Hey guys! I’ve missed you!!! I have found it difficult to stick to my regular posting schedule lately for a few reasons. Let me tell ya why…
A) Head is SPINNING with everything going on! And I’m not saying that in an, “Ugh, I’m so busy I don’t even have time to blog” kind of way. I’m saying it in a “Wow, my brain is in overdrive and there is so much to focus on” kind of way — and when I feel that way, it can be really hard for me to write from the heart. It’s kind of like how I spent all of my free time writing fictional stories for fun until I went to grad school for creative writing and could NOT for the life of me focus on creative writing. And that was because I was so focused on the blog. And nooowwww I am so focused on the book and trying to keep everything in order with my current travel sched that a lot of ideas I’ve had for the blog have just felt — DULL. And I refuse to write dull content for you guys. So I’ve kept my posts to a bit of a minimum lately while I let my head do the lil’ spinning thing that it’s been so good at lately…
B) TRAVEL! I mentioned it above, but that has been a huge one. Whenever I get into the routine of traveling a lot, my normal sched gets much more difficult to maintain. I often trick myself into thinking that I will be fine and get tons of work done on the plane, in the hotel room, etc, which DOES happen, but not quite the most creative stuff. I can stay up to date on emails, projects, TBV Apparel, interviews and other things of that sort, but when it comes to creating content for the blog, I like to be in a very specific headspace. And when I am on a red eye to Miami and then spending 3 days on a boat I am stimulated in a whole different way, but not necessarily in the creative way.
C) I am so inspired, I want to let some things sink in. I had an unreal time at the Summit at Sea event I was at this weekend. I got to hear panelists speak from Martha Stewart to John Legend to Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google) to Travis Kalahnick (CEO of Uber) to Mark Sisson (writer of the Primal Blueprint) to some of the most badass yoga teachers in the biz and more… And wow, did I soak in a LOT. Emotions, motivation, inspiration, intense feelings, new friendships, super deep conversations, lots of reflection about all sorts of things that have been going on lately, refining my focus/vision of the future of my brand and so much more. With so much shifting and evolving within my vision, I have felt it especially necessary to take a few breaths before pushing out content.
D) Now that the book is out, my story is OUT THERE. For those of you that have read my book, you know that it captures a lot of my life. From my intensely personal eating disorder journey to details about my childhood, my lifelong relationship with food, my vegan journey, recent family hardships and so much more — I put a lot of sh*t on the table. Now that that is all out there, I am free to move forward and move on from the eating disorder recovery chit chat. I will always be here for you guys to talk to, ask questions to, vent to, relate to, etc. when it comes to eating disorder recovery, but I am personally at a point where I very much look forward to moving on from that phase of my life — so the blog will be moving along right alongside of it. That is a very special and groundbreaking feeling — and also a terrifying one, because bringing the brand in somewhat of a new direction is always terrifying!
E) I love sharing healthy recipes & restaurants with you guys, but I am getting misrepresented about my food choices in the media & it has made me step back a little. You’ve seen the headlines… “Veganism almost killed her,” “How girl almost died while on a vegan diet,” “Vegan diet threatened TBB’s life,” and so on. Well, I am here to tell you that none of that is true. The media likes to sensationalize things and twist words to make headlines. I have been thrown into the fire a little bit because some people assume I am cool with those headlines, but I’m not. It’s been really heartbreaking to watch my story get twisted and watch words being put into my mouth — and a whole community of people have been angered because of it. I choose not to focus on the negativity being slung my way, because I know that I have represented myself in a very truthful and authentic way. Anyone who chooses to look into my story will see that. BUT it has made me slightly uncomfortable about sharing MY version of healthy food with you guys right now, because I feel that I’m damned if I do and I’m damned if I don’t. I am not anti-vegan, and I don’t eat junk food. I have been getting slammed for being “too healthy” on one end of the spectrum and slammed for not being healthy enough on the other end — this isn’t affecting me on a personal level, but stepping away from writing recipes on the blog to reflect about what kinds of recipes I am MOST passionate about sharing with you guys feels like the right thing right now.
F) Interviews!!! I have been doing a lot of awesome interviews for the book lately. You can find me in this month’s issue of ELLE Magazine, I am on my dear friend Andie Mitchell’s blog today, I will be on The Angriest Trainer podcast in coming weeks (so fun talking to him), Maddy Moon’s Mind Body Musings, Kathryn Budig’s blog, and more. I will keep you guys all very posted on that — all super exciting!
Who’s with me?! When I have a lot going on, it can be the most difficult thing in the world to just FOCUS and feel creatively stimulated. Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts. I’ll be back tomorrow with a Loving Lately post — woo woo!