Good morning, lovers. Many of you know (especially if you follow me on Instagram) that I spent most of last week in the gloriously beautiful San Jose del Cabo, Mexico with three of my most favorite ladies — my mama, my BFF Jill & her beautiful mama Leslie.
Trip highlights: relaxing by the pool, beach walks, reading TWO full books (so heavenly for a reader-bug like myself who rarely finds the time to read these days except for bedtime), hibiscus mezcal margaritas at Flora Farms (full post from the farms to come! Too much amazingness happened there), spending time with great people, going to bed early & waking up to the sound of the waves crashing into the shore (and on that note, waking up to the bright sun blazing in through our curtains and having THIS view):
More highlights: frolicking around Flora Farms with Jill & getting to go behind the pizza counter & MAKE my own pizza (!!!), enjoying the delicious & super healthy cooking via my soulsister Alin Siqueiros, chatting around the dinner table late into the night (and by late I mean 9:30 p.m.) and listening to funny stories about Jilly as a kid from her mama, rocking my ViX swimwear & fun jumpsuits and coverups:
ViX Jumpsuit || Dolce Vita Wedges || Jill’s Red Romper
And… perhaps the MOST exciting part of the trip…
Planning a HEALTH RETREAT at Casa Encanto for early next year!!! (Potentially a New Years retreat… So KEEP THAT TIME OPEN if you’re interested!) I am so freakishly excited about it. There will be lots more details to come, but we all know I can’t keep a secret from you even if my life depended on it– so, it’s out there. Pleeease tell me if you have specific questions! I am planning it with the completely fabulous & inspiring chef & manager of the house, Alin and Mauricio (also an adorable couple)– and WE. ARE. SO. EXCITED.
So, yes, the trip was work & play, buttt… Mostly (99.99999% play). 😉
Highlights Continued:
TBV Apparel #allovertheworld
The freshest fruit prepared by the greatest chef around…
All natural & local lavender Oat Soap… For real?!?
Beach yoga, because it wouldn’t/couldn’t be a TBB trip without it 😉
This brie plate… (I mean, really?)
Annnddd so much more. Stay tuned for Cabo Recap Part II, which will be allll about FLORA FARMS & how much I (clearly) fell in love with it.
PS, have you seen my newest YouTube video?! All natural beauty featuring my favorite natural brands like Cate McNabb, Sunology & more…!
#outtake (yes, I’m this much of a dork in the whole video):
How was everyone’s weekend? Thoughts on the video? Thoughts on the HEALTH RETREAT?!