Hellloooo, my favorite people! We are going to dive right in today! I am sitting at my favorite cafe in Ojai and banging this out before I get on the road to head home for an appointment in 1.5 hours in LA… do we think I will make it?! Am I cutting it too close, per usual?! Ahhh. Only time will tell. Will update you on my stories, LOL. This will be old news by tomorrow morning when this goes live, anyway!
I LOVE you all, tell me how your week is going and tell me if you tuned into last week’s solo episode on anxiety hacks, my thoughts on SSRI’s, how I have been dealing with my anxiety lately, and beyond. Please share all of your thoughts & feels & moods below. <3
13 Things Tuesday, Baby!
1. I have been in Ojai for the last day and a half and it has been so amazing. We are here celebrating my best friend Jill’s 32nd birthday — aka her reverse golden birthday, as she turned 32 on the 23rd! My Taurus girl. ๐ I realized recently that I don’t have a lot of earth signs in my life, but she is truly my perfect counterbalance. Are you an earth sign?! And do you have a lot of air signs in your life, if so? I think it’s such a good balance!
2. Ojai has been soooo beautiful. I am sitting outside at my favorite restaurant in the world right now the Hip Vegan. It’s a vegan restaurant and the address is 201, aka my lucky angel number. I always get the “traditional burger” here which is made out of tempeh. It is INSANELY good — I am even bringing one home for Jonathan!
3. We played pickle ball this morning at the Ojai Valley Inn! It has been one of my intentions to get back into tennis this year, and I have been lagging on even starting that process this entire year so far. To even be out on the pickle ball court felt so fun, aligned, and synchronistic. It is also fun to learn something new and pick hip new hobbies at this age. I highly recommend it. We had so much fun.
4.ย I HAVE NEW MERCH LAUNCHING THIS WEEK! Ahhh! I promised you guys some teasers, sooo…ย this merch is for the mamas! Launching just in time for Mother’s Day. ๐ I would show you some BTS but the merch *still* has not arrived to my home yet and I am trying to be patient because our shoot is at 3:30pm today… my impatient, anxious self is literally dying inside over this lol. I cannot wait to show you snippets on my IG stories over the next few days, stay tuned! Launch date is 4/28! If you are a mama, if you have a mama, if you love a mama, this is for you.
5. DID I MENTION WE ALSO HAVE TODDLER MERCH? I am flipping the f out over this. So my shoot today is planned around Atticus’s nap schedule, because you better freaking believe that he is going to be a part of this shoot!
6. I cannot wait to report back to you guys and tell you how Attie’s first official TBB shoot goes. OMG. I am dying with giddiness just thinking about it.
7. I got a spray tan for the shoot today and let me just tell you, getting an airbrush tan (organic of course) is an INSANT mood-boost hack. I always feel ten million times healthier, cuter, more put together, and confident when I have a tan. I go to Sugared + Bronzed in Santa Monica… as far as spray tans go, it’s as natural as they come. And they always do an amazing job!
8. I LOVE having open days in my schedule. I had so many busy days back to back recently and then a surprisingly free day last week where I got to stay in bed and write, clean our space, catch up on messages etc and it felt so unbelievably freeing. I need more of that in my life, for real. Who else feels this way?!
9. I have been subscribed to House Inhabit’s Substack for a few months now and she delivers the most quality content. She’s a journalist who is not afraid to question all angles of a story (unlike the mainstream media… ahem…) and she’s an amazing writer. I have even felt like maybe I will start a Substack one day soon to continue my thoughts off of the main blogosphere and really have the chance to go even deeper, do more research, etc. Who would be into that?! Do you guys subscribe to any substacks?! (Yes, this would be paid, I feel like it is the future of blogging. But this blog will remain here too for free obvi as well.)
10. I am going to Costa Rica this weekend! I am so excited! I absolutely cannot wait to be there. I am already sad to be away from Atticus, but I know this time filling my mama cup will be so divine and will benefit all of us in the long run. I am also so excited to WRITE and be in the flow! I haven’t been to Costa Rica in about 8 or 9 years so it will be such a treat to be back… it’s such a special place full of the best energy.
11. Are you a cat person or a dog person?! Huddy will have my heart forever and forever. I cannot wait to get home and see him today. I cannot believe he will be 8 years old this July. He is a Cancer… July 6th baby!!
12. I am really so interested in the fact that so many people are absolutely obsessed with all things diet/food related. I don’t think that is the fault of any individual, but rather where our culture puts an emphasis these days at large. Ever since I shared that I haven’t been vegan in recent months, people have had so much to say. When I started sharing that I had bad eczema again, I must have received hundreds of messages saying, “Maybe you should be plant-based again?!” and yes all of these messages were well-meaning and none of them were super radical, but I still think it’s so intrusive to assume you may know more about someone’s body than they do?
13. Like if being fully vegan was still totally working for me and helping me stay rash-free, I probably would have noticed, right? Especially because I am so obsessed with noticing every detail of how I feel. Anyway just food for thought… can we stop commenting so much on people’s diets? I love plant-based and I am sure I will return one day (maybe even soon) but it is so so so not my main identity. I think letting our identities be totally free of our dietary labels is gonna be the next wave of healing. And we talk about this on an upcoming pod ep with Alyssa Lynch, you guys are gonna love it!