Hey, hey, hey my LOVES!
First of all, thank you so much for ALL OF THE LOOOOVE on my brand new podcast! I am so *unbelievably* thrilled about it, and cannot wait to keep connecting with you guys in this way. I spent the whole morning going through emails from those of you who subscribed + had feedback, which MAKES ME SO HAPPY.
If you haven’t entered the giveaway yet by subscribing + sending me your subscription confirmation, DO IT! Huuuuuge wellness package giveaway for three winners. 🙂
Choosing a winner this Wednesday! It’s kind of a ridic awesome giveaway with ALLLL of my fave wellness brands (more info here).
Secondly, I just got back from HAWAII! My favorite island on earth… Maui. I can’t even tell you how stoked I was to be there with my mama and teaching a YOGA CLASS at the Andaz! The whole sitch was a true dream come true for me for sure.
Stay tuned for so many pics & videos from the yoga class to come… but so far, this is an AWESOME one that a fab photographer named Gabriel (another hotel guest!) snapped and emailed me this weekend!
Also, FULL Hawaii recap coming this week, probs tomorrow, because it was too good to be true.
FOR NOW… Since I have been traveling so much lately, I’ve decided to put together a list of my travel MUSTS & non-negotiables. I’m starting to realize I have a major routine and a ton of absolute must-haves that I think might be helpful to those of you who are also as into wellness and feeling good as I am.
Routine, Yo!!!
I used to get nervous about traveling (even though I love it) because I was so worried it would throw off my perfected lil’ routine of sleep, food, fitness, wellness, ALL that good stuff. Even just being so high up in the air throws our systems off, and when your body is as sensitive as mine, you’d better believe I have to be careful if I want everything to run smoothly — from remaining calm, to digestion, to getting onto the right time zone, adjusting to new meal times, etc.
That is mainly because I am HIGHLY SENSITIVE! Like, the most highly sensitive person you can imagine. Internally, externally, all of it. So I have nailed down my travel routine to a TEE so that I can feel like my best self before, during, and after I land on vaycay. 🙂
+ prepare ahead of time whatever you’re going to need in the morning: for me, I always lay out my outfit (my go-to travel uniform is listed below!) so that I don’t need to think about it in the morning, I make sure my fridge is stocked with cold brew & almond milk, either a chia pudding or tons of Perfect Bars, and I have everything packed and ready to go so there isn’t room for last minute mistakes.
+ Travel uniform: COMFY clothes! My go-to for a travel day is hands down comfy Lululemon pants, a sports bra, workout top, cozy sweatshirt (usually Wildfox because it’s the softest ever), and my Vince slides because you have to take your shoes off at the airport! Literally, ask anyone who has ever traveled with me. Once in a blue moon I’ll wear a maxi dress instead but that is rare and usually requires a Cabo trip. 😉
+ the ONE thing I keep out of my suitcase until the morning of is my toiletry case… so that I still have my face wash, toothbrush, makeup & deodorant out in the morning! Then I put it right into my bag and zip it up.
I always pack a huge carry-on beach bag type of thing at least a day in advance… because trust me… you’re going to need space for this.
+ Yoga Tune Up Balls — these have been a GAME-CHANGER for me as a traveller. My Ayurvedic practitioner recommended these tune up balls to me because they are great for your back and your body to keep circulation moving. I press them into my lower back against the seat of the plane and it’s actually great for digestion too for those of us who tend to get realllllyyy blocked up during travel.
+ WATER (buy at least one large bottle, if not two in the airport before you board) — there is nothing worse than being stuck on an airplane with not enough water. I like to have a bottle because it’s way more convenient than sipping out of the little plastic cups they hand out that always manage to spill legitimately everywhere.
+ on the note of hydration, I always keep Liquid I.V. packets for hydration (Brandin’s company… hear all about him & the company on the podcast!) + also my Vital Proteins collagen peptide packets for hair, skin, nails, and hormones!
+ QuintEssential Optimal Remineralization — I am so beyond glad I stumbled upon this in Moon Juice the other day before my flight because this is a new game changer. It’s a little vial of raw unheated ocean minerals that give you an energy jolt on a long travel day, keep your body hydrated and is chock-full of the minerals we so easily get depleted of on an airplane.
+ Peppermint tea bags — You can never go wrong with having organic tea bags on hand. All you need to do is ask for a hot water on the plane, and you instantly have yourself a warming, cozy cup of tea to sip on while you read, watch a movie, whatever you choose to do.
+ Reading material! This is something you have to prepare ahead of time, so make sure you have at least one good book on hand (I prefer reading on my iPad to keep my load a little lighter)… some current must-reads on my list are The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein, She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb, and Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle.
+ Healthy snacks… my go-to’s are Perfect Bars, Vital Proteins collagen peptide sticks, Liquid I.V. travel sticks, and ALWAYS a to-go salad from a place like Whole Foods or a restaurant near you. I die when I don’t have this…. because plane food is gross and airplane food usually is not much better (and is way, way overpriced to a ridic degree).
+ Download podcasts and songs ahead of time! Some faves currently are… SOUL ON FIRE (sorry, shameless, so excited), The Skinny Confidential Him & Her, and Actually Adultish (college age peeps, you MUST listen…. so freakin’ good).
+ SPLURGE (if you want to)… if you have the opportunity to get a more comfortable seat and it’s not going to break the bank, DO IT. It is always worth it to be comfortable on the flight. Seriously, I had so much more leg room and space for my things on my American Airlines flight to Maui this week than I did on my GOD AWFUL United flight to and from New York a few weeks ago — and I am pretty sure I booked United because it was about $50 less than any other airline. No idea what I was thinking, because the travel day was hell. Treat yourself if you are going to be traveling anyway… gotta take care of yourself and remember that you deserve more than the bare minimum of comfort.
+ Speaking of splurging, I also always buy the WiFi unless I feel like I want a tech break while I am on the plane. I am known to get a LOTTT of work done on airplanes (like a psychotic amount), mainly because there are no other distractions in the air, so the WiFi is always worth it to me.
+ Essential oils! I bring my Clary Sage & Frankincense everywhere because they keep me calm, and keep my *base level* of tolerance nice and low. I’ve found that the more I can maintain that base level of zen and keep it low, the more the “ups and downs” of a travel day can roll off my shoulders. When I am super uptight & high strung because I do NOT have all of my things organized & prepared before I leave, the littlest thing like a flight delay or a rude security guard could throw me over the edge into a terrible mood. I make it a huge point to be prepared so that I can enjoy myself, stay calm and be in a GOOD mood so that travel is a pleasant experience. 🙂
+ Extra chargers & portable chargers! Literally the worst thing ever is to arrive at your destination and have your phone be on 5% battery. You’ll usually need your phone to contact an Uber, let people know you’ve arrived, check your maps to see where you’re going, tune back into the world, etc. I always have my computer charger, phone charger AND portable phone charger with me when I fly.
+ Don’t give a f*ck about what people around you think… get up, stretch, walk around, do some yoga in the back of the plane if it feels good — this is your body and as long as you’re not in the way, getting up and MOVING is always something that feels amazing.
I also always make sure to get grounded after I land… Another tip I picked up from my Ayurvedic practitioner, because it helps our bodies get acclimated from the inside and out in a new city. I usually find a semi-quiet open spot somewhere on the ground bear baggage claim and do 10-15 minutes of light stretching and yoga.
It might sound weird to you, but it makes a MASSIVE difference to me and my body feels a trillion times better after doing it.
Oh, and bonus points for filming yourself doing airport yoga. 😉 Tag me if you do… I’m legit obsessed with doing yoga in the most unexpected of places, hehe.
Alright! I hope this helps. I really just wrote this post because it struck me on the plane that now that I finally have my travel routine DOWN, it makes everything so, so much more enjoyable. I have been able to bounce back easier and travel wayyyy more often without losing my mind — huge win.
You guys going anywhere fun soon?! Let’s do a TBB RETREAT SOON… I am serious. <3