Happy Friday, my loves! Today I have partnered with the U by Kotex® brand to spread the word about their Power to the Period campaign.
I was inspired by one of my dear readers, Krista Williams of The Hundred Blog, who responded to my SOUL ON FIRE post telling me that service & volunteering last weekend was what set her soul on fire.
Immediately she got me thinking — how can I incorporate more service into my TBB platform? How can I give back to causes that I believe in while also serving you guys with content that you love & wanna learn more about?
Then boom, this opp came along. Kind of the coolest, most very fateful situation I’ve been in in a while. Also, my YouTube girl crush & legitimate obsession, Ingrid Nilsen, is involved in this project which makes it even BETTAAAA because this girl rocks, and I stand behind mostly everything that she does. 🙂 How ridic cute is she in this video? I can’t handle it.
Also, regardless of the Ingrid connection, this cause really inspires me. There are 3.5 million Americans who experience homelessness each year, and the women who fall into that category have a major lack of access to period products. As a woman… take a second and imagine how awful that would be. Demoralizing, uncomfortable and unfair to say the absolute least.
After the fab Holly Sanchez tweeted about that problem, Kotex joined forces with DoSomething.org to create Power to the Period — the first ever national period products donation drive.
This is the second installment of the U by Kotex® brand’s new Period Projects — an awesome & groundbreaking series of projects, each inspired and led by a real woman who shares the brand’s passion for creating change.
Some ideas for getting involved…
- Start your own donation drive!! It would be a fun thing to do with friends & you can even start a running rally of who donates the most and do something special for whoever wins!
- Donate new boxes of products to a drive in your area — probs the most realistic for those of us who feel overwhelmed with our daily lives / routines as it is!
- VISIT your local homeless shelter and drop off a box of period products for the women who are there. If you’re lucky, you might even get to see their grateful reactions and feel like Santa Claus for a hot minute. 🙂
- Post on social using #PowertothePeriod #UByKotex to spread the word! And #tbbmademedoit so I can see. 🙂
If you’re interested in learning more about this initiative and participating yourself, you can visit this site that has all the deets!
Photo by Tamara Muth-King for Kit and Ace / Mind Body Green
DEF interested in incorporating more giveback elements on TBB as often as possible — so feel free to share your favorite causes below so we can all be in the know! And thanks to U by Kotex® and Holly Sanchez for this awesome opportunity and partnership. MUAH!
Women gotta support each other always, yo. There is no such thing as “I’m better than” or “I’m more than” — we are all in this life thing together. And those of us who are more fortunate should always take the initiative to give back. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes and think about how grateful you’d be for more fortunate women championing you through your struggles and working hard to make a change. As I’ve grown older, I have learned more and more how important putting myself in other people’s shoes are. Be COMPASSIONATE & open to new experiences and helping others.
Karma. 🙂