Hi besties, I’m back! I took last week off the blog since Tuesday was the 4th of July, and I have to say… a four day weekend was much needed. What about you guys?! Even for being such a workaholic and loving what I do, there is such a peace that comes with knowing that *no one* is going to need anything work-related from you for four days straight. It is so damn peaceful. And in my experience, that’s actually when I get the most meaningful work and writing done.
All of that to say, I had an amazing few days offline with my fam!! It was Attie’s second 4th of July, and we had so much fun. We went to the beach, had a picnic with friends, and he was in bed long before any fireworks went off whatsoever 😂! It was great. I love watching the world through his eyes. It is truly something special. ♡
How was everyone else’s holiday?! Can we believe it’s already MID July?! How in the hellllll?
PS thanks for all the love on last week’s 12 things about detox!! I am so glad it helped you guys — I know when I was really struggling with my health, a post like this would have been a serious game changer for me.
Let’s get into today’s 12 things!!
1. What are our thoughts on THREADS?! No, not the cosmetic procedure. The new app created by Instagram!! I am freaking loving it, which is probably pretty obvious because I feel like any words-based app was made for me. It’s like Twitter, but elevated and new and fresh. What I love about it is that IG is connected to it, so you can automatically follow everyone who you already follow on Insta. So rather than trying to lead people to a new app, you already have your community. (I joked on there that I have been trying to get people to notice my TikTok for years, so this is a nice change, lol!). Anyway I didn’t think I’d be a fan of yet *another* social platform, and overall I do think we all need to focus on spending LESS time online, but I do think it’s a really refreshing & fun way to connect!! I have been posting up a storm there!! Come hannggg!! If you’re part of the 12 things Tuesday fam, tell me on there & I will repost you! ♡
2. We are deep into working on the next round of TBB Merch, and it looks like we are shooting for a September launch!! EEK! This is one I am SOOOO excited about. Our last launch was Spiritual Mom’s Club which was sooo special, but I know it didn’t get to reach *as* many people because we have so many people in our TBB fam who are not moms or not-yet moms. This one is for everyone, and it’s so so up all of our alleys. I also hired a designer who does all of Nikes coolest designs to do this (I splurged, it’s fine, lol) and… let me tell you, it’s gonna be earth shattering. AHHHH!
3. I have been reading up a storm lately. I am currently juggling like 12 books on my kindle, which even for me is too many, but I am so excited by a lot of different subjects right now. I am loving all of Edgar Cayce’s books — he was a clairvoyant in the late 1800s and early 1900s and he came into my life in a very synchronistic way a few weeks ago. I had a 102-year-old doctor on my podcast, and she mentioned him (she knew him personally!!), and I had this deep inner knowing to download his books. He reconnected me to the Akashic Records, and I’ve been channeling it like crazy. It’s been amazing! More on that below.
4. Ok so the Akashic Records. Ahhh. My light and my love of the moment. It is technically the energetic library of information that contains the details of our soul and its journey through the past, present, and future. There we can connect with our guides, loved ones, ancestors, higher self, teachers, and the masters of the records themselves. I have found it a POWERFUL way to channel, as it really works to ground me in a particular dimension while I am channeling. I have been drawn to it forever, and had channeled it many times before, but the way its come back into my life in a big way over the last few weeks has been more powerful than I could ever describe. Timing is everything. So much more to say on this.
5. I am LOVINNGGG my Somavedic EMF blocking device!! I’ve had one for years, but a few months ago Atticus picked it up and dropped it, and it shattered. Sad. So we got a new one, and we went with the amber model this time. It’s technically a “recovery frequency therapy device.” It helps to mitigate the harmful effects of EMF’s, and has a therapeutic effect on our cells from the inside out. You can use my link here for a discount, or the code BalancedBlonde16!
6. Speaking of other healing devices that I love, I was sent the TheraFace device by TheraPro and I am freaking obsessed. It has red light, blue light (great for inflammation and acne), micro current, sculpting, percussive massage, cleansing, and more. I actually cannot believe how many things it can do for such a small device. It is SO cool. This isn’t sponsored at all but if you’re willing to splurge a bit on a product for your face, this would be it. It’s literally everything all rolled into one… like an at-home facial!
7. We got our photos back from the family shoot we did about a month ago, and I AM OBSESSED!! I will be sharing all over Instagram in the coming weeks, and don’t be surprised if I spam you guys because they’re soooo good. The most special photos we’ve ever taken. Attie was such a natural model I will never get over it.
8. I have SLOWLY been adding a little bit of caffeine back into my life after not having a single sip since January of this year. I started with iced green tea and then started having a really small amount of coffee every few days. It feels nice to be able to tolerate it again without it seeming to increase my panic or anxiety at all (so far), and it also feels really good to not be dependent on it anymore. It’s not the first thing I have when I wake up and I am not relying on it for energy. My current rule if I do coffee is to never have it two days in a row!! I have rediscovered how much I love iced tea, and how much of an energy boost that gives me too!! My adrenals have been very grateful for the massive caffeine break, that’s for sure.
9. I had the most transformational weekend in Topanga recently, where I ended up writing at least half of my book. It was everything I needed and more. If you are looking for a sign to take a solo trip in nature… this is it. ♡
10. Happy cancer season!! I have so many cancers in my life. My mom is the 9th, Huddy is the 6th, my best friend Danielle is June 24th, and no joke 90% of my family in general was born in July. I love cancers so much. I feel like they’re a perfect counterpart to my Libra airiness, and we are similarly emotionally driven. Any cancers reading this post today?! Tell meee!
11. I am LOVING eating meat again. I know, I know. You probably never thought you’d hear me say that. But it’s kind of insane how much better my body has been functioning and how damn good I feel eating this way. I have so much love for the plant-based world for life, but the more I have been learning about our bodies and how they function (from sources like The Skinny Confidential, Paul Saladino, Organic Olivia, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon & more), and HOW much protein can help our bodies function as women, the more gung-ho I have been to play around with adding even more protein and see how it makes me feel. So far, it’s making me feel incredible. I am a huge fan… can’t rave enough about it. Following my intuition into eating this way also reminds me, our diets aren’t supposed to be sensational and sexy. A real, true, healthy lifestyle isn’t always labeled perfectly. Ya know what I am saying? I want to do a whole post and a whole podcast ep on this!!!
12. I am obsessed with listening to this 444 Herz frequency music on YouTube. It plays 24/7 while I am writing my book. Tune into it to get a taste of my current vibe. 🙂
13. Speaking of playlists, I created this special Spotify playlist for us for the Summer! The first of many!! Follow me there and come listen, fam!! What songs am I missing?!
Okay, that’s it for today! I hope everyone is having a fab week so far! How are my besties doing?! I missed you last week!! XO