GUYYYYS. What am I not loving lately? JK. There are a lot of things I am not loving lately… but there is so much that I *am* loving that it legit feels like my soul + brain are both on fire all of the time with all of the passion and love.
It’s been a bit since I’ve done a loving lately post, so let’s just dive on in!
Loving Lately // 1.26.17
↠ ↠ THE SOUL ON FIRE PODCAST. My loves, I seriously had no idea how much creating a podcast would set my soul on fire. I knew that it would be fun to talk to you guys and to interview the guests that I am already madly in love with + inspired by… (@shutthekaleup, @rachLMansfield, JONATHAN ALBRECHT, Kelly Leveque, Brandin Cohen, Kathryn Budig, just to name a few…!) but HOLY DAMN I had no clue how much my soul needed this. This one on one conversation, talking time vs. phone/screen time, and connecting with you guys in this way. The podcast reached 100,000 downloads earlier this week and NOW it’s at over 155,00!!! WHAT THE HECK. HOW DID I GET SO LUCKY? I truly believe and maintain my statement that when you’re madly & freakishly in love + obsessed with what you’re doing, good things come. And I think that is exactly what is happening right now.
Say hi to Jeannette, yesterday’s guest! A.k.a the most radically amazing mamacita + human in all of the land and then some.
You can listen to the most recent episode of the podcast BELOW directly:
* ANNNDDD to enter to win 2 free packets of KETO OS (the amazing keto powder I am obsessed with), just subscribe, rate + review the podcast on iTunes. 🙂 Then screenshot + email it to me so I can see and I will enter you!!! You guys are the raddest.
↠ ↠ Speaking of KETOSIS… Okay, it’s no joke that I am also madly obsessed with Keto OS right now and all of the insanely amazing health properties of bringing the body in and out of ketosis through Keto OS + a ketogenic diet.
If you are still trying to wrap your head around all of the health benefits that we discussed in episode 14 of the podcast — YOU AREN’T THE ONLY ONE! I am too. Beyond brain alertness, fat burning function, metabolism, digestion, clearer skin + more… this stuff is cutting edge in terms of cancer reducing properties and also reversing symptoms of epilepsy.
The amazing thing is, since this product is expensive (worth the investment as you know I feel — but I still get it — I hate promoting expensive stuff when I know it’s hard for a lot of you to purchase) — I wanted to let you know that there is a 15% discount site wide today to get Keto OS! There are also options, once you try it, to become a promoter and join my team with me, Wes & Kelly so that you end up getting free product. Let us know if you’re interested in any of that and we can hook you up!
For the record… my fave flavor is the Maui Punch Bio Max (pictured above, by the fab Tamara Muth King) but I also love the Orange Dream + the Chocolate.
↠ ↠ Yoga, yoga, yoga. I am teaching a yoga event at Kinetic tomorrow night in Brentwood, and the event sold out in ONE DAY. WHAT?! I wouldn’t have dreamt of this a few years ago or even a months ago when I really started to take my teaching more seriously. I am over the moon excited to flow with you angels & share my style of yoga with everyone tomorrow. My style = upbeat, vinyasa flow, fun music, with a focus on balance, community, breath & having a good time. Really it’s about sharing down to earth vibes with the world, because I do believe we all need a LOT MORE OF THAT.
↠ ↠ THESE CUTE REEBOK CLOTHES. You guys know I am a sucker for all things cute activewear… yes, even in the winter. Because it’s not much of an LA winter minus the rain. I had a fun opportunity to run around Beverly Hills with Ashley & Alexi (two of my besties) the other morning and capture this outfit in the process (thanks, Reebok!) to share with you guys. This outfit is from their Reebok x LeMills BodyPump collection, which can be found here.
I LIVE in bralettes and comfy running shoes… you guys know this… and this outfit is one of my current go-to’s. Check them out to see what they are all about! Their stuff is beyond cute and comfy. Also, I wish you could have seen the hilarious thing that took place right before the above photo was snapped. Let’s just say Alexi was almost run into the ground by a 7-year-old scooter champion… I’ll leave it at that. 😉
*The above was sponsored by Reebok, but all opinions are my own, as always!
↠ ↠ THE GOOD FEST IN PHILLY! If you haven’t gathered yet by my excessive social media posting due to extreme excitement, I will be speaking and teaching yoga at The GOOD Fest in Philly on April 22nd — a wellness festival that is fusing the art of blogging, yoga, fitness, social media, and community to create an epic event for likeminded people to come together, learn and create. I feel so lucky to be able to teach and leading a breakout blogging session ANNNDDD sign my book for you guys amongst so many of my favorite humans + bloggers.
Use the code SOULONFIRE15 at thegoodfest.com/tickets to get your own special TBB discount for the event. It’s going to be RAD in every sense of the word. Very excited.
↠ ↠ THIS GUY… Because is he not the cutest person you’ve ever seen? Just sayin’. 🙂 He be way too adorable. Def way up there on my loving lately meter. PS the rowing at OTFLA is NO JOKE… great workout alert.
Oh and you can listen to J’s wisdom on Episode 11 of SOUL ON FIRE, if you haven’t yet!
↠ ↠ BULLETPROOF PRODUCTS. I can’t get enough. I promised you guys I would do a full post on all of my fave bulletproof products, so I am going to do that next week — but for now here are a few faves: the Vanilla Shortbread Collagen Protein bar, Brain Octane oil, and their Chocolate Fuel Bars (v addictive, v good for you, full of energy + nutrients + paleo-ness).
Okay, babes! There you have it! My current faves and allllll da goodness. 🙂 What are you loving lately?! Would love to hear! XO