Can we discuss the fact that I have partnered with a raw, cold-pressed juice company called O2living that also has a WELLNESS CENTER in the suburbs of NY?
Westchester to be exact… one of my favorite, super charming little towns — on a street called YELLOW MONKEY. So freakin’ cute.
Even though I’m back to livin’ on the west coast now, I do get to enjoy a little slice of what O2living has to offer, because they sent me their yummy juices so I could experience how they taste and what they are all about!
First of all — you know my stance on full juice cleanses: not my thing.
I mean, if you scroll way back in my blog, you’ll find months and months and months worth of posts where I was on full juice cleanses. This was back in the day when I was raw vegan & had some serious weird things going on with food. (You can read more about all of that in my book, Breaking Vegan, if you have no idea what I am talking about!)
So anyway, I don’t like to do full juice cleanses anymore. If I am going to do any sort of detox, it’s going to be a balanced approach… and will probably include a juice or two a day (low-glycemic, so low on the fruit) along with some healthy, balanced plant-based meals.
I do this sometimes after I go through a “bender” of a weekend (read: lots of alcohol + late nights), after a long vacation full of indulgences, or even if my stomach problems are acting up (which is very often) and I have to go back to the basics.
Also, my Panchakarma really taught me the importance & essence of going back to the basics with kitchari and lots of rest and self-care… so I have a lot of go-to’s in my repertoire when it comes to relaxing + taking a little mini-detox from life!
So, Let’s Get to the Juice //
I know a lot of you are always looking for good juices that you haven’t heard of before and also looking for ways to incorporate “mini detoxes” into your busy schedules. This is definitely an option for you, because these O2living juices are full of nutrients, bursting with goodness, and are obviously made with love and care from the facility!
Oh, and they hit all my staples… raw, cold-pressed, organic, and full of vitamins, nutrients, enzymes and minerals.
My fave of the juices is the Fresh Start — can you be surprised? I love all things lemon + ginger — which is their pH balancer made of lemon, organic apple and organic ginger. I LOVE to add a bit of this to hot water in the morning to start my day with a nice alkalizing tonic that is great for digestion and also for kickstarting metabolism in the morning.
I usually do a lemon tonic like that in the morning, some Bulletproof coffee, a late breakfast, and then if I am doing a “mini detox” sort of day — I will have an afternoon green juice with a salad, and then a light, plant-based dinner.
Delicious, right? I’m not into depriving myself, and I don’t want you guys to be either! Their Green Vitality is a delicious green juice full of so many antioxidants, veggies and goodness.
And with their red beet juice, I like to add this to smoothies and/or oatmeal to give them a gorgeous color and add a yummy, added burst of nutrients & antioxidants! FUN FACT: beets are really, really good for deoxidizing heavy metals out of our system… so if you’re anything like me and have eaten a little too much mercury (TUNA) in your day, then adding beets into your life at least every few days is not a bad idea. 😉
YUM! Thoughts? I am all about this stuff, and couldn’t want to share with you guys. Have you tried it?! Have you BEEN to their amazing wellness center in NY?! If so, do tell! XO
* Also, a bit more about the wellness center because I am obsessed: it’s full of every single thing that I love and adore. Yoga studios, a day spa, a whole and live food cafe with raw, vegan foods and cold-pressed juice (and cleanses, if you wanted to go that route!) AND an eco-friendly boutique with so many yoga clothes and awesome skincare.
Sorry, just had to rave for a sec. I almost couldn’t believe this oasis was true until I heard more about it! But good thing is — you can try their juices regardless of where you live!