Yo, yo! I am going to try this new thing I mentioned in my last post about writing shorter, more spur of the moment bloggy posts that don’t necessarily have to be 3,000+ words and cray-cray thought out and planned (you guys will thank me for this, I promise. Ha!)
On that note, I will be taking a LOT more requests on Snapchat (@jojoyounger), Instagram & the comments section of this blog when it comes to what you guys want to see / answer. And yes, I know, I ask all the time what yoOoOouuuu guys want me to write about, but I also have hardly had time to tie my shoes for the last few months (literally, I don’t tie them – I slip them on, and if they’re not slip-on-worthy I straight up don’t wear them), so now I am making time because I want to.
One question I have gotten a lot in the comments of some of my recent photos & videos is: What is your hair care routine?! So, let me tell ya…
TBB Hair Care Routine: That Blonde Life Ya KNOW
Above clip is from my recent video with Morgan, CHECK IT OUT on YouTube & subscribe to my channel if you haven’t! Fun stuff coming really soon!!!
Yeah, I have the blondest of blonde hair. Yeah, I’ve considered dying it many a time. Yeah, people close to me have talked me out of it every time because the blonde is so fitting to my personality — and not in the “dumb blonde” way (do I even need to specify that?) but rather the blondes have MORE FUN way and the fact that I was born with white blonde hair and it just suits me and my skin tone.
I did go through an ombre phase where I dyed the roots of my hair a dark, dark brown (almost black ish?) in which I firmly believed I resembled Ashley Olsen, so much so that I posted a photo about it on my personal Insta and was delighted when people seemed to agree.
The problem was, since I am such a natural light blondie, the dark faded reeeeal quick and I was left with a sort of mousey, brassy brownish root that didn’t really give me that bright oomph that I was used to. It started looking a little like the below… Which wasn’t necessarily that bad, but I definitely liked the brightness better.
Random fact? For a period of time in high school I had 100% WHITE hair. We had to bleach it to get a bright green color out of it from chlorine exposure. That was fun. Say hi to Danielle below, circa 2008! (On our way to Katie’s pageant!)
Anyway, let’s talk about my current hair style and color. I’ve been through the white bob, I’ve been through the ombre, the bangs, the layer, the mid-length, the just plain long & stringy (*cough cough not even nutrients as a vegan*) and just about every variation of blonde in between. What I’m partial to right now is the super long, thick, natural, blunt cut with my natural blonde color plus some highlights to make the brightness pop.
Part of the reason why I am so loving having my hair super long right now is because now that I have enough protein, iron and calcium back in my diet, my hair has been SHINY, silky smooth, much thicker and less likely to tangle. I don’t remember getting a lot of compliments on my hair when I was going through my unhealthy phase, but lately I get a compliment or two on my hair almost every day and it makes me so happy. (Also, I have many days where I don’t even take my hair out of a sweaty top bun but that’s another story and far less cool than my good hair days, haha.)
When I do my own hair, I usually keep it straight and blown out or up in a high pony. Someone in my life really loves the high pony, which is awesome, because it makes my life easier to be able to throw it up whenever and not always have to worry about washing and blowing it out — but don’t get me wrong, I like to keep him guessing. 😉
The BALANCED BLONDE Hair Styles of Choice:
One of these days soon I will do a post about my fav styles, from fishtails to beachy curls to blunt & straight, but today is about my regimen. It goes as follows…
As with the rest of my beauty routine, I keep my hair regimen very, very simple. Less is more when it comes to the way I like to live my life, and I personally know that the less maintenance required, the more likely I am to maintain a routine rather then let it fall by the wayside.
So I recently came across a shampoo that I am OBSESSED WITH and use every time I wash my hair, thanks to my babe Kelcey at Nine Zero One Salon. (Fun fact? Kelcey and I grew up together and now she is my hair stylist, not to mention one of the very best in Los Angeles.) BTW, I must have you know that this is NOT sponsored — all realness. The shampoo is ORIBE’s bright blonde color shampoo, and it keeps my locks nice & bright. The worst, worst thing about getting your hair highlighted or dyed as a blonde is the tendency for it to fade and become brassy. I am really not a shallow person but the only thing that drives me NUTS about hair is when someone’s hair turns brassy. It reminds me of dingy shower water and grosses me out in general.
As I said, I am as low maintenance as they come when it comes to beauty. This shampoo uses color correction to keep blonde locks shining bright. It is super nourishing and enriched with violet pigments to cancel out yellow and brassy tones. Meanwhile, a blend of vitamins, antioxidants, and conditioners keeps hair healthy and strong. ALSO important, it is free of sulfates, parabens, sodium chloride, gluten, and animal testing. Boom shaka laka. Dream come true. ORIBE… Buy it, buy it (if you’re a blonde)!!!
While my shampoo keeps my hair looking nice and bright, my conditioner is what keeps my locks nice and smooth and shiny. My go-to conditioner (also recommended by Kelcey, girl knows what she is talkin’ bout!) is Loreal Intense Repair conditioner. This stuff is a godsend and completely necessary for color-treated hair to keep it nice and glossy. It is so thick its basically a mask — it has a deep conditioning repair treatment that targets cuticles and the surface with Neofibrine. It is super restorative and smells/feels amazing. I am OBSESSED with this stuff. There are no harmful chemical ingredients, and it has activated wheat proteins, bio-mimetic ceramides, revitalizing vitamin B6 and UV filter for hair. Check it out — this is not specifically for blondes like the shampoo.
This product, my friends, has been magical and life changing all rolled into one. And when I say life changing I mean it has shaved HOURS off of my life that I used to spend ripping a brush through my hair, dry shampooing while avoiding showering because of my mess of tangles, and getting frustrated to the point of tears because of how freaking long it can take to brush my hair and get the knots out. (Kelcey recommended this to me too. Are you noticing a theme here? I only take advice from the best.)
The product is Unite’s 7Seconds Condition Leave-in De-tangler. My hair is so long and also so fine that my conditioning process in the shower just doesn’t cut it (even though my Loreal stuff mentioned above is the best.) 7 seconds LEGITIMATELY works. I will be totally honest and say that I have to use a shit ton and it doesn’t necessarily take only 7 seconds, but if you let it soak in for a few and drench your hair in it, running a brush through it will be so easy you’ll wonder why you never used this stuff before. I go into a raging panic if I shower and don’t have this stuff available to me — I bring it everywhere, and WHILE WE SPEAK I am ordering 5 more so I can put them in all my travel bags.
THE BRUSH ! ! ! !
This part is important. I am very, very into The Wet Brush. It is less than $10, it comes in a lot of fun colors, and when paired with the conditioner & the detangling spray, you are seriously golden. My old roommate Laura actually gave me a wooden one that has held up very nicely, and I LOVE it. I also have a miniature one that I keep in my purse. (I have that one in yellow because yellow makes me happy.) Although, as my 12 year old niece pointed out, while The Wet Brush is AWESOME… It doesn’t fully, fully get all the knots out of your hair. It is best used to brush your hair when your first out of the shower (post-detangler), and then I like to use a nice paddle brush (only $6) while I blow dry my hair and also once its dry.
Speaking of blow drying… I am a notoriously funny blow dryer. All of my friends and former roommates laugh at me because of the way I dry my hair while brushing it the entire time. I never tip my head upside down like a lot of girls do when drying their hair, and I never put the brush down (sorry, my hair gets too tangled for that!). I am not super picky when it comes to blow dryers, although I DO have a funny story about my mom stealing a blow dryer from a very nice hotel because of how powerful it was and attempting to replace it with her less-nice one and then getting caught and charged. (LOL. Only funny because it’s hilariously out of character for her. Then we both lied to my dad about it. And funnier because when we brought it home it wasn’t powerful at all — it was the outlets at the hotel that made it so powerful.)
Anyway, my favorite hair dryer is the T3 Featherweight (in white because its so pretty looking!) & if you’re looking for a solid one that’s less expensive, I also love this Conair 2 in 1.
I am reallllly not much of a product person, because using a lot of hair product instantly moves things from simple to complicated real quick. But when I do use products I like using a Hello Hair hydrating mask about once or twice a week (pre-shower so I can leave it in for a good hour or two…) and a Moroccan Sea Salt Spray for styling simple beachy waves! ALSO, this Moroccan Oil is a godsend for keeping hair nice and healthy and shiny, & this Davines heat protecting oil pre-blow dry (or pre-straighten or curl, but I don’t usually do that on my own — LOW maintenance girl, remember?)
As I mentioned above, Kelcey from Nine Zero One does my cut/color and she is also an AMAZING stylist. Whenever she styles my hair for me I feel beyond chic and trendy. Which for me is a big deal… Because in my daily life I’m more post-workout trendy (lol) so to look legit cute in the middle of a workday is just fun.
And you probably know if you follow me on Snapchat or YouTube that the amazing Brittany Anna of Beauty By Britt & BeGlammed is my go-to girl for hair and makeup. Our favorite hairstyles are the beachy wave for shoots, the fishtail braid for active lifestyle/events and the camera-ready curl. We are going to made a video tutorial together soon… Stay tuned!
I hope this answered most of your questions! If you want to know more, ask below and I’ll answer! Love doing these spur of the moment posts about particular topics like this one. TBB, out! PS: Shop the products from the post below!