Hi my loves! Happy, happy 12 things Tuesdayyyy!! How is everyone doing today? So far, today is one of those DAYS for me. Feeling absolutely everything from the eclipse, dealing with the worst migraine ever, feeling all of the pregnancy things, you knooooww how it goes. But I am so happy to get into today’s 12 things so let’s do it!
12 Things Tuesday //
1. Who is feeling this full moon lunar eclipse in Libra?! It took place yesterday at midnight, but my goodness do I still feel it. The intensity is *palpable.* Yesterday morning I felt like I was having a full-on ayahuasca ceremony in my room, flowing and stretching and crying and feeling it ALL. Emotions were poooouring through. I literally felt ancestors coming up & sharing so much with me, it was so emotional & beautiful & cathartic. My fellow “lunar beings” will feel me on this – we are so connected to the moon. We feel it deeply. We reflect it. It’s a lottt.
2. Thank you for introducing yourselves on last week’s post and telling me more about you! I love knowing who is on the other side of the screen. I am so lucky and grateful to have you all here. 🍀
3. Two of my main pregnancy symptoms at the moment are SPD (horrible pelvic pain) & migraines — the migraines have returned! Gahhh!! I really feel that this pregnancy has taught me so many lessons about slowing down, saying no, instilling boundaries, having to cancel so many things and put myself first, etc. & the crazy thing is that because I’ve done that so much in this pregnancy, I feel like I have also been rewarded with incredible energy, inspiration, channeling, and more during this time. I know my daughter is already teaching me so much… she is a wise one.
4. I will be 23 weeks pregnant tomorrow… baby is the size of a grapefruit! And I am feeling it!!! If you’ve never been pregnant just imagine walking around with a large grapefruit strapped to your stomach all day long (and then imagine that growing in size by like 3x over the next four months lol) — it may not sound like a lot but trust me when it’s a 24/7 thing, it is. 😂
5. The Pleiadians have been coming through soooo strongly lately. They have so much to say. I am gathering a bunch of messages from them that I will be sharing in our April 8th eclipse event in the platform — who’s joining!!!
6. My whole family is going to Barcelona tomorrow!! Originally I was planning to go too but pregnancy (and having a toddler) made things a little more complicated. I will be living through them. My niece (she is also my bff in the world) is studying abroad there this semester and I am so proud of her. She is living her best life.
7. When I studied abroad in Florence in college I started my first official blog, called “Meanwhile in Florence” !! I still look for it honestly I would LOVE to find it. I updated it every Sunday with like 10,000 word posts. Has much about me changed?! Nope, lol.
8. I have been doing sooo much yoga lately, just a ton of stretching and flowing at home and it feels amazing. It is the main thing that helps with this pelvic pain. I am so grateful for this practice which has saved me time and time and time again. What a true gift. I discovered yoga when I was 14, and I don’t know how I would have gotten through life up until this point without it. <3
9. I have Trevor Hall on repeat in the background right now and I am getting so excited to see him live at Red Rocks in June… and to spend time with him and our soul fam. I am so grateful for the incredible humans in my life.
10. I hope this post is making sense, as the migraine is making it hard to concentrate fully. 😅
11. Today my plan is to edit the kundalini videos we filmed two weeks ago with my dear friend & teacher Britt Deanda!! The vids will be up in the platform asap and I am so excited to share!!!
12. You may still be able to join the platform as a founding member at the founding members rate today!!! It is going up today, but my team is still working on the backend of it. If you see this soon, you can still be a founding member. 😉 and either way, we have made the pricing super accessible and affordable overall!! JOIN US!
Love you all so much! Who is feeling the full moon & eclipse portal? How are you feeling today? Tell me all the things! XO