Hello, hello to my favorite people in the world! When this post goes live I will be on a plane to Kauai… ahhh! I am so excited. I will definitely do a Kauai travel guide + musts list when I return, that is always a big request from you guys. I just searched my blog because I know I have done a previous Kauai guide but that was back in 2016 — WHAT?! I was a different person back then lol. So an updated one is coming your way!
How are all of my faves today? Tell meee!! You know hearing from you in the comments of the blog is one of my top favorite things in the world. ♡
12 Things Tuesday //
1. I had a meeting in NYC recently about my brand and the first thing that came up was one of the women said, “I checked your blog to see if you still actually blogged, and to my surprise… you really actually do.” 😂 Guys. I am a blogger who blogs. I will always blog. I will forever miss the days when blogging regularly was something that more people did and when reading blogs was new, exciting, and part of MANY of our daily routines. Who was an OG blog reader?! Of mine or any others?
2. Speaking of OG bloggers. I had Tezza Barton, creator of the Tezza App and all around most creative human in the world, on the podcast last week. It will be coming out in about a month. It was one of my favorite conversations to date. She is just as gorgeous, well-spoken, creative, smart, and powerhouse-esque in real life as she is online. It was an honor and a total manifested moment. I can’t wait for you guys to hear it!
3. Some other OG bloggers I will always love: Amber Fillerup (duh, we both have Atticus’s!), Cara Loren, Chiara Ferragni of The Blonde Salad (first blog I ever even heard of), Lauryn Bosstick of TSC of course (check out this VERY OLD blog swap we did, omg!), Geri Hirsch who is also a dear friend, Rachel Parcell, Earthy Andy & Loni Jane. To name a FEW. Because I will always, always love that OG blog life. It is very cool to see how every single one of these women have transformed their brand over time!
4. Who are your favorite bloggers? Even if they don’t blog anymore, I want to know. Also on that note, fave YouTubers?!
5. I ask because I’d love some YouTube inspiration. I am planning on vlogging our trip to Kauai. But I haven’t vlogged in FOREVER so wish me luck!! What do people like to see on YT these days?!
6. Also, all of the recent pod episodes can be found on my YT now, and I highly recommend checking those out! We have new thumbnails and they’re a fun vibe. Especially recommend checking out the episode from last month with The Anxiety MD, it was LIFE CHANGING and I am never over it. If you struggle with anxiety of any kind, that convo is for you.
7. There is something in the air lately where shit just feels out of whack. Is it just me? Last week our nanny couldn’t come in, Attie and I caught bad colds, things with work kept getting delayed, my parents left town so we didn’t have any additional help when it was super needed, Jonathan had an extra stressful week, I knew I had to get ahead before Kauai and that was barely able to happen, the list goes on… and I FELT that Gemini full moon. Did you?!?! It was an emotional rollercoaster. When it passed I was hoping things would ease up, but they didn’t, lol!! Oh and I have had a lot of chronic fatigue for the first time in a while. So… lots of things. You feeling it?
8. I know I have mentioned this, but Jonathan and I are deep into watching Suits. We are about ten years late to the party, lol. But it is SO good, we are hooked, and can’t get enough!! We are currently on season 6… and I am already depressed that it ends after season 8 because watching it has become such a staple for us. If you’re looking for a good show to get into, especially with your husband/partner, I recommend it HIGHLY. My dad loved it too. And we’re all picky so you can trust us. 😉
9. This is my reminder to you to take a self-care day this December!!! You deserve it. Get your nails done, book a massage, a reflexology appt, or romance yourself with a candlelit bath + a technology-free night. This is the time of year to wind down and we all really freaking deserve it.
10. I am LOVING this quote lately, I am not even sure who it’s attributed to (if you know, tell me), but I saw it on IG and I want to frame it in my room! “When you realize everyone is a projection of how they feel internally, you take a whole lot less to heart. It doesn’t mean you need to accept disrespect, but it does mean you can go about your life, paying less attention to unnecessary behavior, and focus on better things instead.” Mic drop. Boom. Don’t let other people’s behavior (toward you especially) get you down… it’s all a projection of their inner world. Keep your side of the street clean, and the rest will unfold as it is meant to.
11. I went to my dear friend Lacy Phillip’s To Be Magnetic speaking tour on Saturday, and IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I am always so blown away by my friends and the work they put into the world. I thought I had soaked in everything I possibly could from the TBM world over the last many years, but I swear I was introduced to tons of new concepts and ways of looking at manifestation that led to an absolute breakthrough moment for me at the event. During the meditation (deep imagining is what she calls it), half the room was crying. I felt the energy of everyone so strongly. It was a very special event and I am still buzzing from it… AND, similar to Lacy, I don’t even go to events… EVER! Lol. It was worth it beyond. Also, tune into the episode we did together on TBB earlier this year, it was so so so so good. Our favorite that we’ve done together.
12. Whenever I feel sad about a friendship shifting or I feel I’m being treated poorly by someone I care about, I remind myself how lucky I am to have my ride or dies as well as Jonathan + Atticus. I have tried to really lower my expectations and/or not place expectations on people that are not in my *innermost circle*, because we can’t control anyone outside of ourselves. I also don’t have expectations on my inner circle but they just show up 110% regardless bc that’s who they are. I am really focused on paying attention to what is GOOD in my life and not placing as much thought on the things that are “not working.” I believe that is the difference between a happy life vs. an unhappy life. Food for thought. ♡
13. In case you missed it, we have a new launch date for TBB meditation platform!!! It will now be launching on 1.2.24!! A 201 date, of course. It just felt like too much to launch during the holidays. Are you on the VIP waitlist yet?!?
Love you all so much!! Will send all the updates this week from KAUAIIII!!!! Yahoo!