Hi everybody! I can’t tell you how nice it is to sit down and write this blog post, knowing that I am going to post it right after I finish writing it and checking for typos. The immediacy of blogging is one of the things I love the very most about it (I’m an impatient mofo!) and also the ability it gives me to connect with all of you who are reading in the process!
It has been a super duper busy week. My first book deadline is next week so I am in crunch time with that; we did an incredible TBV Apparel photo shoot in Santa Monica on Tuesday (photos below… duh!), we are wrapping up the last minute details of the app and getting ready to send it to Apple, I am planning my NYC event and getting geared up for my trip there next week, and today is my grandfather’s funeral so I drove home from LA yesterday (6 hours!!) to be here with my fam bam.
See… busy! But that is how I like to keep things and it’s also how I end up getting the most work done. When I only have one or two things going on and they aren’t pressing or exciting to me, I won’t even do them. I’m not even a procrastinator, I’m a get-out-of-just-about-anything-I-don’t-wanna-do kind of person which can be good and bad.
Anyway, back to what we are here for today. Loving Lately!
Loving Lately // 9.25.14
1. Frozen Yogurt ▶▷▸▹►
This one might sound a little silly or a little generic to you, or perhaps a little like, “Seriously? Fro yo is soooo 2011… where the heck has this poor chick been?” Well, let me tell you! I didn’t eat frozen yogurt, or anything with refined sugar for that matter, for two years straight. Before that I didn’t eat dairy, so frozen yogurt was something I really hadn’t had since about my freshman year of college, give or take.
Lately I have been challenging myself in the food department and trying to reincorporate things I know that I love in order to feel satisfied and balanced again. Umm, can we talk about the fact that frozen yogurt tastes like a little glob of heaven? Maybe it’s the serotonin surge from the sugar speaking, but holy crap do I love the taste of frozen yogurt (especially chocolate) with some yummy toppings on a warm day. And the sugar gives me a nice little energy boost – something I hadn’t experienced from food in a long, long time.
More than just the deliciousness of frozen yogurt, what I’m really saying here is that I am loving feeling SATISFIED and treating myself to something that I love! I am trying to live my life and ditch my food fears, and it feels pretty damn amazing when I am able to do that with no regrets and no urge to run to the gym for three hours to pretend like the indulgence never happened. (I am not recommending you do that – it leads to a very unbalanced and unhappy life.)
2. RewardStyle & LIKEtoKNOWit ▶▷▸▹►
I wrote all about this in Tuesday’s post so I won’t go into too much detail, but I am seriously loooving being a part of RewardStyle and getting to explore their website and all of the awesome stuff they have to offer for bloggers. In order to reap the benefits of LIKEtoKNOWit, sign up on their website so you can receive an email every time I (and/or your other fav bloggers) post a photo of an outfit, home décor item, kitchenware, etc. It ROCKS!
3. This super freaking awesome yoga mat ▶▷▸▹►
It’s no secret to all of you that I love the bohemian style/vibe more than anything, and being able to incorporate it with my YOGA MAT is just about the raddest thing I have heard of doing all month. Nowww to find yoga pants to match!
4. Flat Tummy Teas ▶▷▸▹►
I am so into this tea right now. Don’t let the name “flat tummy” freak you out into thinking it’s some kind of diet tea because you know my stance on that kind of stuff. This is a totally natural 2-step detox (their Everyday tea for daytime and their Afresh tea for nighttime) that speeds up your metabolism in an all-natural way and detoxifies impurities to make your digestive system run smoother. Their 4 Week Fab is a great way to get started and is my personal current fav. It has a laxative effect, so for those of you who are addicted to coffee for that reason you might consider switching things up to a more natural regulating system!
I love it because I love sipping on tea with lemon when I first wake up in the morning, and this tea charges up my energy levels because it is super antioxidant. The nighttime tea decreases unwanted water retention. Soak the tea leaves longer for a more “cleansing” effect (a.k.a laxative). Love, love this stuff. You can find it here, or find them on Instagram at @flattummytea.
5. TBV Apparel Photo Shoot ▶▷▸▹►
Heeeere’s a little sneak peek into what Tynan and I were up to on Tuesday…
More to come, but I wanted to share my favs for now!
6. TimeHop App ▶▷▸▹►
Okay I am actually dying over this app. It tells you exactly what you were doing one, two, three, four, five (and on) years ago on the day! Three years ago today I was in Venice, Italy with some of the greatest people around.
Four years ago today I was being a total sorority girl at our Greek Week football game. Oh, the memories! I am a freakishly nostalgic person, so my friends have been receiving lots of texts and emails with photos from this app – and it’s not stopping anytime soon!
7. This Shirt ▶▷▸▹►
I have been a fiiiiend for plaid lately (you knew it was coming with Fall…) and this Sam Edelman Zip Shoulder Plaid Shirt is no exception. Want/need/buying.
8. Alcohol ▶▷▸▹►
Remember my views on alcohol? Well, I’ve been letting loose a little more often lately and it has been really fun. Last night I enjoyed some cocktails with my parents at Ella in Sacramento, and tonight we are all taking shots to celebrate the life of my grandpa because he loved alcohol more than most people I know. (Okay, maybe more than anyone.) I have been feeling a lot more like my old self… carefree & spontaneous versus rigid and controlled. It feels waayyy better in every way possible.
This is what my clean laundry pile looks like. I need to start wearing more than just yoga clothes. But they’re so comfy and then I don’t have to change for yoga at the end of the day!
10. TBV Apparel Custom Orders ▶▷▸▹►
But really… is whiskey vegan? Email me if you’d like a custom tee made, and we will hook you up.
11. This Article ▶▷▸▹►
Especially #18, #23, and pretty much #1-#6.
What are YOU loving lately? Anything exciting going down this weekend?