As a blogger, I think hosting events can be really hit or miss. For me, it really depends on the purpose of the event, the people who will (hopefully) be in attendance, and what is expected of me as a host.
I love, love, love hosting and speaking at events where I get to meet you guys (my amazing blog readers), because it makes what I do on a daily basis (write for the Internet) feel so much more real and rewarding and tangible.
I love having a microphone in my hand — laugh if you want, but true. I actually really enjoy it! Lol.
A photo from the WANT panel a few months ago in Malibu!
I also love hosting events where I get to connect with awesome likeminded souls who don’t yet know about my blog but are interested in similar things as me from wellness to entrepreneurship to #girlboss-ness to yoga to downright sharing from the heart/spreading good vibes.
I love hosting when I get to co-host with awesome, badass women and dudes who I really get along with and whose missions align super closely with mine. Some of my recent faves include the baking class + balanced life seminar I hosted with my boo Sweet Laurel Bakery (you can watch our YouTube recap of the event HERE) and my book signing in Sacramento a few months ago with all of my lifelong love bugs in attendance.
Hi Laurel & Christina. MUAH.
Some events fill my heart with crazy amounts of love and joy. I won’t focus on the ones that don’t… But trust me, I accidentally get involved in plenty of events/situations that don’t fill me up with love + happiness.
A small example is a book signing I hosted where I had pretty much a falling out with my co-hosts AFTER the event (for various reasons), but looking back on it now it makes my stomach feel weird/my heart hurt because even though the event itself was good — there are now bad vibes surrounding the sitch.
Other times I’ve had not-so-good experiences because things are expected of me that I’m not comfortable doing, AND there was that whole period of my life where I was about-to-not-be-vegan anymore and I was still hosting vegan events and speaking at vegan seminars. So there’s that.
Anyway, a place that always, ALWAYYYSSSS fills my heart with epic amounts of love & joy when I host an event there is GINGERSNAP’S ORGANIC in the West Village of NYC.
There are a few reasons for that:
a) Jamie, the owner of Gingersnap’s and often my event co-host, is an all around incredible human. She inspires me, motivates me, and makes me feel so whole & so “SEEN” when I am around her. You know those people? People who are just very connect-worthy and enjoyable to share space with. She is also full of so much knowledge about wellness and life in general… She is someone I feel safe sharing my issues & concerns with, because she’s been there for me many times. So I love hosting events with her for that reason above all else!
b) the environment is AWESOME and always brings a very good time
c) the food is so, so yummy, healthy and right up my alley
d) the people who tend to come to my events at Gingersnap’s are people who I connect with so easily, who GET me, who support what I am doing, and who rock.
That being said, if you’re into having fun + sharing good vibes, come to my event at Gingersnaps on June 15th (a week from Weds) from 7-9pm if you’re NYC local! You can get tickets here.
For the ticket price you’ll get a signed copy of my book, a signed copy of Jamie’s book, delish food from Gingersnaps, and great company of course. 😉
I am so, so excited to host my first (and maybe only?) NYC BOOK SIGNING for Breaking Vegan! As you know, the book is my most cherished project, and NYC is my most cherished city… So it’s going to be a partay. Even my MOM is going to be there who is the most fun and stylish and wonderful woman in existence.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you’re thinking about coming… I’d LOVE to have you!!! And if you’re not NYC local… Stay tuned for upcoming events. Moral of the story of this post: I’m only trying to host / be involved with evens that are super meaningful to me at this point. Picking & choosing. It’s the way to go. <3
XO (PS most of my events end up being a lot like the below… So COME HANG)