It might sound like a cliche question, but I’m honestly wondering. What is your perfect day? Because if you know the answer to that question, then you basically have all the tools you need in order to feel your very best at any given moment. Bear with me here- I will explain in a sec.
Before I get into the whole perfect day thing, I want to tell you about the sponsor of this post — the fab MZ Wallace. The backpack & purse I am rocking in this post, from my perfect Malibu day, are both MZ Wallace. They are an NY-based accessory brand that combines functional luxury with distinctive design for women who lead a dynamic lifestyle. Hellloooo, who does that sound like?! Moi. And probably you too! Dynamic lifestyle all the way– if you’re not leading one, you better start.
The line was founded by Monica Zwirner and Lucy Wallace Eustice, both of whom were born & raised in Manhattan (my DREAM). Both ladies worked in fashion for several years before linking up to create MZ Wallace, because they both saw a certain functionality factor missing from the accessory world.
They also just launched MZW Fitness, which I obviously am a h-u-g-e fan of. (Read about why co-founder Monica loves yoga here; I LOVE THIS… Especially because I also practiced at Jivamukti when I lived in NYC!). They have everything from the Metro Yoga bag to a custom barre3 tote (you KNOW how I feel about barre3!) & their bags promote functionality on top of how cute they are.
* We are doing a GIVEAWAY at the bottom of the post. Just comment telling us what your perfect day looks like AND follow @mzwallacenyc on insta, and I will choose one winner to receive a free MZ Wallace bag of their choice! X
Below, I am wearing the Metro Backpack & gazing out over my favorite pier… Malibu Pier baby.
Okay, so now let’s talk about why it’s important to be able to envision our perfect day.
Take it from me… I think I have got to be the most anxious, OCD person in the entire world. When something I’m stressed about starts to take over my mind, it feels like there is NO going back from there. Ask anybody who knows me! My friends & family can definitely tell you that if I get something in my mind that “NEEDS” to be done, I will completely re-navigate my day (or life) in order to make it happen.
Same goes with making things NOT happen — if I decide I need to get something out of my life & make a change… I take that very seriously. If I feel like I need to clean out my closet, I will cast aside all other responsibilities and purge my entire closet of things I don’t need until I feel better.
Or if I need to tell someone something that’s on my mind, I simply cannot, cannot wait. It can be bad sometimes because often that very moment is not the time to get into a full-blown serious convo about something bad OR good… So it’s something I’ve had to work on quite a bit over the years.
It’s WEIRD, I know. I’m not telling you that it’s normal! But if it happens to be something you can relate to, then this is your post.
What is your PERFECT day?
If you can close your eyes & envision an absolutely ideal day, then you’re already in a great position. Part of being able to calm yourself down in a stressful situation means being able to visualize the types of places, sensations & thoughts that make you calm. It’s very similar to what I tell people about creating a life/career path that you love– if you know what you love to do, then all you have to do is make it happen. A lot of people who through life without ever fully realizing what it is that makes them happiest.
So basically, knowing what your perfect day looks like gives you a leg up.
My perfect day looks a little something like this…
Wake up and cuddle with Huddy in bed for a nice long while before I have to get out of bed to do anything. Hudson’s silky fur and motorboat purrs (literally, he has the loudest purr EVER for such a tiny kitty) make me feel so calm and grounded and I love to soak in that morning time with him. Then I’d have a glass of warm water with lemon, listen to some good yogi music and get ready for the day. Then I’d meet a friend for coffee at Alfred’s Coffee down the street from me, and we would sip on our almond milk lattes or matcha teas and chat. Afterward I would go to an OrangeTheory HIIT class or a yoga class, and then head home to shower. After showering and having a protein-packed green smoothie, I would most definitely 100% go to the beach with my dear friend & photographer Danika in tow. We both love Malibu… So Malibu would be the beach of choice, for sure.
While we were there we’d take tons of photos. The photo aspect fits into my perfect day because not only do I love to capture the moment, but it also makes the day productive because the photos would knock out a bunch of content for the blog. That productivity factor is huuuuge in my vision of a perfect day, because being productive is one of my favorite feelings in the world. Especially when that productivity aligns with already having a great time doing something I organically love to do.
To keep the perfect day going, Danika & I would meet friends at Malibu Farm for an early dinner and watch the sun set. Then I would head back home to Brentwood to snuggle with someone I love on the couch and watch a good movie! There might also be a pretty hike in there somewhere earlier in the day, but you get the gist.
THAT is the definition of my perfect day.
And THAT is the day that alllll of the photos from this blog post captured. 🙂
Below I am wearing the Medium Metro Tote in Black Paint Colorblock while shopping for some produce — it doubles as a great grocery bag! 😉
Since I am so clear on what my perfect day looks like, I am able to close my eyes & channel that happy and calm energy whenever I’m feeling stressed. Sometimes it works better than others (let’s just say I had a bit of a mental breakdown on Friday — will write about it if you guys are interested), but most of the time the technique works wonders.
So… tell me your thoughts! What does your perfect day look like? I will be reading through ALL of your answers, and I will be choosing a winner to receive a FREE MZ Wallace bag of your choice! Do tell. Also follow @mzwallacenyc on IG to win. Your perfect day?