Hi! Wow, what a week. I almost didn’t even blog today because I didn’t know where to begin, but then I remembered that the lovely Amanda hosts a “Thinking Out Loud” series every Thursday, and I thought – bam! The perfect excuse to ramble about my week and give a little more info about TBV Summer Cleanse!
You know I’m usually one for overly long intros, but today is not that kinda day. Let’s get right into it:
1. Last night: Ahh, last night was the JP Summer in the City event at Juice Press hosted by Arielle, Tara and myself. It was unbelievable to meet several of my readers in person for the first time, and to connect with so many healthy like-minded individuals. I love being surrounded by amazing men and women who are interested in bettering their health and living their utmost healthy lifestyle! I was getting really nervous to present my cleanse and talk about my vegan and health journey (first time public speaking since college, woah!) but the audience was so supportive and fantastic. And luckily, my two best friends were in the second row so I could lock eyes with them whenever I needed to.
Another thing that helped was that right before I went on stage, Tara lead a guided meditation and taught a few simple yoga poses. I was in the back 100% immersed in her words, and the breathing helped so. much. Couldn’t have asked for a better person to follow! And, I was so proud of her for kicking butt up there (gushy best friend) I almost forgot I was going on next.
Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came and everyone who sent their well wishes. It was the first event of many, many in the future! I had a BLAST. More photos to come when we get them back from last night’s photographer, who, by the way, was awesome.
2. Swag: Juice Press is giving away some amazing prizes to commemorate the JP Summer in the City event – including a free cleanse and a whole bunch of gift cards! Can you say free juice?! Oh, and a free TBV Apparel shirt for one lucky winner! Hashtag #jpsummerinthecity on your healthy photos on Instagram for a chance to win (and tag me, so I can see it!). Here is the lovely Alex Jay from JP in her Health is the New Black tank!
3. Relaxation: You may think I’m crazy for saying/knowing this, but today is the first day since about May 15th that I have had ZERO PLANS and zero things to immediately prepare for… and I am STOKED about it. (Now you see why I almost didn’t blog today!). I have a friend who gets into town at midnight tonight and is staying with us for the weekend (yay!), so until then I will be hanging out, catching up on emails, doing yoga, heading to the gym, and hopefully binge watching some Orange Is the New Black.
4. TBV Summer Cleanse: I know I had originally said that I was releasing TBV Summer Cleanse today, but as in the world of all things creative… we decided to push it back a few days so we can perfect it even further! The cleanse will officially be available for purchase on Saturday, and I will be leading the first email thread and cleansing group this coming Monday. Email me if you haven’t done so yet if you’d like to get on the list! Capping the email thread at 50 people, so don’t miss your chance!
5. WTF: Somehow I made the font on my computer extremely tiny… and I can’t figure out how to fix it! I am able to zoom into a particular page, but everything on my desktop, the header of websites, etc. is all really small. Can any tech savvy readers help me out?! (Funny side note: if you type in “everything on my computer is really” to Google, “small” is one of the first things that comes up. So apparently I’m not alone? But none of the answers that I can find have helped! Hmmph.
6. Food: So, remember how I said I’ve been having a few health problems and I am looking into some alternative healing methods? I’ve decided I am officially going to go into more detail about that at my event on June 23rd, and will then be blogging about it. It’s going to be hard to share, but well worth it… because who doesn’t like reading a blog post straight from someone’s vulnerable heart?!
7. Strawberries: Thank god they’re coming back into season, because there is nothing better than some seriously ripe summer berries. I had the best strawberries in my oatmeal this morning… AND I soaked them in vinegar and water yesterday, so they were sweet and clean as can be. Really weird to watch all the little hairs and crap come off of them, and they were even organic!
8. TBV Apparel: We are working on revamping The Blonde Vegan Store at the end of this week, and we will be debuting a whooole lot of the photos from last week’s photo shoot. Here is a little sneak peak. Sharing this because I think it’s a legitimate work of art – by the outrageously talented Tynan Daniels.
9. Imposters: I have noticed two Instagram accounts in the last week using variations of the name “theblondevegan” – one spelled “theeblondevegan” and one spelled “theblondevegan_”. They both stole my photos, my bio, and were more or less pretending to be me! If you come across anyone else like that, please report them and cyber slap them for me. Not cool.
10. Cuteness: When I move to LA this summer, I want to get a doggie and I want to name him Bubbles. Any breed recommendations? I’ve never had a dog before (crazy, I know) and I want a cuddly, friendly, sweet, not yappy barking kind of dog. Do share your ideas!
11. Gym: I just started Kayla Itsines’ Bikini Body Guide after hearing soooo many people rave about it. The first day kicked my butt – I was sore for 5 days! Holy crap! Can’t wait to see how it goes over the next several weeks. Will definitely keep you all posted.
How is everyone else’s week going?! Dog recommendations? Summer fruit your most excited about coming back into season?