoothies & shop!
5. Going to Bed EARLY! ▶▷▸▹►
I know, I know, right? Who am I? I’m the girl who once claimed she thrived off of staying up until 4:30 in the morning to write/read/party (whoops) and then sleep in until noon. I used to feel like my creative potential was somehow “unlocked” in the wee hours of the night when everyone else was asleep and there was nothing going on to get distracted by. There was also that minor problem of insomnia and extreme anxiety that kept me awake for hours on end…
Well, lately, I have been going to bed no later than 10:30 p.m. most nights and waking up (with no alarm clock!!!) by 7:30 a.m. This weekend I stayed out pretty late all three nights and my internal clock still woke me up by 8, so I think my body is officially getting used to the shift. I feel like so much more of an adult… and I feel way better rested overall. I’m pretty thrilled about it.
6. Finding new food photography locations ▶▷▸▹►
My new apartment has WAY more space than my NYC apartment (surprise, surprise), so being on the hunt for new places to set up food photo shoots has been kind of a blast. My latest discovery is our balcony. The lighting is gorgeous and it doesn’t take a whole lot to make the food look ridiculously appetizing. With the book & app deadlines on rapid approach, food lighting is on my mind quite a bit. Next thing I know I’m going to be in the middle of the street laying in the grass trying to snap the perfect photo… can’t say I haven’t done that before. ; )
7. Loyal friends / followers / readers ▶▷▸▹►
Long story short, some crazy internet troll called me a “narcissistic c*nt” (among other things) on Instagram yesterday. At this point you’d think I would be used to it, but this time it wasn’t even about veganism. It was about my recipes being “too simple.” I made the mistake of responding, annnddd so the downward spiral began. So many amazing followers / friends / readers commented back defending me, and several people reported the idiot to Instagram, and also the Whole Foods because they were using Whole Foods’ logo as their profile photo. #karma (do these people not understand how idiotic & angry they sound?!)
I. Am. So. Obsessed. With. Flannels. Right. Now. I fell in love with this look on Lauryn’s blog a few weeks ago, and ever since I’ve been on the hunt for some perfect pieces to pair with a black maxi or my fav boyfriend jeans. So into it.
9. Waxelene products ▶▷▸▹►
Ummm, Waxelene rocks. You know I am always on the hunt for all-natural, organic, eco-friendly products – especially products I use on my face! I am super picky about what I put on my skin… I don’t even wear makeup 95% of the time for that very reason. Waxelene products contain no petroleum and no hydrogenated oils, and they have a patented aeration process so your skin can breathe. They have a lip tube and a petroleum jelly alternative for your skin. Because I’m the queen of chapped lips, this lip tube has been my best friend as of late. (Tip: you can also use the petroleum jelly alternative to remove mascara! Helllooo Saturday night BFF.)
You can find Waxelene products here, and also at Whole Foods, Bed Bath & Beyond, and CVS.
10. This article & this romper & this snackie ▶▷▸▹►
No, I didn’t write the article about yoga, but I might as well have. I agree with all 18 reasons on the list! Namaste to that. And this romper… to die. You’ll see me wearing it in the next week, because I definitely just bought it. And the snack… Seriously? Plus the food photos are amazing + I’m obsessed with Molly’s blog.
What are YOU loving lately? Any fun plans this weekend? Whooo’s ready to join me in a TBV Apparel #countdown?!