Oh, helllo there my lovies! Today I have a couple of real exciting things to chit chat with you about:
1. My Gingersnap’s Organic + TBV Apparel Event in NYC on October 6th!
2. RewardStyle + Like to Know It on the bloggy & insta
So, we’ll start with the event! Some of you may recall that last June my lovely friend Max Goldberg & I hosted an event at Gingersnap’s Organic in the east village in NYC. It was called “Eat Organic With Us,” and it was a super fun combo of amazing raw vegan food & inspiring, healthy, awesome people coming together to get to know each other.
I am headed back to NYC for a visit the first couple weeks of October and I seriously couldn’t be more excited. I miss the city a ton, but what I really, reallllyyy miss is the people. My best friend in the universe Katie, my healthy bloggin’ BFF Tara, my lifelong roomie and world travel partner Clare, and a whole lot of other amazing, inspirational people I was lucky enough to live near all of last year.
Another person I miss is the awesome & inspiring Jamie of Gingersnap’s Organic. Jamie and I hit it off and have a ton in common. I’m beyond lucky that she agreed to let me host another event at her incredible restaurant. Jamie and her team will be providing the food, and I will be hosting a TBV Apparel Trunk Show / meet & greet.
Everyone who attends will get 10% off of TBV Apparel (bringing the shirts down to $30.00 a piece, and if you buy 3+ you’ll get 15% off!) and also 10% off of a Gingersnap’s Organic cleanse if you sign up the night of.
You will also get an array of some of the best raw vegan food in existence (okay, the best raw vegan food in existence). On the menu is a pour of their [GO] Kick green juice, Zaatar crackers & zucchini almond hummus, guac & chipotle crackers, ramen noodles (my personal fav…out of this world!), pour of [GO] Vanilla Superfood Milk & a donut hole.
The event goes from 6:30-8:30pm on Monday, October 6th. I seriously cannot wait to be there, share the shirts with you (including the new designs!!), hang out and mingle over delicious healthy food, and chat with all of you!
The link to purchase tickets is here. All food & drink is included in this price! All you have to do is show up. : )
Now… numero dos on my list of things I wanna share with you today is RewardStyle! RewardStyle is an invitation-only affiliate marketing program for style + lifestyle publishers across the web. There are so many awesome things I can do with it I can’t even wait to get started.
The reason I’m telling you all about it is because you should head over to LIKEtoKNOW.it and sign up, so that when you “like” a photo on Instagram that I post (or any of your favorite bloggers post), you will receive an email with direct links to what we are wearing, the kitchen tools/products/utensils we are using, the home décor in the background, etc.
It’s awesome because it makes things easy for you, and we make a small commission if you choose to purchase any of the items. It’s no extra cost for you and it rocks for people like me who make a full-time living blogging.
For example… here are just a couple end of Summer / beginning of Fall favorites:
PS… My episode of CBS’ The Doctors aired yesterday! Catch it here!
So… Gingersnap’s Event + RewardStyle… hooowww freaking cool are both?! Have you heard of LiketKit before? Ever tried Gingersnap’s?