Hi my beauties, and happy Thursday! I love that this Loving Lately post is falling on a Thursday, because back in the day this style of post was always a Thursday thing!
I did them every week for a long time, and these days I do them as often as possible but would love to get back to the every Thurs routine at some point. 🙂
Anyway… there is so much to share. The SOUL ON FIRE Podcast just hit 2 million downloads (ahhh!) which is probably the most exciting thing to me ever, because I only released it last November and had pretty much NO expectations as to how it would be received or where it would go.
Now, it’s totally become one of my favorite ways to connect with you guys, and has spurred a SERIOUS spiritual awakening in me, thanks to so many of my guests being top of the line healers, spiritual teachers, mediums, and more.
If you haven’t listened yet, this week’s episode with the amazing Colleen McCann of Style Rituals is an amazing place to start! Colleen is a fashion stylist turned shaman, closet cleanser, intuitive crystal healer, and so much more.
And guess what? I will almost positively be attending Colleen’s shaman school next year in Nashville so…. if you live in TN, hit a sista up and I want to start planning some fun events and workshops while I am there!
( P.S. I am giving away a ‘Top 10 Blogging Tips’ document for anyone who rates & reviews the podcast on iTunes! I won’t be selling this doc or sharing it anywhere else, so screenshot me those reviews and I will share with you! )
So now, let’s dive into Loving Lately!
1. THIS Community! I’ve said it before and I will say it again, but I feel so deeply that you guys are the best, most positive and supportive community out there. I know that a lot of you read a lot of blogs, so the fact that this is one of them really means the world to me. We have the Soul on Fire Podcast Tribe group on Facebook, and every day I am blown away by the ladies (and dudes, occasionally!) sharing their hearts, helping each other out, meeting up and making friends with each other in their diff cities, supporting my events (!!) and so much more! I truly believe that when we share our best selves, authentically and from a deep-rooted genuine place, then that VIBE attracts our tribe. And I am lucky that you guys are mine. <3
2. Speaking of tribes… even beyond this awesome online community, I feel that my circle of people in Los Angeles (and other places that I spend my time like NYC) is growing in such a positive, supportive, spiritual, deep, powerful direction. This year alone I have been connected to so many people I had not met yet in this wellness and spiritual space, from the Elevate the Globe (formerly High Vibe Livin!) girls to Colleen McCann, to Kelsey Patel, to Marissa Lace, to Ashley Neese, to Sheena Mannina (all on the podcast!!), to a deeper connection with my Alo Yoga fam, to more deep rooted connections with friends of mine who are also into kundalini, reiki, crystals, shamanism, and all the good fun stuff that I’ve been obsessed with.
I am not just saying this to talk about ME, but to share with you that when you follow your heart from a place of deep, authentic self then you also will connect with the people who are meant to be in your life and who will continue to set your soul on fire.
3. Events that are totally in line with where my heart and soul is! For a while, I was really overdoing it on the events. I was speaking on a lot of panels, agreeing to hosting all sorts of events everywhere where the pressure to share about said events and fill the space would totally eat away at me and would become a full-time job in itself. And of course there was also the whole teaching my twice – four times weekly yoga classes.
Now, I am really just saying YES to events that 100% serve my soul and feel in total alignment with what I am doing and where I want to go. Last weekend, our #livxtbb5k was a BLAST and it was so much fun teaching yoga alongside my soul sis Sophie Jaffe and collaborating with Brandin as we serendipitously and not even on purpose came up with on our latest TBB Podcast episode together!
I also taught at Alo Yoga on Monday night and the group of people who showed up were all so amazing and made me feel so much like we were all in the right place, where we were meant to be. We had yummy food and drinks from Sweetfin, Lifehouse, and REBBL and we just flowed in the sunset and had a great time. It was epic.
I have a few more fun events coming up before the summer ends so I will keep you guys all very posted! (Also in the FB group!)
4. SKINCARE! People ask me all of the time how I choose to take care of my skin. Not because my skin is perfect (it’s not), but because I am so cognizant of what I put onto my skin and because I am careful about it AND a huge proponent of eating loads of beauty foods (I’ll get to that in a sec) I like to believe y skin radiates from the inside out!
They also just launched their MOISTURIZER (pictured above!) which is a great addition to those skin types are are on the dryer side and could use the extra hydration. It’s like a smoothie for the skin packed full of amazing botanicals that nourish. 🙂
Use code BLONDE at checkout for 50% off of their products… so cool!!
P.S. I feel compelled to say this — ALL skin is so different. Don’t get discouraged if something that works for someone else doesn’t work for you. It took me YEARS to find what works for me and I am still playing around with it constantly! But give a product enough time for your skin to get used to to see if it works for you. My particular skin is sensitive, prone to acne and rashes, and pretty dry…so if that sounds like you at all I recommend this product!
5. BEAUTY FOODS! You guys know I have been experiencing a lot of rashes and food allergies lately that have been driving me NUTS and I have been trying to hard to get to the bottom of it all. Some beauty foods I have been relying on (along with my skincare routine above!) are lots of healthy fats, from coconut butter to avocado to clean olive oil (love Primal Kitchen products) to the GRAIN-FREE OATMEAL I have been obsessing over and am finally sharing the recipe for tomorrow! It’s only taken me so long because I’ve tried my best to perfect it. 😉
I love making a big Bulletproof adaptogenic “coffee” replacement in the morning with Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee, hot water, stevia, a bit of almond milk, Vital Proteins dark choc & cherry collagen, and a big scoop of coconut butter. I swear it has my skin glowing more than ever lately and it tastes like heaven so I am not complaining!
Lots more posts to come soon like… my grain-free oatmeal recipe, my candida journey and how I am dealing with it, the latest TBB book club post, MANIFESTATION NATION, and more!! I AM SO EXCITED AND INVIGORATED AND INSPIRED to share ALL! xx