Hi loves! I know it’s been almost a full week since my last blog post, but I wanted to leave the TBV Apparel new design announcement up at the top of the blog for as long as humanly possible! Plus, my family was in town for my nephew’s high school graduation and my niece’s third birthday, annnnddd I went to a gorgeous wedding in Plymouth, CA this weekend for one of my dear friends’ cousins.

The winery in Plymouth right before the sun went down, but this doesn’t even begin to do it justice! The beauty was ON ANOTHER level.
And I’ve been doing the FINAL FINAL round of edits on Breaking Vegan!
All in all, you could say I’ve been a little bit busy. But if you follow me on Snapchat (@jojoyounger), Instagram, Facebook or Twitter then you know I’ve been posting away on social media as usual. I might be a little bit addicted to sharing my life with all of you. 🙂

Keeks may or may not have eaten a big handful of blue M&M’s right before this photo was taken… But she told me they were carrots ; )
Another highlight of my weekend was that I finally got new running shoes! And I say finally because I have been running in the same Asics for over a year… meaning they’ve endured two half marathons, a 10k, daily workouts at Orange Theory, stomping around the streets of New York, 8 mile beach walks with my Lex Bex, hikes in the Malibu Canyons, boot camps with my mama and more.
And you know what they say about tennis shoes… You’re not supposed to wear them once they start to get worn out, and if you’re super active that could mean after 3-4 months. I was never sure whether to fully buy into that or not, especially since I get VERY attached to my shoes and I hate change, but my left ankle has been bothering me a bit for the past few weeks so I figured it was time to say buh-bye to my beloved Asics.
The good news is– my oldest sister works at Fleet Feet, a sports store in Sacramento! She’s a running machine and she knows what she’s talkin’ about. So on Sunday me, my mom AND my dad headed over there to pick out some new kicks. After trying on the whole store and then a few more, I decided on these Brooks Running Glycerin shoes in black. It was a tough decision to stray from my Asics, and Nikes don’t fit me well even though I love all of their styles, and the Brooks shoes totally stole my heart.

Posing on the ledge between my hot tub and pool, like a boss. Doesn’t everyone start their workouts in places like that?
(My dad got Mizunos and my mom got Nikes. They are all BLACK, which makes my very chic mama oh so happy.)
After I posted the above photo on Instagram showing off my new shoesies, I got a few questions pertaining to: “How the HECK do you work out when it’s THIS BLAZING HOT outside?!”
Anyone in Northern California right now knows what I’m talking about, and I am willing to bet that it’s starting to approach that time of year in nearly all parts of the U.S. right now. In case you aren’t sure what I am referring to: it’s been 100+ degrees in Sacramento for the past few days, and before that it was in the big 90s.
Hot, hot, HOT.
So with the hawwtttt summer months on our horizon, I wanted to share a few of my favorite tips for staying motivated to exercise when it’s superdeeduper hot outside.
I know it can be easy to get a little sluggish when the temperatures are rising outdoors, especially if you like to do things like running, hot yoga, outdoor sports, etc. But other than working out INSIDE (gym, home workouts, yoga studio that’s not heated), here are a few ways that I stay on top of my workout game:
1. I rest when I need to. Sounds almost counterintuitive, right?! You thought I was going to tell you to push through the pain, suck it up & pretend like it’s the middle of winter outside, didn’t you? Sometimes I feel that way, but that’s not always the case. For example, this weekend I needed a LOT of rest. My body was super fatigued from all of my travel and also from pushing it a little too hard in the HOT yoga studio last week when it was blazing outside. I took Saturday and Sunday off to rest & recharge, and because of that my workout yesterday was much, MUCH better than all of my workouts from the previous week combined. #balance, my loves. Show yourself love and kindness when you need it, and don’t ever feel like a failure because your body is telling you it’s too tired to do something.

The REAL highlight of my weekend was taking a two hour bath on Sunday. Tea, reading, zoning out. Hell to the yeah.
2. Just start, and see where it takes you. If you’re feeling a little bleh and wondering whether or not you need a rest day, chances are once you get your body moving you will up your energy levels pretty quickly. When you KNOW you need a rest day, that’s when you take one. Sometimes all it takes is starting… get down on the ground, do some stretches, hold plank for 30 seconds, do a little downward dog, jog in place. Oftentimes I find that once I START my workout, I am much more motivated to keep it going and get a good sweat in. I usually do a 20-30 minute home yoga/stretching session, and then I’m pumped to go for a run or for a long power walk outside. Or, when it’s this hot… usually to the gym to hop on the treadmill with a FAN.
3. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! When it starts to get warm outside, it’s even more important to stay extremely hydrated. I drink 8-10 glasses of water per day (at MINIMUM), and I prefer drinking it at room temperature because it’s better for my digestion that way. If you need an extra boost of hydration, you know I love all-natural healthy hydration supplement Liquid IV. When you’re hydrated, you are much more motivated to keep your workouts going and you have more energy and clarity to get through your day.
4. Switch it up!!! Your workouts in the summer are inevitably going to be different than your workouts in the winter/fall/spring. It is hotter, and you need to listen to your body to find what works. Instead of an hour long run outside, cut it down to 30 mins and then do strength training indoors. Don’t push yourself to do something that’s going to be completely unenjoyable. If you don’t enjoy your workouts, you won’t keep doing them. It’s just the truth!
So… rest, BEGIN, hydrate & switch things up! You won’t regret it.
Also, in case you were iffy about following me on Snapchat… this video should convince you of how fun I am. 😉 (Click on the below.)