( Scroll down if you’re only here for the recipe & video — that’s totally fine, too! )
Hello, hello my beautiful loves! I can’t tell you how good it feels to sit down & write a post this morning. It is now Thursday morning annddd I haven’t even been on my computer since Monday! For someone who normally spends a heck of a lot of time on the computer writing, emailing, social media-ing and editing writing/photos… that is one long ass time.
BUT the computer break hasn’t been for nothin’ — I have been doing some super fun stuff around here! On Tuesday morning I was on Larry King Now where I sat on a panel on orthorexia with two esteemed doctors & Larry himself. When I say that Larry is a MASTER at what he does… that is a huge, huge understatement. He has been in this business for well over 60 years (he’s 81!) and his familiarity with being on camera, reading the teleprompter, intrinsically knowing what questions to ask and how to engage his guests BLEW. MY. MIND. As an aspiring TV host of some sort, he seriously is a new idol of mine.
So that was freaking awesome & I will put the link to the show up the moment I have it! It will air in a couple of weeks.
Yesterday was extremely fun as well. I spent the day filming YouTube videos with BeGlammed – an on-demand beauty service where you can request hairstylists and makeup artists through an app on your iPhone! I adore working with the BeGlammed gals, and I even have a go-to makeup artist named Brittany who is also a Sactown girl in LA like me. We had a blast filming & can’t wait to share the beauty tutorials on our YouTube channels! And I spent the NIGHT having dinner with my BFFs and capturing it for the book.
I also still need to write & tell you all about my amazing experience at The Natural Products EXPO WEST a.k.a my version of Disneyland a.k.a Coachella Weekend Zero (right Brandin & Hayden?)
But first… What you’re here for:
Cashew Butter Green Dream Magic.
Also known as the most delicious, decadent, vanilla, CAKE-FLAVORED dreamy green superfood nut butter.
I’m serious about this. (If you want to skip right to the video, you officially have my permission to do so HERE.)
Sophie & I wanted to bring you guys something extra delicious & healthy for St. Paddy’s Day, since we know the holiday itself can be a bit of a beer & fried food fest. This is something yummy AND nutrient dense you can bring to a St. Paddy’s party, to work so you don’t get pinched, or to feed your kiddo’s while celebrating.
Also, filming this video with Sophie made me think of two things:
A) I want to film all videos with Sophie because I think we make a power team and she brings out the best in me and our love shines through on camera. And it’s fun to watch two people at once I think!
B) Filming makes me extremely happy & I want to do it as much as possible.
C) Making magic with your best friends can’t exactly be topped by ANYTHING.
^ See how much fun we were having?!?!?! Or at least me… LOL.
And without further ado, HERE is the video:
+ we are doing a fun GREEN DREAM super food powder giveaway for those who subscribe to the channel & comment telling us why they like the video!
Also, use the discount code “GreenHoliday” for 10% off Green Dream this weekend.
Last but not least, the recipe written out since I know that’s easier sometimes:
2 cups soaked cashews (soak for 1+ hour)
2 big pinches coconut flakes
1 heaped tablespoon coconut oil
2 tablespoons honey
few pinches Himalayan sea salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
BLEND & enjoy!
Happy St. Paddy’s Day my lova loves!! What’s everyone doing this weekend? I am running a Shamrock’n Half Marathon! Eeek!