Guys. Podcast Episode #1 with my BFF + super inspiring CEO and entrepreneur extraordinaire Brandin Cohen was a total blast. You guys seemed to love it (who is still planning to listen?!) and SO MANY of you subscribed and entered the giveaway.
I can’t even begin to tell you what a blast this new way of connecting with you guys has been.
Announcing giveaway winners of the MAAAAJOR WELLNESS PACKAGE (Suja! Rebbl! Vital Proteins! Siggi’s! Chameleon Cold Brew! Perfect Bar! Justin’s!) below, but first… EPISODE #2!!!!
Listen below, or if the player is not loading, go to iTunes (and subscribe, rate and review!!) or listen HERE!
For episode 2 of the podcast, I interviewed my mom, Jane Younger, who is an absolute STYLE ICON, my best friend, my travel partner, and the person who hands down knows me the absolute best.
Since my main goal with this podcast is to connect with you guys in a brand new way and share as much of myself as possible, I thought interviewing her as one of the first few episodes would only be right.
She is hysterical (in a subtle way… you’ll see what I mean by that!), and she does not hold back any ounce of the truth when it comes to what a total and complete OCD psycho weirdo I am.
How stunning is she?!?!
She also gives incredible tips on motherhood, being close to your daughter, walking the fine line between being a mom and being a BFF, how she reacted to my eating disorder, what the STRANGEST thing about me was as a kid, what she really thinks of this whole blogging career… and more!
Oh, and the surprise visit at the end of the episode from my dad just might be the best part. LOL he was so not ready for it and it is freaking hilarious.
Plus, she’s an INSANE fashionista and you need to check her out on Instagram if you haven’t yet.
LASTLY… let’s discuss GIVEAWAY WINNERS from episode #1!!!
Alexandra Conti, Tory Sheehan & Becca Reed!!
I LOVED all of your heartfelt responses and entries so, so much. It was FREAKING HARD to choose because you’re all amazing, but I narrowed it down and then ended up going with these 3. Will email all of you for your info for the PRIZES !!!
SECOND PRIZE : SUJA JUICE! (Grand Prize has Suja too, but two additional winners are getting a case of Suja on its own!!!):
Cherlyn Rumsey & Jolee Klepinger!
THIRD PRIZE : VITAL PROTEINS! (Grand Prize has Vital Proteins too, but two additional winners are getting a 10z case of Collagen Peptides!!!):
Dana Schmitz & Natalie Kelley!
Again… All of you who entered seriously rocked my world with your love & I am so appreciative of each and every subscription. I will be doing lots more giveaways to express my gratitude + remind you all HOW MUCH YOU ROCK!
And please subscribe, rate and review if you like it!! <3