Hello to my sweetest humans in the world, happy Tuesday, and happy October! Fall is undoubtedly my favorite time of year, and October is my favorite month. Not just because I’m a Libra, but also because I love when the weather starts to change, the leaves start to fall, life gets a little cozier, and everyone starts to get excited for the holidays. And now being a mama, Halloween is so fun to think about & I just love being festive with all the things.
What’s your favorite month or season? I always love hearing stuff like that from everyone! Maybe I will have my Gen Z assistant show me how to include a poll in this blog post so next time I can poll ya on something fun. 😉
Alright, shall we get into today’s 12 things?!
12 Things Tuesday, Baby!
1. Today I am feeling sooo organized & on top of my shit, because I have my journal opened up to a lengthy to-do list and I am working my way through it quite nicely. & it’s only 10:43am (on a Monday – writing this a day before it comes out!) so I am feeling productive and on top of it. A welcome feeling since I kind of slept terribly last night. Jonathan was at a Coldplay concert with his brother and he got home at midnight and it kind of threw off our whole nighttime routine!!! Since I am such a routine girly now.
2. In fact I am feeling so organized and on top of it this morning, I texted my chiropractor’s office to see if I could push my standing appointment by an hour so that I could stay in the flow. It is such a good feeling to be in the flooooww. Emails, getting back to people, morning coffee, podcast research for my guests tomorrow, and something VERY effing exciting which I will share below…
3. This morning, I sent off my BOOK PROPOSAL to my literary agent!!! This has been such a long time coming. One of my best friends Krista (you guys know her from the pod & her own amazing pod, Almost 30) reminded me to celebrate and be in this moment. It’s not just the work I have done on the proposal this year… it’s the years that led up to this point. It’s the sickness and then the healing journey. It’s my flipping life. And to finish it, especially when I went through many years of thinking I never ever would be able to harness my inner power to do so, feels like the biggest relief & breath of fresh air imaginable. The relief is palpable. I am so excited to see where this journey takes me… sending it to her is only just the beginning!
4. I have said this before but I do not feel I have a mysterious bone in my body where I can be one of those bloggers who keeps their book journey a secret until a deal is signed, or a pre-order is released. I much prefer to take you all along for the ride. Just promise me you’ll still care and be equally excited when the pre-orders finally become available!!!! <3
5. Friends like this. 🥹 When I texted a few of my besties that I sent in my proposal, they were so supportive. It really reminded me to bask in this feeling of accomplishment and joy. I am so grateful.
6. OBVI I turned it in on a 201 day!!! EEK!!! Which reminds me, Libra season is the perfect time to shop the 201 Crew & the whole angel number collection!!!
7. And for those who have already shopped and have been super patient to receive your hoodies, they finally went out from the warehouse yesterday!!!! Tees and mugs went out earlier but hoodies needed to arrive to the warehouse first because they are the only thing we didn’t do Print on Demand for (because I was such a stickler about text sizing on the back I wanted to invest more and get them printed beforehand). When I tell you I would like to fly there myself and pack, ship, and send these all to you, trust me when I say that was about to happen. I am so sorry for any delay. I wish I was able to have more control over that part of the process. But it’s probably good that I remain on the creative side of the street. <3
8. Jonathan and I have been watching SUITS on Netflix and we are so so obsessed. It’s so fun to have a light-hearted but still very well-written & smart show to watch together at the end of a lonnngg day and just laugh and be together. I love it. Who knew I would be so in love with Harvey Specter & Mike Ross?! Who else watches?!
9. Watching Suits also makes me finally a tad bit interested in Meghan Markle. I swear I was one of the only people for so, so long who did not have a care in the world about her or anything royal for that matter. I am not sure why the thought of hearing about her always bored me so much. But now watching her on Suits, I get the hype. I am more invested now. Now I’d love to know all the things about her — lol!! Typical me.
10. Speaking of Jonathan… whooooo has listened to our episode together from last week?! It was SUCH A SPECIAL one, and probably my favorite that we have done together. We talk couple’s therapy, divine masculinity, parenting, finances in marriage, how we knew each other were the one, and so much more. Episode 335 of the show, wherever you listen to podcasts!
11. & speaking of the show… we also had a bonus episode go live last Friday, a solo!! My top 10 tips for upleveling your life. It is a favorite as well. Just really a life update in the form of something I hope is super valuable, helpful & tangible for you. Who has tuned in? Who plans to?!
12. We are going to CABO next week for my BIRTHDAYYYY! I am so elated!!!! I can’t believe it!! Only one more blog post before I turn 33 & enter my Jesus year, my lucky angel number year, I am ready for it. ;))) !!!!
13. Ps the main image of this post is my designed October Intentions, which I used to post monthly!!! I still write them every month, every full moon, every new moon… if not more often than that! Should I do an intentions breakdown post for you guys this week!?!?