It’s been a bit since I’ve had time to sit down and write a storytelling-esque post, which you know is my absolute favorite kind to share. Today is Saturday and it feels like a good day to sit back, relax, write from the heart & chat about some of my latest musings and favorite things with you. Yes? Yes. 🙂
Before I get into the full on story, I will tell you a bit about where I got all of the clothes I’m wearing in this post. The site is called Modcloth, and you guys– I am obsessed. They have a ton of the indie & bohemian brands that I love to wear, and they also have a huge variety of athleisure and athletic clothing. (A.k.a everything I wear in a nut shell.) Of course I am decked out in their yoga clothes and the coziest sweats of all time in this post, but they have pretty much anything you’re looking for clothing & inspiration wise. Also, THIS JOURNAL is to die for and the perfect accessory for a day or night at the beach getting your zen on.
You’ll find links to everything I am wearing in this post, but before we dive in I’ll give you this yoga mat link louuuud & clear, because I must have gotten 2874384 questions about it on Snapchat & Insta while we were shooting! Glad to know you guys love it as much as I do. More about Modcloth throughout the post, but I have a story for ya too. Okay, shall we?
The Journal of My Dreams… “All Good Things Are Wild & Free” — YES & YES.
A Glorious Day in Malibu w/ Modcloth + My Favorite Humans
If there is one thing you need to know about me and one thing only, it’s that I absolutely love being on the beach. It feeds my heart. Not just any beach though… the more touristy it is, the less pleasure I get from being there because what really resonates with me about the beach is the majestic tranquility it provides and the reminder that we as humans are really so, so small in this big huge universe of ours.
If you want me to get more specific, it’s the ocean that makes me feel that way. I am captivated by it. I think I get it from my dad — he taught me to be a fishy in the ocean when I was still too little to realize that a lot of people get creeped out by swimming down into the depths of the ocean floor. The ocean, along with yoga/running/writing, is one of the few things that brings me pure and utter peace. It silences my LOUD, anxious mind and allows me to just be. To just swim, or float, or surf, or watch in awe as the waves roll in and crash against the shore.
Living that Dreamy Mermaid Life w/ my Rise with the Asana mat, my Monday Mantra leggings, & my All in a Phase Work top. Sorry but how cute are the names of all of these items? I think they’re adorable and add to the charm… It makes me feel like I know the story behind my clothes better. Is that weird? Probably, but I’m weird so it works.
And yes, that means I am that girl who, even though I’ve grown up being surrounded by it, goes to the beach and every single time says, “Look at the ocean! Look at the waves… OMG look at the way the sun is shining on the water and making it sparkle like that, look at the colors in the water!!!” Because it fascinates me and blows me away. I am captivated by it.
To have the opportunity to spend the full afternoon on the beach in Malibu in the middle of the week and watch the sun set while shooting with my girl Danika was truly soul cleansing. Life gets busy, man, especially when you are a hustler running a couple of businesses and maintaining a brand (among other things… like training for a marathon). So carving out the time to step back and do something that invigorates you, especially while being productive at the same time, can create all the difference between having a great week and having a stressful week.
This year I have made it an uber important goal of mine to stress out FAR less. It’s just really hard to live a high vibe, productive life when your anxiety levels are high and you feel like you’re always behind on something. I felt that way ALL YEAR last year, and somehow I still managed to have an awesome year because my career was taking off & I got to publish a book. So yes, my dreams were coming true but yes, I was also a stress-basket nut ball.
Overall, living that way just doesn’t work with my lifestyle. I am not necessarily calm as a cucumber in demeanor, but I try to have a generally relaxed outlook on life, work, relationships, food (duh) & more. I do still get stressed, every single day, but it’s making sure that I incorporate days like these into my routine that help me stay balanced, flexible, happy and honestly successful. Success comes from within, and when I am in the nut ball mood that I described above I get nothing done and it’s all bad.
This outfit is legit my life in outfit form. Cozy, athletic-inspired, beachy, pajama-esque but made to be worn indoors or outdoosr, and neutral tones so I can add a fun bag, reflective sunglasses, etc. The top is my favorite because it reminds me of an old school football jersey. Anything with two stripes on the arm has my heart… I guess I have a thing for athletes (?! or I just wanna be one, haha). And the pants — hellllooo, comfy amazingness. I have also been throwing these pants on after a long run or a hot yoga class when I want to be comfy-casual but get out of my sweaty leggings or shorts.
Also, Modcloth has so many retro sunglass options that are to die. For your inner hippie flower girl ( like me ! ! ! ), CHECK THESE OUT. Ugh, love.
Oftentimes I get into this working bubble during the week where anything that doesn’t fall under my usual work routine trips me out and makes me feel like I am not getting enough done. Like I said, managing my blog, clothing line, social media accounts, workout sched, book marketing, personal life ( hehe that one is big, let me tell you… You can run from your personal probs but you can’t hide! That sounds creepy but I mean it’s true… #workaholicproblemz ) & more can be TOUGH on a girl’s weekday schedule.
But it’s days like these that bring me back to earth and remind me that no matter what is going on– at the end of the day I am FINE. I am lucky, I am productive, I am happy, I am zen, I am good.
^ New mantra, anyone?!
Also, this crazy cozy Chill You Be Mine? cardigan is life. My mom is already trying to steal it from me, and we haven’t established this yet my mom is the queen of style. I am serious, she dresses me and everyone else we know.
And another in the cardigan because this sunset was magic…
I almost didn’t mention that before we began this shoot, we had lunch at Malibu Farm on the Pier with my TBV team. Being surrounded by such amazing, driven friends & biz partners of mine really makes my heart happy so that added to the greatness of the day tenfold.
And before I go and let you have your Saturday (or your Sunday-Friday, depending on when you are reading this…!) the last thing I want to tell you about Modcloth is that it was started by two high school sweethearts in a college dorm room in 2002! They’ve since grown to 350 employees in three major cities. If that isn’t reason enough to get your booty over to their site, I don’t know what is. Oh wait I do know — THE YOGA MAT!
Love you guys. You’re all so sensational for reading this far that it hurts. (PS according to Danika, “sensational” is my word of the week.) I just feel so grateful for what I do and the people who give me the opportunity me to do it… INSPIRED & full of gratitude is an understatement. LOVE, love. Xo
Have you tried Modcloth? Have you been to Malibu Farm?!?! Both are sensational (THERE I GO AGAIN W/ THE WORD!) & worth trying for sure. But if you don’t live near Malibu then I guess you’ll have to wait to try… Modcloth you can try whenever — the beauty of the Internet 😉 !! X