Sound like a mouthful to you? Because it is… in the BEST WAY.
I had to restrain myself from naming this post “Gluten-free, Paleo, Refined Sugar-free, Maca Mocha Pumpkin Banana Chocolate Chip Bread” — since it is all of those things, but homegirl’s gotta keep the post titles shorter-ish up in here!
Regardless, this pumpkin banana bread is ON another level. It’s more of a breakfast loaf as opposed to a dessert, because it’s not the sweetest thing in the universe, but that’s how I like it. So if you’re more of a sweetness-lover, feel free to add some coconut sugar or more maple into this baby!
If you’re into the slightly sweet breakfast loaf kinda thing, enjoy the natural sweetness from the bananas, the REBBL Maca Mocha elixir (we’ll get to more about that in a sec), and the small amount of maple syrup!
I am obsessed with having a big slice of banana bread or some variety of pumpkin loaf (always with chocolate chips…. always) with my coffee every morning. (My go-to Bulletproof coffee recipe is here if you were wondering!)
It is such a protein-rich, nutrient-dense breakfast to start the day with but also is easy for my sensitive tummy to digest and handle first thing in the morning… because all of the ingredients are as clean and simple as it gets.
In fact… there are only 7 ingredients in this bad boy! 6 if you want to skip out on the maple syrup and keep it real sugar-free.
I was inspired to use REBBL’s Maca Mocha elixir in this recipe for a variety of reasons. For one… maca is a stellar hormone-balancer, and you know how I feel about balancing hormones — especially first thing in the morning!
Also, it’s an adaptogen that has traditionally been used to enhance vitality, stamina and energy. It’s an awesome super-herb that helps us active peeps push ourselves to the limits while taking CARE of ourselves from the inside out in the process.
It’s also great for our adrenals — and after my eating disorder days, my adrenals were TAPPED out. So yeah, maca is my friend.
( BTW: when we experience any form of chronic stress, our adrenal glands suffer. So it’s not just eating disorders! Our adrenal glands are the tiny glands that moderate our hormones, so we want to keep them balanced + healthy. They can over-produce cortisol in times of stress, which interferes with everything from immune function to digestion to sleep to regulating our other hormones. Can also cause weight gain. Not fun. Keep them balanced! )
And specifically, REBBL’s maca is my friend, because they source their herbs and roots through a direct relationship with the grower families through a unique fair exchange program. HOW AWESOME is that?
Plus… mocha. Because chocolate is life, especially in the mornings!
Who is ready for this recipe?!? Be sure to check out REBBL‘s philosophy and product standards so you can get behind them the way I have. Organic, fair trade, real ingredients, true taste, efficacy, super-herbed… and tastes like heaven on earth.
They also give 2.5% of their net revenue to a non-profit called Not For Sale — taking a stand against human trafficking and making a difference beyond their yummy elixirs. 🙂
Ready for this recipe?! I am…!
- 2 1/2 cups almond flour
- 2 cage-free eggs
- 2 overripe bananas
- 3/4 cup REBBL maca mocha elixir
- 1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree
- 1 tablespoon maple syrup (or more if you like it sweeter!)
- 1 crumbled Lily’s dark chocolate bar (sweetened with stevia)
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a large mixing bowl. Break up the Lily’s bar into small-ish chunks.
- IF the mixture is feeling more liquid-y and less doughy, add more almond flour until a thicker dough is formed. (I had to add a lot here… I think I got a little Rebbl-happy, lol.)
- Grease a small baking pan (I use coconut oil), and pour mixture in.
- Bake for 35-45 minutes, or until golden brown.
And VOILA, enjoy!! SUPER healthy and makes the yummiest breakfast, coffee-dipper, or healthy post-workout snack / dessert. 🙂 SO INTO IT!